Last 10 lbs - anyone in?!

Sorry if this is a duplicate thread...I had a look through but couldn't find any recent/active ones, if I've missed it pleeeeease point me in the right direction!

Otherwise...I'm looking to lose my last 10 lbs (well, 11 to be exact) and because I know it's going to be a challenging 10, feeling a little apprehensive about it. Is anyone else in the same position and want to get together for motivation and support and SMASH the last 10?

I'm thinking fortnightly weigh-ins, and just chatting about how we're eating and the exercise we're doing and how we're feeling, to keep morale sky high even in those weeks when the scales don't shift...



  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in!
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    I've got roughly 14 left, but otherwise, I'm in.
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Yeyy hello!

    Out of interest, how many calories are you guys eating now with not much to lose? I'm on 1500 and eating back exercise calories (unless I burn more than 500, because I tend not to go much over 2000 in any day).
  • zahraa08
    zahraa08 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all!

    I've stalled on the last 10lbs as well!
    It's frustrating...when after well deciplined diet and 5-6days exercise and still no change in sight.

    It would be a good motivation to know others are in same boat, and could help

    Best of luck to you all :)
  • I am in too :)
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I've been working on the last 10 for at least 8 months now...I get so close, but then gain a couple back and lose it only to get stuck about 3.5 pounds from goal AGAIN. I'm not giving up, though! I did not come this far to fall just short of where I wanna be. It may be "just a number", but I'm determined to see it!
  • HulaHoopQueen
    HulaHoopQueen Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in! I have about 12 pounds to go and I think this could provide the encouragement I need!

    Oh, didn't see you asked about calories, so here's what I'm trying:

    I'm trying for about 1500 calories a day. I eat back some of my exercise calories. I calculated my TDEE and my BRM. So, I try to stay somewhere between 1500 and 1800 calories a day. I always strive for about 1500 net, but mostly try to make sure I stay above 1200 net. My diary is open and I sent you a friend request, so you should be able to see it.

    I try to exercise 5 days per week, for at least 30 minutes. I recently completed C25K, but I haven't ran consistently since finishing. I had a problem with allergy-induced asthma (1st time ever having that) and was pretty winded from that. Then, about a week and a half ago, was injured from crashing my mountain bike.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I have about 15 or so to go. I keep doing the same thing. Make some progress, then period comes and hormones want me to EAT! I am trying to stay at about 1600-1900 cal/day and not really eat back any exercise calories. My plan is to eat 1600 Mon-Wed, 1700 Thurs and 1800-1900 Fri-Sun to give me some leeway for going out and such. This is my plan for the next 6 weeks or so. I would LOVE to get into the 160s again before the end of the month and then lose the last 10 lbs throughout the Summer...just as long as I don't yo yo up and down same 5 lbs. Need to just do it!!!!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Yeyy hello!

    Out of interest, how many calories are you guys eating now with not much to lose? I'm on 1500 and eating back exercise calories (unless I burn more than 500, because I tend not to go much over 2000 in any day).

    Calories: Mine is set to 1820. I'm back to fairly low carbing (because that's what works FOR ME), trying to find a balance with how many carbs I need to lose weight but still have the energy for my workout schedule. I'm not aiming for under 1800 if I can help it because I tend to burn 1000 a day (according to my HRM).

    Exercise: I teach 3 workouts a day (that I do with them) M-F and I try to run at least a 5K on Saturdays, Sundays are rest days.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i am trying so hard to lose 10-15 lbs. I weigh in at 151-154max. I am 5'10". I eat 3-5 meals a day. Mostly lower calorie things.

    ie. today I skipped breakfast, which I try not to do, but honestly, it is so hard, and eating MAKES ME HUNGRY, so why make myself hungry? I had a salad with sweet chili tuna on it. I am about to go get a soup. Drinking a fruit smoothie. Will probably go home and eat some chicken, or steak, with some steamed veggies.

    Boring right? But then I may or may not go to the gym. If I don't I will go for a 20 minute run with my pup. This is what my days normally look like. And my stomach and *kitten* will not go no where!
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    I would love to DESTROY 10 lbs.!! (16lbs. for my goal) I'm definitely in!

    29 yo
    CW: 136 lbs.
    May GW: 132 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 120 lbs
    Calories: anywhere from 1280-1500 daily, I like to keep my metabolism guessing!
    Exercise 3-5 days per week

    Let's do this thing!!
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    can we set up a group for this. that way we don't need to look for threads!
  • rljohnsufl
    rljohnsufl Posts: 48
    I've been trying to lose that last 10 lbs for a couple of years now! ;-) Actually, I lost about 20 lbs seven years ago, and I've been trying to resist putting the pounds back on. I maintained at 115 for a couple of years, but then the slide started. I remember being alarmed when I reached 117, lol. Now I'm at 124. So I have 9 lbs to go, but it might as well be 90 for all the progress I've made. : /

    My calorie goal is 1620. I have it set to very active and to lose only 1/2 lb a week. I tried doing 1500, but I was just way too hungry. If I stick to 1620 (and that's a big IF) I lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. My theoretical exercise is:

    Mon: 30 min swim
    Tues: 45 min spin (hasn't happened for a while; life gets in the way)
    Wed: 45 min weight training
    Thurs: 45 min spin
    Fri: 30 min swim
    Sat: 45 min weight training
    Sun: off or make-up workout

    Problem is, I get tired/sore or something gets cancelled or some *kitten* bombs the marathon and everything gets cancelled for the week (I'm in Boston) I end up only doing 3-4 workouts a week.

    As far as eating goes (if you're still reading lol) I eat pretty well at home and don't have junky snacks around. Mostly homemade protein bars, homemade low fat popcorn, and string cheese, hummus, veggies, fruits, kefir. But when I go to parties everything falls apart. I had chips and 2 slices of cake at a wedding shower this weekend then took home 3 cake pops and 2 big slices of cake. In my defense, the cake is one of the best I've had in a while! But 4 pieces is not necessary. DH helped me with them, but it's not like he needs to eat more junk either....sigh. Well, this is a new week!
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    I am definitely in! I'd love to lose nine pounds but I'll settle with 6 pounds. The scale doesn't want to budge anymore so I need extra motivation!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'd like to be. I'm wanting to lose another 14-ish lbs. So far, I'm losing at somewhere around a lb a week, avg, but I figure that can't last too much longer and I'm going to be bummed when I inevitably hit the wall.

    I've got my goal Cals set at 1600, but I usually eat mid 1400's so I have some leeway for accidental restaurant underestimations over the weekend or a bit of a splurge meal if I want one. I walk my dog for at least 30min a day, and lift heavy once a week. I know, the lifting doesn't sound like enough to do me much good, but you still build muscle and strength, it just happens slower.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I've been working on the last 10 lbs for 2 months now, dang plateau!

    I'm in!
  • jeffg1013
    jeffg1013 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm IN!!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'd be interested in joining a group if someone makes an official one.

    I need to lose the last 6.5lbs, but I'm thinking I'll go under 5 (so 11.5lbs total), so when I maintain I can gain back a little as I figure it out.

    Right now I'm in the Spring into Summer Challenge, which is a 15wk weigh in group for getting ready for summer. I'm also in the May 30 DS group, so I'm letting that keep me accountable. I'd suggest joining them if you haven't and are interested. :)
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    OK, group has been created! I think I invited you all but in case I missed anyone (and for anyone who hasn't posted yet who wants to get involved):

    See you there =D