
Any hints on what to do about depression? I don't work during the week and I just sit and watch tv...hate it..have not motivation at all and life sucks...unless im with someone. I should be able to be happy and go lucky by myself as well.


  • ascotbelle
    ascotbelle Posts: 1
    Try getting a dog. I know this sounds weird but they help with depression and there is no sitting around. Dogs need a walk no matter how you feel, or what the weathers like. And best of all you will be befriended by a really nice group of people :-)
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    Vitamin D with K2 (only take them together) and also add B12. You can get a great quality spray at You NEED to get up and move the #1 way to fight Depression is through exercise no excuses just do it! Help others out instead of watching TV go help out at a food bank or some other charitable organization (church or anything)... it’s hard to be depressed if you do all of these things. You can start by telling yourself you can only watch TV when you exercise. You will decrease your viewing time and increase your exercise. Best wishes and you can pull through this. : )
  • samsteve2012
    samsteve2012 Posts: 53 Member
    i also suffer from depression so i know how you feel, it is difficult to get motivated but you have to push yourself a little at a time and you will feel better for it.
    use your time wisely if your just sat at home by chatting to people on here, they can offer great advice and tips and you might even make a few online friends.
    ive managed to loose 22lb since the 1st jan 13 so dont give up, i dont excercise, ive just been eating 1200 calories a day and watching what i eat.
    good luck :-)
  • Leh421
    Leh421 Posts: 2
    What are you watching on tv? That might be the bigger problem. I turned 51 this year, and have dealt with more depression bouts in the past year than any other time in my life. Most people say it's hormones. I think it's the reality of being over 50 and the things I wished I had done earlier in my life. I now know Motivation & Support are essential for me to succeed. Try watching movies from your past that you remember from happier times. I was a stay at home Mom of 3 girls. I know how secluded you can feel. Hang in there Beverly, :smile:
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    A combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, medication (SSRI such as Lexapro), and exercise should vanquish the depression, but it is easier said than done.

    StacieHof makes a great point regarding B vitamins; B vitamin deficiency (B12, folate, etc) *could* be linked to depression according to the Mayo Clinic and other sources.

    Good luck!
  • jvillabona
    jvillabona Posts: 9
    If all you do is watch tv try and set up small tasks that you can do during the commercial breaks. You'd be pleasantly surprised about the things you can accomplish with just a burst of work during commercial. The sense of accomplishment, hopefully, will motivate you to do more things.
    Good luck!
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    #1 way to fight Depression is through exercise no excuses just do it!

    This is what I was thinking. Get to the gym. Take some classes so you meet some positive, optimistic, energetic people.

    If all else fails though, see your doctor. Feeling down is one thing, depression is a medical condition.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I honestly would suffer from MAJOR depression during the month (especially "that time of the month".) I HATED IT!!

    Truthfully after changing my eating habits, less processed more natural, getting out and moving (long walks.) I feel much better. I have not "knock on wood" had a major down swing in my feelings for over a while.

    Also, I did as needed take 5-HTP I only needed a few pills occasionally and haven't taken any in a long time.

    Here is a thread on it from MFP:
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Try getting a dog. I know this sounds weird but they help with depression and there is no sitting around. Dogs need a walk no matter how you feel, or what the weathers like. And best of all you will be befriended by a really nice group of people :-)

    This is a great idea! I got a dog back in December and she has turned my life around. I recently moved from Chicago to Cleveland for work and did not know a soul in OH. When I got my dog, I made a lot of new friends, met a wonderful man and burn at least 85 calories per walk. The more you start walking and getting active the better you will feel. Good luck!
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    You could go for walks or to they gym. You will be occupied in a healthy way that will give you benefits that show and keep you going. get out into the sunshine. TV is the worst thing you can do - especially dramas. Play music while you do a hobby or tidy up or do other things that AREN'T the TV... and I agree with the vitamins. They have helped me immensely.
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    I struggled with depression for a long time. Was on meds, everything. I even had my kids around and it didn't make things better. When you feel depressed, you feel depressed! There are two things that have helped me. First was getting principled chiropractic care. This is not the kind of chiropractor where they twist you, snap you, wring your neck around. Instead they use a device that my kids and I call a "clicker" and they move individual joints back into place with a gentle click. Within one month of this care I was completely off my meds and feeling better. The second thing that helped me to not just be not depressed, but to feel happy again was exercise. I am not talking about having to get to a gym and do 2 hours of weights and cardio a day....nope! I do all of my exercise at home. I find videos on youtube, I play wii games like just dance or wii fit or even wii sports. I have a couple of videos on DVD, but rarely use those. I have found that it only takes 15min of exercise to give me that little emotional boost I need.
    I really hope you get freedom from this! I have been there and it SUCKS sometimes! If you can find someone in your area who does principled chiropractic, I really think you should look into it!!!!

