I need friends with my Nike fuelband

Hello there,
I am new to MFP and would like to know if anybody has the nike fuelband. If you do, can you please add me as a friend, my name is liam jarvis and i have around 400,000 fuel right now. thanks so much I have no friends yet on the nike fuelband so if I get some that would be great!


  • Gponce19
    Gponce19 Posts: 1
    Hey add me up need some competition and motivation !
  • JennT2612
    JennT2612 Posts: 4
    I am also new to having the fuel band (about 5 days) and would love some extra motivation! S/N is JennT2612

  • jamgabbi
    jamgabbi Posts: 7
    You can add me. Jamgabbi

    Male 43 years 5 feet 8 inch 173 lbs.

    Love the band I been working hard. Feel great
  • K00zyk <--- add me up! I don't have many friends yet haha
    22 year old, male
  • Feel free to add me!

    Username esswoosh
    28 m Australia
  • Hi guys, pls add me too, 've got a new fuel band and lookin for real challenges, No Pain No Gain
  • Littlej0hn
    Littlej0hn Posts: 3 Member
    Add me:

  • add me SlimJim_1988
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    You can add me. I don't have a fuel band yet, but I plan I getting one soon!
  • same here. My user name is 'julio villanueva'
    I have about 360,000
  • Added :)
  • BebeFash
    BebeFash Posts: 5 Member
    Hola from Spain :), im 37 years old i want to lose 30 kg, im walking this is my plan waaaalk every day non stop from 5 to 8 km a day, feeling great and i can since a change in my body, i started just a week ago, so please add me :)
  • looking for some new friends and motivation :)
    s/n Bodaciousbrando