Terrible Eatting Habits Advice On How To Fix Them



  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I say one step at a time. Pick something about your diet that's bad and stop. You have to decide where's best to start. I agree with most that soda is a great place, but only if that's where your head's at. There are lots of things you can do:
    1. Switch out white bread with whole wheat, or better yet, buy high fiber/low calorie alternatives like Joseph's pita bread or Arnold sandwich flats.
    2. Cut way back on the cheese you consume. Get a hamburger instead of a cheese burger.
    3. Commit to doubling the amount of vegetables you eat on a daily basis.
    4. Commit to a healthier breakfast

    Remember - this isn't a race and what works for others may or may not work for you. The important thing is that you choose to do something - anything - to improve your health. Once you're successful with one thing, it'll be easier to take the next step.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    See I haven't been doing much on the site and well I want to fix that so this is more about trying to find a starting point. I have still been losing a little bit of weight but not enough to really count. I have lost like 8 inches before even with my terrible diet but I was much more active and theres really no way for me to get that active again so I want to fix both. I'm aware its a lot of calories normally I don't think about it. In the past i've had as much as 2 two liters of soda a day or half a 12 pack of cans. And I realize how terrible that is for me and that if i'm not careful I could end up with diabetes. So this is kind of a thing of I need to be healthier overall and figure out a way to retrain my body to eat better. With this I'll be trying a few different work out programs to see what fits me and since summer here and i love the water i'll be making it a goal to go to the pool at least once to twice a week. I know there isn't really a how to guide on this stuff sadly you just gotta kind of suck it up and do it. But I'm turning 21 in a week. I want to be healthier and i want my body to match the self-confidence i'm finally building up.
    I'm supposed to have 1340 calories a day.

    I'd suggest as a first step start tracking everything now. Whether you continue drinking 2 two liters of coke a day or switch to diet coke or water.
  • ispearing
    ispearing Posts: 9 Member
    start slow. First cut the soda, then limit sweets. I know I like snacking so I have found three favorite snacks, baby carrots with spinach veggie dip or fat free pretzel sticks, and lastly Clancy's veggie chips from Aldi's they taste amazing. try drinking green tea with a little sugar to substitute soda it has a great taste or you can try sparkling water taste great. For your meals instead of having a side dish of rice or pasta just have the meat with a salad and vegetables. that is what I do. You can make a salad taste so good and different each time you make it be creative. I always make my salads with cucumbers mixed veggies or steamed peas with whatever meat I make. Oh you can also try chili salad. Try these small changes along with exercise some weight will come off and gradually learn how to eat healthier without going cold turkey
  • Kiwi_09
    Kiwi_09 Posts: 65
    I'm a big fan of Zevia, it's a diet drink with no artificial sweeteners. It uses stevia which is a natural zero calorie sweetener.
    There are some people who claim it's not good either, but I like it better than aspartame.

    I'm a super picky eater, but I'm trying to eat better. I google recipes meant for children that hide vegetables in things. I try to eat one new thing a month, and try it more than once. Usually by the third time I like it, sometimes I actually really like it on the first try!

    I'm also working to eating only natural organic foods, so instead of eating a burger out somewhere I make it at home with natural organic meats, cheeses, etc. Still tasty, but will make your feel much better.
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a big fan of Zevia, it's a diet drink with no artificial sweeteners. It uses stevia which is a natural zero calorie sweetener.
    There are some people who claim it's not good either, but I like it better than aspartame.

    I'm a super picky eater, but I'm trying to eat better. I google recipes meant for children that hide vegetables in things. I try to eat one new thing a month, and try it more than once. Usually by the third time I like it, sometimes I actually really like it on the first try!

    I'm also working to eating only natural organic foods, so instead of eating a burger out somewhere I make it at home with natural organic meats, cheeses, etc. Still tasty, but will make your feel much better.

    I'm probably gonna use that as I'm super picky to and I'm not much of a vegetable person unless its covered in butter and salt i.e bad for you. Also the only way i eat salads are with lots of meat cheese and croutons soooo i need to find a way to fix that. Like i haven't tried many of the vegetables that go good on salads but i know i don't like tomatoes. Carrots i don't mind and every now and again I'll eat a cucumber or two that's in my salad. but otherwise what do you guys think i should try out to get my salad to be a little better.
    Going to start with an experiment and eat as i normally would today and track everything I eat to see what my normal calorie intake is.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    Sounds like you eat the same way my husband does. His favorites are not healthy stuff and the only things he knows how to cook involve ground beef and velveeta. I'm really intimidated by cooking, but I've learned some really easy things. Like defrost a chicken breast and grill it on the foreman grill with some seasonings. I used to eat a lot of frozen processed foods just for the ease of it, but as I learn how to prepare other things with very few ingredients its easier to avoid that kind of stuff. I also don't "diet". I know that if I am too obsessive about it then I'll fall off the wagon and eat crap and gain all the weight back. I log all my food, but I'm not counting exactly how many peas I ate. I only make a change if I know I can stick with it. If it's something I really like, I make it fit into my calorie goals.
    Feel free to friend me if you need some incredible simple food ideas or just support. My diary is open to friends.
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    What I logged in
    -1,217 -78 -76 -73 -3,470 -110
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

