tips to stop eating too much at night

Anyone have any tips to help stop eating so much at night? I wind up eating well the whole day and then eating chips or something bad late at night like 9 or 10. any advice on tricks to stop myself from doing this would be much appreciated


  • drink a large glass of water about 845p and keep drinking water instead of eating.
  • Go to sleep
    brush your teeth
    gargle with some mouth wash (trust me you will not want to eat after that lol)
    chew gum
    drink water
    the list goes on and on I hope this helps :)
  • Maybe eat a larger meal a bit later on, when u eating your last meal? I have to go to bed sometimes I get so hungry, also a victim to the slouched on the sofa watching tv hunger monster.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    If you know it's going to happen, hold back some calories from your day to allow for this. And try and go for healthy or low fat options.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    at that point, you gotta get to bed. know your triggers, keep the food AWAY from your face, and brush your teeth/shower to avoid it. go right to bed. three weeks of beating the cravings will break the habit, guaranteed. just stick with it.

    if that doesnt work, post a STOP EATING AFTER 7PM sign on your fridge if you have to...or put a sticky note on your bag of chips that says `future summer me is going to be so disappointed she cant wear a bikini without feeling insecure` or `youre gonna regret this later!`

    sounds awful, but its true. scare-tactic yourself away from it.
  • anna_mom2two
    anna_mom2two Posts: 2 Member
    I second the brushing teeth thing... that's really helped me with late night snacking.
  • cfletch123
    cfletch123 Posts: 10
    When you get the answer to your question, tell me how to do it too. I'm perfect all day long until after dinner. Then I blow it.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Eating is my favorite night time event!

    Why would you ever want to stop?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Brush your teeth and click the "complete your entries for this day" button on MFP. The latter might not work for everyone, but I feel like I'm being dishonest with myself if I click that button and then go nosh on more food.

    That said, eating at a particular time isn't especially bad for your diet goals, unless you know that eating at certain times makes you more likely to choose foods that don't fit well in your macros or caloric goals.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i like to have a big dinner to help me feel more full. also, if you drink at night, having two many can make you hungrier.

    have smaller (less quantity) meals during the day, to save up calories at night.
  • paleopin
    paleopin Posts: 47
    Thanks so much! Yeah I think I need to have a sit down dinner at like 6 or 7 and then stop for the night. I usually wind up eating dinner/lunch around 3 and then try not to eat dinner and then get too hungry at like 10. Also the brushing teeth and mouthwash idea sounds like a good plan. will try it out tonight!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Eat less calories during the day so you can eat more at night.
  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    I floss early in the evening. I hate flossing, so I will give up snacking to avoid flossing again.
  • do you work at night, or just like to eat at night? If you have to eat at night, just try to switch to something healthy. Yogurt, granola bar, etc.
  • ndriedger
    ndriedger Posts: 77 Member
    How about just a healthier snack? Make a veggie platter to have something to munch on. If you planned a healthier snack and have it out. Chances of going to the chips are a lot less.

    Personally, I workout after 8 pm. So I have a hard time sleeping. I started to have just a snack with my daughter at supper (also I hate working out with too much food in my belly) and plan for a bigger meal after my workout and a bath. Seems to really help me sleep better. I'm stilling seeing results with eating after 8. You just need to find a system that works for you.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I either brush my teeth or have a heallthy snack. I find celery or raw carrots the best because they're crunchy like crisps so more satisfying.
  • If I didn't eat after 3 I'd probably end up chewing my arm off, my fav meal is about 5/6 ish and I make it the largest one with carbs to fill me.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    I eat 5 small meals every 2-3 hours through out the day and this has helped with late night snacking because I am not hungry at all! :)
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    I prefer to eat in the evenings so I eat only about 400 cals up until dinner and have the rest in the evenings. It's what suits me and ive had no problem losing weight.
  • Foxxy18
    Foxxy18 Posts: 119 Member
    I chew the gum that tastes like dessert... Works for me ;)