    Edited to add:
    Not sure how close Farifield Township is to you but found this one that uses the technique I was talking about:
  • tptouchdown
    tptouchdown Posts: 30 Member
    Set your goals small. Inactivity can cause your depression, start by taking a short walk and tell yourself that you will increase the distance a little each day. Then take pride in that you are reaching your goals. First step is to get off the couch! I don't watch much TV but I understand how you can let time slip away this way. Any physical activity will help reduce your depression. I have lost 65 pounds in a year, but it was a very gradual thing. My goals were simple; just consistently try to improve. If I exercised for 15 minutes today, I wanted to get to 20 minutes a day next week. Look for people who will support you and be a positive influence on you.
  • coreysarahsmoot
    I had to go on a small dose of meds. It was about 25mg and it gave me to push to help me start making changes. Also, changing the food I was eating made a really big impact! You put crap in your body, you will feel like crap! Then I started making the efford to do work out videos at home. I was 183lbs at the time, to fat in my mind to go to a gym. So I started with the 30 day shread. It was so hard! I cried the first two weeks when I was doing it because it was so hard for me. But I kept up with it. I could not get over the change in my body and the depression. Iv gotten to the point that im slowly moving off of it. Also, I keep reg. appts. with my Dr and I very honest with her about what I am going through and feeling. I wish you luck! Know you are not alone :-)
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    I agree with ascotbelle about getting a dog!! I have a little dog that when my kids are away she is always there and thrilled to see me come home from work or anywhere. My mom would never let us have an indoor dog as a kid and I was kind of against it at first but I let my kids talk me into it and now she is part of the family and your never completly alone when you have a dog. She has been a life saver!!
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    Turn off the tv and turn on lively music that you like. Trust me, you have to make yourself do it for awhile, then it feels good so you don't want to miss it. Get outside and take a walk around the block. That's it. Just one block. The fresh air and sunshine help ease depression. (I suffered with it for 20 years) If you don't have a pet, get one. Taking care of another creature helps, plus they love you unconditionally. For me, church helps. And lots of prayer. If you cannot make yourself get up and do things for yourself, then please go see your doctor. *Sometimes* medication is in order to make you feel your old self again. Depression is a lonely and scary place to be. If you want another friend, feel free to friend me and or message me. I've been there.
  • threadlove
    threadlove Posts: 30 Member
    There's a lot of great advice here. I've struggled with depression for most of my life. In the past two years I've made a lot of changes that have helped. You can read about my journey in my blog post.

    I give some of my tips in the second part... The Rest Of The Story so if you can't relate to the first part skip it and scroll down.

    You can message me if you have any questions.

    My suggestion is that you start with forgiving yourself for watching TV, then shut it off and take a walk.
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    I honestly was very depressed until I started getting in shape. I spent too much time watching TV and drinking. Now that it's May and the weathers nice (nearly) everywhere, I suggest walking and biking, when the pools open go swimming! Even though I had very little motivation and stamina when I started, I did it last may and I would always be able to get myself to go swimming after work, I'd swim for like 10 or 15 minutes, go down the slide as a treat and then lay out for a half hour or so, get back in and do it again! Once I started losing weight I alternated swimming with water jogging when the pool was on "break" and the kids were out of the water. People looked at me like I was a nut, but it got it done and I dropped 30 lbs over the summer, felt so much better by the end of it!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I've suffered with depression for five years and some of the things that have helped me are putting on some upbeat music, and sometimes it doesn't help but alot of the time it helps me get out of the house, I listen to my music on long walks. I also like to sit outside and draw, especially in the summer. I also like to eat a big fruit salad, alot of fruit have serotonin and that can help create the feel good effect. I'm not on medication, I have been in the past but I don't want to rely on medication to make me feel okay. Keep strong xx
  • mommylion
    mommylion Posts: 2 Member
    I use exercise to beat depression. It takes a couple of months, but I know it works so I just push myself to go to the park and walk.

    I could not beat it with exercise this last time however. I knew that I didn't want to go on an anti-depression medication. There are to many side effects. I searched for a different solution and ended up taking SAM-e by nature made. I managed to take the lowest dose recommended for depression, which is 400 mg. (You can take up to 1800mg for depression but you are supposed to start at the lowest dose and work your way up.) After being on that for a few weeks, the "foggy" feeling of depression started to go away and I started to be able to function again. I started walking and that helped more. I took the SAM-e for about a year and I have been off of it for a year and am still depression free. Do not try SAM-e if you have bi-polar though because it will put you in a manic state.

    Oh yea, I got a dog but that did not help me. The poor dog just didn't get the exercise he needed until I started on the SAM-e and could function again. A dog will work well if you are able to function some.
  • gymgymdazzler
    I have no shame in saying I took a course of SSRI for 6 months, suffered from real bad depression/anxiety for a long time, ican now confidently say I am free from all thoughs feeling and worrys, the 1 thing which helped me overcome it all was, I believe, not the medication at all but just learning to understand that I wasnt the only one and that I didnt have to suffer. After all it is only yourself keeping yourself ill, no one else. You have the right to change how you feel , no one can tell you different, its your body after all :) getyourself a routine going.. exercise is the best release for depression, also tell yourself every night in a mirror how amazing you are :) because you are! We all are!! :) also dont suffer alone. Telling people your story and advising them how you deal with it. you will be amazed how much better you feel when you understand your depression can serve a purpose by educating others :)