Hi! Looking for 50 and over for mutual support.



  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    57 and looking to lose around 40+ lbs myself. Don't give up. It's a marathon not a sprint and its going to take time. It's about developing a healthy lifestyle not just "dieting" which doesnt work most of the time anyway! You can do this. Here for support!!!
  • uruguaya51
    uruguaya51 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi from Spring Hill, Florida. I'm new in this and trying to understand how it works, in first place my english is not very good and fluent but with a little of your help I can do it. I need to loose around 80 pounds and I'm trying since at least 20 years losing some weight and gaining maybe more each time, now in my 51 yrs old I'm feeling bad with myself and with the menopause running everything looks worse for me. I need support , ideas , tips, recipes and I have others to share with all of you. :flowerforyou:
  • chrisg1962
    I think the biggest thing we have to remember is that, in my case, I am am 100 lbs overweight and that weight took 3 or 4 yrs to put on. The gain came from a gradual loss of interest in exercise and a gradual increase in portion size. The slow and steady change in my lifestyle needs to be slowly and gradually reversed. At our age nothing is going to happen quickly or drastically without a penalty.
    The goal is to watch what we eat using the tools that the wonderful world of computers have given us. Adding exercise gradually and tracking it will hopefully help you get past the hardest part, quitting! Don't expect miracles, but do enjoy the benefits of feeling healthier and more energetic as the pounds slowly disappear. I believe in a regular treat and don't freak out if I spike on calories once every couple weeks. Just throw some exercise at it and you'll feel fine.
  • chuckleen
    Hi. I am "mature" woman and would love to offer and get support my advise is never give up. I've been at this for many years I have lost about 135 lbs I have been trying to loss the last 10-15 lbs for ever. I tell myself never give up all the time. I would love to join this "mature" group
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Hello all. There are lots of over 50's people on MFP. I've been here, plugging away, for over a year now. I think the biggest thing is to just keep at it, and as someone else said, not to expect miracles overnight. This is a great place to find like minded people to support the process.
  • AdnerbW
    AdnerbW Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning all from Tasmania. I'm 55, Ive been here since Christmas last year. I would love some friends here that are supportive. Feel free to ad me,
  • tenpoints4u
    tenpoints4u Posts: 17 Member
    I started a month ago today. I have lost 17 pounds but need to lose 100 more. I have watched my husband become almost an invalid by getting out of shape. (not from weight, but just inactivity) and decided I was not going down that road. I had decided to have the sleeve surgery when I was introduced to this app by the dietician. It has been my life saver. With the changes I would have to make post surgery already being implemented and this app to keep track I am losing. As long as I lose 2 pound a week or 5 pound a month I will stay on course and not have the surgery, but it's coming off one way or the other. I refuse to reach 60 (December 28, 2013) and be this much over weight. If I've lost more pounds by then, I'll be on track. I've cut back 1500 to 2500 calories a day from before but I'm not hungry. ONe of the new life styles I would have to do is nothing to drink 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after a meal. the liquid pushes food on through your stomach making you feel hungry and not full quicker. It is amazing what it does. I have yet to be hungry and now I'm eating 1000 to 1300 calories a day.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Hi! I am a 60 year young female who would like to friend you for support if you are willing to have an open diary, eat at least 1150 calories per day and try to exercise! Good Luck/Cindy
  • Lakeshores
    Hi, I'm 51 and looking for motivated friends. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • JoanDanko
    JoanDanko Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am 52 years old and have lost/gained weight for most of my adult life. I love to walk for exercise (used to run for many years but now I am having severe knee pain.) I recently received a cort. shot in each knee and can walk for now but told I will need surgery in the very near future. I weigh approx. 200 pounds and am 5ft. 4in. I know why I am overweight ... a constant sweet tooth. I was thrilled to hear about MyFitnessPal from some young co-workers where I teach. I know I need to lose weight as my knees are paying the price. I am determined now because of my age and hating that my clothes are snug each morning. I would love to correspond with others who are undertaking this journey.
  • tollers01
    tollers01 Posts: 3 Member
    Female and 51 here and really want to lose 100 pounds. Definitely up for some mutual support for those in the same boat. It's hard, when our metabolisms are so determined to work against us at this age!!

    I've gone (just in the last five days) back to doing low-carb, because it's historically the only thing that works for my particular body. (Note: It's a PITA, so I'm definitely not recommending it as the cure-all for everyone... it's just what happens to work for me.) After several months of trying to eat a healthy "balanced" diet and staying under 1600 calories most days, I had gained almost 10 pounds. Talk about discouraging! Now I'm seeing the scales go in the right direction again, but I'm definitely feeling the craving for the occasional Reese's! :-D
  • bb55shawn
    bb55shawn Posts: 4
    I'm 57 and started this 40 days ago, give or take, and lost 6 pounds so far. I don't weigh myself all the time, go by measurements and how your clothes fit, not pounds.
  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    Yay! I'll be your support!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I am 68 years old and restricted to my wheelchair or walker. Despite that, I have been able to drop 44 pounds since Thanksgiving.

    As so many of the other MFP folks have said..."Keep going. If you are being realistic with your daily calorie intake and willing to put a little effort into exercise once in a while...YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT." On a personal note: You might want to get your doctor to check out your lab results along the way and recommend a proper amount of calories for your body to lose weight. Some ladies think that they can eat 2,000+ calories a day and successful drop pounds. You better be doing heavy, sweaty work. if you are going eat that many calories.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    MFP is a great source for you and it will help to have some friends to cheer on and offer you support. I have lost 52 lbs in 15 months and only hit one plateau (a month ago). That amazed me that I could go a year without plateauing or gaining in a given week -- because in the past, that would happen on a fairly regular basis. I follow 1200 cals/day, exercise 3-5 times a week, and eat some of my exercise calories back. There are lots of different opinions on MFP about all off the numbers. As an older female, however, I find that 1200 works for me and allows me to lose weight (but only if I exercise along with watching my diet). Plus, the exercise will help you feel better. I have only a few pounds more to lose, so it is going more slowly. Opening your diary is best; mine is open and friend me if you want.
  • sansbuda
    sansbuda Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I 63 & I've lost 7 lbs since February. Kind of got stalled when I went on a 2 week vacation but now back at it.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm a year and a half away from 50 and would love more friends in my age group. Feel free to add me! I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and C25K, with the intention of doing two 5Ks this fall.
  • momnaags
    momnaags Posts: 1
    Hi, Please add to your group . I have just joined .I am in the over fifty group, too Looking for support and hoping to be able to support others.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 from Australia. It's persistence and patience (or stubbornness and determination), and starting over again and again at my age. What worked in my 20's and 30's doesn't now. I look at weight loss for me now as character development. :-) Was sick recently and what took 2 months (kilo and a half) to lose went back on in 1. I may be fat and in my 50's, but I have the resting heart rate of an athlete, and I'm strong. Feel free to add me, if you like.
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you like. I'm 60 with two hip replacements and want to loose 100 lbs this year. Down 36 since January thanks to this site. Love being able to track my calories daily. lets do this together.