New with not much to lose


I'm new here and would love some friends so we can motivate each other. Don't have so much to lose so I find it hard to start. Anyone else in the same boat?

Height: 5'3 (163cm)
Weight: 141lbs (64kgs)
Goal weight: 125lbs (57kgs), will readjust when closer to this


  • Hey.
    I couldn't imagine us short girls losing 100 pounds! That would be ridiculous.

    I'm in the same boat.
    Start 131
    End... don't know yet probably 115?

    I'll friend you
  • spaldingas
    spaldingas Posts: 2
    I'm similarish!

    Starting weight 144lbs
    Current weight 139.5lbs
    Goal weight 126lbs

  • JenHol79
    JenHol79 Posts: 90 Member
    Same here I am 130 now and would like to get rid of my belly and tone the rest of body. I would like to be 115-120! Feel free to add me if you like