i think my scale broke

2 weeks ago prior to starting insanity my bmi was 30.88 at 172.4 pounds (i worked out for a 9 days at gym and started insanity and now am on day 5) today i peaked at scale in the evening and it said 173.2. i almost cried i was so mad UNTIL it said my bmi is 28.39. is this possible???? im trying not to get my hopes up. im going to keep pushing regardless. i know bmi can be crap but pleeeease let this be possible!!!!
i weigh my self on a wii fit


  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Not possible to gain weight and have a lower BMI. BMI only considers weight and height. Unless you grew a couple inches?
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    no didnt grow:(
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Then something is wrong with your scale.
  • debralekicsummers
    debralekicsummers Posts: 56 Member
    Don't stress about the gain, i am also doing Insanity and the biggest results come in month 2. Stick with it is a brilliant program. Don't weigh yourself, measure and take photo's , after your 2nd month weigh, measure and take photo's again. you will be pleasantly surprised. Good luck!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    you sure you're talking about BMI and not bodyfat percentage? those scales use biolectric impedance to measure bodyfat which is very inaccurate because bloating/water weight can throw it off. Also, it is normal for people to gain "weight" when first starting any sort of higher intensity program because of fluid retention caused by muscles repairing themselves. It's not fat. You have to STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF. Use measurements to track progress. This is going to drive you nuts.