Newbie looking for support

macgirl68 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I just joined MFP and I'm finally motivated to make some changes in my lifestyle. Tired of YO YO dieting and being frustrated with the way clothes fit! Who has three different size wardrobes? I do... not good i'd like to stick with one. Need support to help keep me focused and would love any tips that may have helped you succeed!:wink:


  • horchler
    horchler Posts: 10
    Using this site has helped both my wife and I a LOT! Seeing your calories in real time and charting your progress really helps you stick with your goals. I am down 18 pounds (28 total b/c I lost 10 before finding this site) and my wife is down 8.

    You already made the hardest decision. Deciding to do something about it. The hardest time is the next week when everyhting is new to your body. After that your body starts to crave the healthy things and exercise.

    You can do it!
  • lauretta22
    lauretta22 Posts: 5 Member
    I can totally relate, my so-called "skinny jeans" have been sitting in my closet for about a year now. I usually lose weight in the summer and gain it all back by winter due to stress from exams. This website has made me very conscious of what exactly I am eating, and even though I am new as well people are very supportive. Feel free to add me if you want. Good Luck!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! It's a wonderful place where you'll find lots of support:) Here's some of the things that have worked for me;

    No eatting after 8:30 because I go to bed at 10:30,
    No soda, I was addicted so I had to go cold turkey!
    No candy or sweets if you can help it. Fruit is a great replacement.
    Exercise at least 3 times a week.

    Exercise helped give me great results, and the endorphins don't suck!

    Good luck, feel free to add me as a friend:flowerforyou:
  • Hey there guys, im brand spanking new to MFP, I like what I have seen so far with the IPHONE APP and the the calorie diary. I am getting married in July 2011 and would love to be be my ideal weight by then.

    Look forward to speaking to you all.

  • cbakeeff
    cbakeeff Posts: 1
    I am fairly new myself. This site is great! Really helps you keep track of what you are eating and how much you have left for the day. I have been on here since the beginning of July and have already lost 11pounds!!

    I have learned there is so much out there that u just don't realize how high in calories it is unless you are looking it up! Fitness pal has definitely helped change my eating habits.

    I would also love some support and any other ideas
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome to MFP from another yo you 41 year old! Add me as well if you like.
  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    Good luck to you you have made the right choice in joining here, i have lost 26 pounds so far because i lost some before this site and i have to say i have tried weight watchers and many yo yo diets all being expensive and i never stuck to them. the best thing about this besides free, is that you really learn what you are doing wrong and it helps you make better choices. i eat 4-5 times a day most times and i still eat what i want i just portion it out. my advice splurge every once in awhile if you really want something don't say i cant have it because you will most likely splurge on something else you didn't want and still not be satisfied. i allow myself guilty pleasures ever so often and i still lose weight and stick to my goals good luck

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bslclay
    bslclay Posts: 55 Member
    If you can get in the habit of tracking what you eat, sticking close to the recommended calories a day, and working out as recommended, I am sure you will see results. Remember to drink your water too. I never watched what I was eating until this site and I can't believe how many calories I was eating before. I have lost 16 pounds since April and feel much healthier and confident already! If you are looking for a lifestyle change (in my opinion the only way to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off) this is the site for you.

    If you want to add me as a friend you can. All the support is great!

    You can do it!
  • macgirl68
    macgirl68 Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for your advice. You guys know how to make a girl feel good! I really appreciate all of the tips too!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    HI macgirl68.

    Good luck on your weight loss adventure.

    I have been doing MFP for a couple of weeks now and find the support great. I have already lost 70 lbs but now want to loose another 10 to get me down to my ideal weight. I have been writing a food diary for years and have been on WW but I am stuck in a rut of counting points...or not as the case maybe and have not lost anything for weeks, but 2 weeks here and i'm back on the weight loss track 2lb off already,

    Add me as a friend if you wish and good luck

    Tx :smile:
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457 Member
    Hi Macgirl, I too am "new" to the site after using it for a while a year or so ago and after trying something else for a while I'm back!!! I too struggle with maintaining and I after I lost enough weight here a while back to go to a smaller size I took all my larger ones to the Goodwill so I wouldn't be tempted to "eat" my way back into them!! LOL! My biggest personal obstacle is being too hard on myself when I have a slip-up and causing it to spiral me downhill so that is what I am focused on changing right now! I know we can all do this when we set our minds to it and you have already made that first, most difficult step so I know positive things are coming your way!!!
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