
Ok guys so I have been looking in to doing hiit (High intense interval training) because I hear it is the quickest way to burn fat the question I have though is what is a good speed to put the treadmill on for the intense part I started Out by doing 12.5mph my first time and I think that was a mistake even though it gases me and took all my energy i almost fell but It says when doing Hitt your supposed to do 80-95% of your energy so what is the number that you guys use for your intense part and then your rest part I've only done Hiit twice the second time I tried it on 9mph and I didn't feel like I was going to fall off and was able to sustain it for 30 seconds I'm doing 30 seconds intense then 1min rest which i put at 2.5mph I was also able to sustain the 12.5 mph for 30 seconds but didn't feel comfortable and felt my legs were going to give out considering that was my first time doing hiit the second time was the 9mph so what is a good speed to be doing the intense part at what Are most of you doing


  • KaltieEm
    KaltieEm Posts: 73 Member
    I don't have experience with this kind of HIIT, but I can definitely advice you on something else. Start using punctuation! Geez... You wrote a whole paragraph with not a single punctuation sing. You're a master.
  • nathan0726
    nathan0726 Posts: 4 Member
    HIIT doesnt really need to be done on a treadmill. The best way is on a track or a trail of some sort. Reasons? 1. You can't go all out on most treadmills because they do not go fast enough. 2. Training outside provides more resistance to the sprinting because you have to exert more energy to push off the ground instead of being driven by a constantly moving belt. Just my thoughts.