HELP ME! I need friends :( I need some motivation!

Im new here and have no idea how this all works really...i need some friends to help motivate me!

Im trying to figure out how this site works and could use some help! :)


  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    feel free to add me Im from UK, and have been on here for 285 days now :) xx
  • sunnysteph0420
    sunnysteph0420 Posts: 16 Member
    Been here since February I need friends too !
  • suzarella
    suzarella Posts: 3
    Hi jenna

    You'll be ok. If you see this as a lifestyle change and believe in yourself it will work. A bit of patience is needed because you can't lose weight quickly. Have you entered all your data? - what weight you are, how much you would like to lose and whether you are sedentary or active?
  • Feel free to add me! :)
  • samacooper
    samacooper Posts: 28 Member
    I sent you a request, good luck finding out what all MFP has to offer!
  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    Hello! No worries, it will only get easier with time. In the beginning you'll probably run into a few problems but you can always search for the answer or ask on the forums. A lot of people follow this plan called In Place Of A Road Map (IPOARM) ( ) and though it seems complicated it does seem to work for figuring out your calorie limit. I don't suggest doing the default 1200 calories especially if you plan on exercising. Also, I suggest making small changes at first and then work into a routine that's good for you. Feel free to add me, I am happy to help if I can! :)
  • gingerninja22
    gingerninja22 Posts: 54 Member
    add me! from the UK :)
  • andrezei
    andrezei Posts: 4
    I'm new, too. Feel free to add me. Everyone needs support. :)
  • maxinecc
    maxinecc Posts: 38 Member
    feel free to add me, my diary is open so you can see what I have eaten
  • noo1981
    noo1981 Posts: 18
    hey :0) feel free to add me. i've been on here for 4 days, would like to make friends too...and gain some motivation! good luck in your quest! :)
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Feel free to add me! I log food and exercise daily and am here to motivate and be motivated : )
  • I am here for you. I need friends as well to lose 20 lbs.
  • mrsfatbird
    mrsfatbird Posts: 2
    Hi. I have used this a few times with great success but always seem to put weight back on. I also need motivation to loose 1 stone again!!!! Its a great tool to keep track of what you are eating and gets easier once you have got a good list of your usual food items.
  • gomugomu
    gomugomu Posts: 2
    Hello! Feel free to add me if you want! I'm 5'4'' and currently 110 lbs. My food diary is open to anyone!
  • BrittBrat1787
    BrittBrat1787 Posts: 136 Member
    anyone can add me as well :)
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    added - welcome
  • mikeyh12
    mikeyh12 Posts: 35 Member
    You or anyone else can add me as well!
  • dougparz
    dougparz Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me too.
  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    Feel free to add me. Member over a year. Lost 60.