    What I'm supposed to have
    1,400 193 47 53 2,500 28
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

    So 2617 calories 271 carbs 123 fat 126protein 5970 sodium and 138 sugar

    These are my numbers for today. I logged today 3 sodas (2 cokes one pepsi). a hungry man, a serving of lasagna, and eating out at ihop a breakfast sampler. 2617 calories when i'm suppose to be eating 1400. So tomorrow I'm gonna try switching out the sodas and still eat whatever and see what happens. See how they are all very easy to make meals. the lasangna was made in the microwave as was the hungry man and ihop is well ihop. So cutting out the sodas and trying to replce them with juice, tea, and water we'll see what a difference it'll make. Also we'll be cleaning all day so i will take into consideration the calories burning while we're cleaning. I didn't mange to start hip hops abs like i wanted to I'm going to wait until the rooms clean and i have more space to do it before I get started on that.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Can I ask were honestly hungry or just bored eating?
    Why not switch to Lean Cuisines or other microwave diet food for now?
    Also when you were at IHOP could you have gotten a LARGE salad instead?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    My advice, as a person with a serious sweet tooth and tendency to guzzle soda, is to make small changes everyday. Swap out something bad everyday, then stick with it.

    I use to drink my tea with cream and sugar (yes my tea) now I use splenda and lemon juice. I had a sweets craving just now, a month ago I would have baked cookies and had coco with whipped cream; tonight I had strawberry Greek yogurt with two squares of Hershey special dark chocolate chopped up and stirred inside. (Delicious, btw.) Little changes are better than no changes, right?
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    How to Grow Up And Cook a Decent Meal:
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    Can I ask were honestly hungry or just bored eating?
    Why not switch to Lean Cuisines or other microwave diet food for now?
    Also when you were at IHOP could you have gotten a LARGE salad instead?
    Yes I did try to make sure I only ate when I was actually hungry otherwise i would've had more. the one serving o lasanga didn't fill me up. I have to be careful about the lean cuisines i get because they tend to not fill me up and i tend to add salts and butters to them which i know defeat the purpose but yes i do plan on getting more healthy microwave meals for when i just have to have something quick. And yes i could have gotten a salad from IHOP. This was just to see a guesstimate of how many calories i am eating everyday and to see how off from what i should be eating I really am. Oh forgot to add that i did log the butter and cheese i added to the hungry man that i have always added and i never realized i was adding an extra 147 calories just by doing that. So this is more to show myself what I'm doing wrong. What small things can I change each time to lower that number. If i hadn't added anything to the hungry man and i drank all water today that would have been 507 calories I could have saved myself. I would've cut my overage in half. Half of the overage of calories was soda, butter, and one slice of cheese. That's huge.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Half of the overage of calories was soda, butter, and one slice of cheese. That's huge.

    That is, and like everyone says start small if you feel better and safer that way.

    :-) YOu can do it! It's not easy but it's so worth it!
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I'm not sure if it's a regional thing or what, but all the carbonated water I can remember seeing doesn't have any aspartame. Although, thinking about it, the ones I go for tend to be called mineral water, so maybe that's got something to do with it. Perrier is my standby because the store next to my work carries it cheap.
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    I'm not sure if it's a regional thing or what, but all the carbonated water I can remember seeing doesn't have any aspartame. Although, thinking about it, the ones I go for tend to be called mineral water, so maybe that's got something to do with it. Perrier is my standby because the store next to my work carries it cheap.
    The ones I'm talking about are ones me and my mom like from walmart and sams club. Whats the name of your water and what store do you get it at. I'll have to try it.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member

    I find it helps to think in terms of changing habits rather than being 'on a diet', and only changing one habit at a time. Learning to cook is part of that process and is fun!

    I will be interested o hear how you get on!


    I like to think of it as a lifestyle change. Maybe you aren't on a diet pre-say in the terms of Atkins or South Beach (or I dunno whatever else is out there), but you make healthier lifestyle changes. Remember you can always eat what you want, just maybe in a smaller portion.

    Get used to measuring out your food. And yes make baby step changes if that works for you better. I find I do better if I jump cold turkey ****s to the wall.

    I'm a little scared to try cold turkey but I mean if I find going slow doesn't work I might just take the chance and jump in head first.

    This may have already been addressed, but as someone who has recently walked away from diet sodas (concious rationing to keep the intake at 2 liters per day, or I'd have guzzled up to 6!), here is what I did:

    I invested in a carbonater - doesn't matter what brand, but I found the sodastream brand at Walmart. They have some off-the-shelf flavors you can add to the water once it's carbonated, both diet and regular. I can't drink the regulars, and didn't like the splenda option of the diet varieties (splenda makes my stomach go nuts and upsets the rest of the system along the way... not a pretty picture!)
    Then, I experimented with some of the low calorie on-the-go juice drink mixes. I've been away from sweet stuff long enough that the super sweet varieties didn't appeal, and the tarter flavors did. Now, I STILL go through between 2 and 6 L of carbonated fluids, but it is all from the juice drinks, NOT from the diet sodas. Granted, the flavors I prefer still have aspartamine in them, I have heard that some of the crystal light flavors do not. If you want to try out the option before committing to the carbonator first, you can always get a cheap bottle of club soda, and your choice of flavoring first.

