Is not Drinking Enough Water Hindering my Weigh loss ?



  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    No one even knows where the "recommended" eight glasses a day comes from.

    Hydration is important, yes....that's why we have this thing called "thirst". Gorging yourself on water is not going to "flush fat". It's only going to overtax your kidneys, make you pee out B vitamins and other vitamins that are water soluable. Have you ever taken a B-Complex vitamin? Within a couple of hours, your pee is going to be a very dark yellow. Drinking more water is only going to flush out the rest of it.

    Drink enough water to be hydrated and leave it at that. Anything more is just a useless trip to the bathroom.

    I am guessing that came from the recommended amount for a person weighing 120 pounds
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    No one even knows where the "recommended" eight glasses a day comes from.

    Hydration is important, yes....that's why we have this thing called "thirst". Gorging yourself on water is not going to "flush fat". It's only going to overtax your kidneys, make you pee out B vitamins and other vitamins that are water soluable. Have you ever taken a B-Complex vitamin? Within a couple of hours, your pee is going to be a very dark yellow. Drinking more water is only going to flush out the rest of it.

    Drink enough water to be hydrated and leave it at that. Anything more is just a useless trip to the bathroom.

    I am guessing that came from the recommended amount for a person weighing 120 pounds

    If you can prove it, I'd like to see the research. I enjoy reading, and will gladly take anyone up on a research paper they find on the subject. But so far, my research is counter to what your nutritionist is saying. And if I had a dime for every terrible piece of advice or wayward question on MFP that started with "My nutritionist said..." Well, a lot of us would be rich. You and I have lost pretty much the same weight in the same length of time. Except I started in mid-January, and I pay no real attention to how much water I get per day. I drink when I'm thirsty, and I don't believe Crystal Light or tea invalidate it as a source of moisture. Even food has water and counts towards hydration.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    (Just an article referencing the next link)

    American Chemical Society (2010, August 23). Drink water to curb weight gain? Clinical trial
    (Water curbs 75-90 calories in nonobese older adults above the age of 55. Requires 16 oz before a meal.)
    (Drinking water before a meal did not curb appetite with 21-35 age bracket)

    Impact of water intake on energy intake and weight status: a systematic review
    (Water is better than sugar sweetened drinks, but artificially sweetened drinks have no impact on energy intake...just like water. Basically, they are both zero calories.)

    The only reason water and other zero calorie drinks help people to lose weight is because they contain zero calories. Essentially, that bring us back to calories in versus calories out.

    Edit to say: The only other reason it helps people lose weight is if 16 oz. of a zero calorie drink is consumed before a meal, it might help curb apetite and thus it will aid in restricting calories.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I found it hard to drink water also

    what I did was start drinking 2 glasses and add another glass after every few days and built up that way

    anyone can add me
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    at first I had a terrible time drinking water, and then I got so used to it that I really can't drink anything else except maybe unsweet tea, it grows on you! (not literally unless you are drinking contaminated water.)
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I am for 3 litres a day. I find now that if I don't get at least 2 litres I feel very dehydrated - my body is so happy with all the fluids!

    It is a good test to know if you're getting enough water by the colour of your pee *giggles*. If it looks like lemonade then you're doing well, but if it's much darker you need more!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I have a hard time drinking my Water everyday , I pretty much maybe drink one glass a day. I have been having problems losing weight , I log on, count my calories, work out .....Does anyone think or know if not drinking enough water is making me plateau and not lose anything ? I will say that I bought 2 of the 1.5 L jugs of water and having been drinking and refilling everyday this week to see if it makes a difference

    Your diary isn't open so...

    Do you weigh and measure your foods? Include everything? Are you eating all your calories a day? Including the exercise calories you earn? Do you drink anything other than water? My doctor includes all liquids in "water" consumption. I'm not sure if just not drinking enough water will hinder your weight loss though.
  • Daymon_W
    Daymon_W Posts: 9 Member
    I am for 3 litres a day. I find now that if I don't get at least 2 litres I feel very dehydrated - my body is so happy with all the fluids!

    It is a good test to know if you're getting enough water by the colour of your pee *giggles*. If it looks like lemonade then you're doing well, but if it's much darker you need more!

    what if it's clear?
  • dennymau
    dennymau Posts: 118 Member
    I do the same :smile:
  • dennymau
    dennymau Posts: 118 Member
    [clear is good!
    I am for 3 litres a day. I find now that if I don't get at least 2 litres I feel very dehydrated - my body is so happy with all the fluids!

    It is a good test to know if you're getting enough water by the colour of your pee *giggles*. If it looks like lemonade then you're doing well, but if it's much darker you need more!

    what if it's clear?
  • motomommy1
    motomommy1 Posts: 1 Member
    If it's clear then you are probably doing really well with the water drinking.

    And for those who are not getting enough water in...
    One of the greatest tips I have ever read was by Bill Phillips in his eating for Life Cookbook, he said, "I don't sip water throughout the day, I chug water." Every snack and meal, he chugs 16 oz. of water.

    I have been following this "rule" of chugging water from my blender bottle every snack and meal and I am getting anywhere from 60oz. to 100+oz. of water a day not including the bonus sips I take of the decaf teas I drink in between meals through the day...
  • Straitlover1965
    Straitlover1965 Posts: 39 Member
    If it's clear then you are probably doing really well with the water drinking.

    Absolutely clear urine can also be a sign of your kidneys shutting down.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    If you don't drink enough water your mind can confuse thirst for hunger and in turn you will eat more.
    It's also needed to keep everything in check body-wise, so you are only doing yourself harm by not drinking enough.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I have a hard time drinking my Water everyday , I pretty much maybe drink one glass a day. I have been having problems losing weight , I log on, count my calories, work out .....Does anyone think or know if not drinking enough water is making me plateau and not lose anything ? I will say that I bought 2 of the 1.5 L jugs of water and having been drinking and refilling everyday this week to see if it makes a difference

    This is entirely possible because water is an essential part in the chemical equation for the metabolizing of stored cellulite. I think the extra water will help but without looking at your food intake and exercise, I'm not sure I have any other pointers.
  • mahlakita
    mahlakita Posts: 2
    Yes it is! Being even a little bit dehydrated lowers your metabolism.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    If you don't drink enough water your mind can confuse thirst for hunger and in turn you will eat more.
    It's also needed to keep everything in check body-wise, so you are only doing yourself harm by not drinking enough.

    The most sensible answer yet. The color of your pee is also affected by vitamins.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I am for 3 litres a day. I find now that if I don't get at least 2 litres I feel very dehydrated - my body is so happy with all the fluids!

    It is a good test to know if you're getting enough water by the colour of your pee *giggles*. If it looks like lemonade then you're doing well, but if it's much darker you need more!

    what if it's clear?
