Need help

kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
I just found this site and was hoping to figure it out and hopefully lose all the weight I gained from my pregnancy plus more. I have a lot to lose and last week I started riding my exercise bike and playing dance central but I had to stop because of my knee. I hurt my knee bad a few years ago tore my acl but didn't have surgery or anything, no insurance and my daughter was only a few months old at the time. Anyways, I had to stop exercising a couple days ago because my same knee has been swollen hurting and has a big lump on the side of it. So I was wondering if anyone knew exercises to help me lose weight without using my knee too much. Also since im new any tips or advice would be great. I've tried so many times in the past to lose weight but I always cave and lose motivation. But im tired of being this way and I need to get healthier.


  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    try swimming. or maybe a rowing machine.
  • Sly_Chick09
    Sly_Chick09 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm the same way. I'm also working on losing my pregnancy weight... Have 40lbs to lose :| ... I'd love to add you and we can try to motivate eachother if you're interested. I'm looking for motivation!
  • kdg0189
    kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
    Unfortunately I don't have access to a pool or a rowing machine :(
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    what about push ups, sit ups, doing upper body weights...and for sure swimming would be a great exercise for someone limited
  • kdg0189
    kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
    That sounds great. I too actually put on 40 pounds during my pregnancy. I hate putting my weight but I weight about 225 now. I need to lose about 100 pounds to be at my ideal weight. I just can't believe I let it get this bad. I just never can seem to lose weight. I get so tired of trying, but I'm at the point where I am always tired and hurt each day and I'm only 24 and I feel so much older. I really need to start losing weight but I feel so lost and don't know how to start or what to do.
  • cnblevins
    cnblevins Posts: 9
    Try doing are on the floor the whole time and it doesn't even feel like your working out until you try to stand me you will feel it in your legs and abdomen! It also makes your body feel really good and stretched! :wink:
  • copple95
    copple95 Posts: 9
    Hi, I don't usually give advise about weight loss since I am in the same boat as most everyone else on this site. I don't have a lot of time to exercise but walking has always been the best for me. I do Wii with my daughter...Just dance and Zumba. I am losing weight slow and steady. I did however find some things to help me so I did not have to exercise as much but would still lose. We didn't gain the weight over night and we won't lose it over night either. I started doing smoothies in the am but also started this Fat Flush Water aka FFW. Boy has it helped. Here is the youtube video...I have lost 6 lbs since last Sunday and it helps curb my cravings..Good luck and God Bless!
  • hbfirstlady
    hbfirstlady Posts: 11 Member
    The doctor told me three things would be okay: Elliptical trainer, bike and swimming. You can also lift weights using a bench (sitting down most of the time). Where there is a will there's a way. :smile:
  • kdg0189
    kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
    Have you lost weight doing Pilates? How long do you do it and how often?
  • cnblevins
    cnblevins Posts: 9
    Have you lost weight doing Pilates? How long do you do it and how often?

    Yes I have lost weight and toned my body doing Pilates. I do three 25 min workouts a week; Mon, Wed and Fri...exercise is forbidden in my house on weekends! :wink: Sometimes I will throw in a full hour on another day as well.
  • raeormsby
    raeormsby Posts: 1 Member
    Hope this helps. I started last July just walking briskly about 45 minutes a day and using the My Fitness Pal calculator to help monitor my caloric intake. Nothing else. I upped my walking to 60 minutes a couple of months later and added 30 sit ups. I modified my eating habits by doing salads at lunch with only olive oil & vinegar now with Wish Bone dressings like the Greek and Balsamic vinaigrette Lite. I ate the light soups, Progresso and Campbell's for dinner, breakfast was usually low sugar oatmeal [which I love] or a Chobani yoghurt. I also had an afternoon snack of a pear or orange. All that to say, I had to change what I was shoving in my mouth and be accountable for my eating habits. I eat healthier and still treated myself occasionally, two or three times a week. With the exercise calories earned giving me more I could go up or beyond the baseline and still use the extra calories as a buffer. I set the goal at 2 pounds a week and have lost just about 60 pounds. I dropped the goal to 1.5 pounds until I get to maintenance; which I anticipate will be this summer. Be encouraged. Everyone I have shared MFP with has had GREAT success. It will take drive, will power and discipline. When others were chowing down, there I would be eating my salad. But now I have so many that ask me what I did to lose 5-6 inches off my waist, two inches off my neck and drop my blood pressure about 30 points. Both my doctor and cardiologist are very pleased with my journey. Be encouraged, you are not alone. Praying for your success.
  • cnblevins
    cnblevins Posts: 9
    Have you lost weight doing Pilates? How long do you do it and how often?

    Yes I have lost weight and toned my body doing Pilates. I do three 25 min workouts a week; Mon, Wed and Fri...exercise is forbidden in my house on weekends! :wink: Sometimes I will throw in a full hour on another day as well.

    I can tell you that my husband once told me as I was doing Pilates and I quote "that's so easy". He got down on the floor and couldn't even complete the whole 25 minute workout...LOL Now he's right there with me every time and has lost a few inches off of his waistline too!
  • kdg0189
    kdg0189 Posts: 26 Member
    Do you watch dvds or something like that? Is there a particular one you would recommend?
  • cnblevins
    cnblevins Posts: 9
    Do you watch dvds or something like that? Is there a particular one you would recommend?

    Winsor Pilates on DVD, there are several different workouts to chose from. I would suggest purchasing two different ones so you can switch up and not get bored!
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    I have a bone spur on my knee cap! So I know the feeling about the knees! I did use this program that did not require any working out. Lasted 21 days and i lost 15lbs. If you want more info let me know. Would be happy to share. :)