on the job workouts?

Does anyone know of workouts you can do that are effective while sitting at your desk?

I work at a desk, on the phone, my entire 8 hour shift....i have heard of people who workout just while sitting there...I have looked online and found a few, but i was curious as to whether or not anyone else knows of some?


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I've always wanted a little pedal thing that you can put under your desk. I've seen a couple of them, though I don't know how stable they are if you increase the resistance.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My work actually just implemented a streching/exercise routine that everyone is supposed to do in the mornings, to help avoid strains & sprains & other problems. There are several desk-type stretches that you can do (you've probably found them on-line) and believe it or not, stretching is one of the keys to good exercise and weightloss: the more flexible the less likely you are to injure yourself and your body "feels" better. You can also try getting some light ankle weights and doing some leg lifts, curls and inner thigh work while you sit or stand (if you're allowed to stand while working - I used to work in a call center/telemarketing & as long as I got results, I was allowed to stand & move around). If you get up to go to the breakroom for some coffee,tea or water, wearing ankle weights & taking the long way will help: it's not a lot, but a little at a time, slowly is the best way to make a lifestyle change (if you go to fast, you may see results quicker, but they don't last because you don't give your body & brain time to adjust & get used to the new way).
    I know some people that do some quick lunges, squats or jumping jacks in the ladies room (if no one else is in there :tongue: ) just to get the blood flowing.
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    I manage a dental office so i do have to sit at a desk most of the day, but i try to get up and stretch while im on the phone, i try to move around and clean the office more than i used to,dust, vacume etc I even file charts i dont have to just to keep on the move i know its not much but it has to be better than 8 hours of sitting at a desk, i also go for a walk on my lunch break when its not too hot.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Get a stability ball and sit on it all or most of the day. It essentially burns more calories than sitting in a chair. When I worked on the phone all day (marketing) I would frequently stand up while speaking with clients.
  • 4myheartnsoul
    I walk during my lunch break, usually 15 minutes or so. Do things like sucking in your belly and holding it, tighten your butt muscles, holding your arms straight out for 1 minute at a time and acting like you are pedaling a bike also can help.
  • Precious_Nissa
    i found the stretches online, thanks for the suggestions and I also found light low impact aerobics on www.webmd.com....thanks again...i just get tired of sitting for 8 hours when i can be creative :)
  • bazuukajoe
    bazuukajoe Posts: 49 Member
    How about you work out before or after work? Or on your days off?