    That was my SECOND nasty habit to break. The first was the sugars.

    Sugary sweets were not just something I craved, they were something I LIVED on - sugary cereal, sugary snack cakes, candy bars, you name it. If it was sweet, in the house (or I could afford it) it was MINE. Often one or more of these items would make up an entire meal (on top of the regular foods I was eating.) I shudder to think of the calories I was consuming!

    I started fighting this with a few SMALL changes - since I loved snack cakes, I cut out everything BUT the snack cakes. Then, I started limiting the snack cakes to once per week. (I can guarantee you the box did NOT last the entire week!) Then, I started substituting the snack cakes with healthier options - granola bars, pre-made trail mixes with fruit and/or yogurt bites (can't remember the variety, but it's at Walmart). When I could get to a point where I could portion control the trail mix, I started substituting THAT with sweet fruit choices (pineapple, grapes, ect.) in any quantity that satisfied. THEN, I started working on portion control for the fruit. Never did get the last phase fully implemented because I had finally broken the sugar addiction, and super sweet things didn't taste good any more.

    Now, if I crave something "sweet" a scoop of protein powder in a cup of yogurt is enough, and almost too sweet still. But, until the body decreed that sugary things were a no-go, I did NOT make anything taboo. I put restrictions in place, but because these items were NOT forbidden, it left a pressure valve to relieve the stress while I was making the changes.

    It is NOT easy, but it IS completely doable in a shorter time than you would probably think.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I'm not sure if it's a regional thing or what, but all the carbonated water I can remember seeing doesn't have any aspartame. Although, thinking about it, the ones I go for tend to be called mineral water, so maybe that's got something to do with it. Perrier is my standby because the store next to my work carries it cheap.
    The ones I'm talking about are ones me and my mom like from walmart and sams club. Whats the name of your water and what store do you get it at. I'll have to try it.

    Well, the store is a tiny local Polish shop, so I don't think you'd be able to find that particular one, seeing as you live in a completely different country. ;) But the brand is Perrier, and you can get it at Sam's Club for sure! http://www.samsclub.com/sams/perrier-sparkling-mineral-water-24-11-oz/154962.ip

    (I'm not sure about their flavoured sparkling water, since I favour the plain, but I believe that has neither sugar nor aspartame too)
  • Raven2evil
    Raven2evil Posts: 73 Member
    I'm not sure if it's a regional thing or what, but all the carbonated water I can remember seeing doesn't have any aspartame. Although, thinking about it, the ones I go for tend to be called mineral water, so maybe that's got something to do with it. Perrier is my standby because the store next to my work carries it cheap.
    The ones I'm talking about are ones me and my mom like from walmart and sams club. Whats the name of your water and what store do you get it at. I'll have to try it.

    Well, the store is a tiny local Polish shop, so I don't think you'd be able to find that particular one, seeing as you live in a completely different country. ;) But the brand is Perrier, and you can get it at Sam's Club for sure! http://www.samsclub.com/sams/perrier-sparkling-mineral-water-24-11-oz/154962.ip

    (I'm not sure about their flavoured sparkling water, since I favour the plain, but I believe that has neither sugar nor aspartame too)

    Oh those things I've seen them around from time to time. I've never tried one though. I'll have to change that
  • beckymlong
    beckymlong Posts: 111 Member
    As others have said cut back on the soda, I swapped to fruit teas sweet but better for you, secondly look at people's diaries there are a couple of threads going at the moment; what do you eat most and what does your shopping list look like...... Look at those for ideas, you will know what you can and can't do yet. I say bite the bullet and go for it, I eat well over all but I don't kick myself if I enjoy myself every now and then....
  • valleymum
    valleymum Posts: 33 Member
    I hear ya on the soda. Im a former two literer myself who also wanted to stay away from aspartame. Luckily I found diet gingerale with splenda. I also like to drink tea with no milk or sugar, so im lucky that way too.

    As far as food, what are some of your favorite frozen dinners? maybe u should try to pick on each week and try to make it home made, with fresh ingredients and less preservitives. u can also control sodium that way, and add more produce as filler! u could even make big batches and freeze them if u really don't like cooking. Ive lost 32 lbs now, and I eat sandwiches almost every day. Rye bread is a low cal option, and whole wheat pitas are fantastic!! stack ur sandwhiches with tonnes of produce ( lettuce, tomatoes, raw onions!) and lean deli meats such as a low sodium chicken breast. I know its hard to change ur habits, but if u really want to, then u can do it :) your stomach shrinks eventually, so u wont always feel as hungry as u do the first week of cutting portions.
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    Don't do the stuff you think are bad eating diets. Boom.