Working mamas - how do you fit in exercise?

Hi all! I've been on the diet part of WW and then MFP for a while and have lost weight, only to gain it back when things get busy and I can't pay attention to what I'm eating. I think introducing exercise will make me feel better physically and keep motivated, but I'm at a loss for how to fit it in to my crazy schedule. I have a very demanding job (working 10 plus hours a day plus a 1 hour commute each way) and I try to spend any free time I have with my toddler. How do other working moms fit in exercise - how long do you work out, when, and what do you do?
Thanks very much.


  • ChefSuzzieQ
    ChefSuzzieQ Posts: 119
    I get up early, or workout on lunch or after my kids are in bed for the night.
  • nauticaboo
    nauticaboo Posts: 38 Member
    I am a single working Mom. Sometimes I leave my DD at Daycare a little longer to get a run/DVD in. Sometimes I take her out in the jogging stroller. Sometimes I let her watch and episode or two of My Little Ponies (she's 4). You could also wait until your toddler is sleep (I could never do that because my DD doesn't go to sleep until 9), or early in the morning (which I also can't do, since we already get up at 5:30).
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    I try to go for a walk on my lunch, if I can't do that, then I walk with the kids after supper. I generally do my workouts when they go to bed. I don't belong to a gym, I workout with videos.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    I get up a half hour early to squeeze in a workout. I go for a walk on my lunch at work. I do a half hour workout when I get home from work, and a half hour one after my little guy goes to bed. For my home workouts I use my stationary rowing machine, yoga, Wii games, and 30DS and Shred with Weights.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I get up at 4:30AM to workout before work. Sometimes when I do and extra one in the evening my kids join in. They are 4 and 5
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    I get up at 4:30AM to workout before work. Sometimes when I do and extra one in the evening my kids join in. They are 4 and 5

    My little guy (4-years-old) joins me in my after work workout. It is pretty cute. I usually choose something fun for that workout: one of the Wii fitness or dance games. We did the Zumba Core game together today.
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    I work out after I get home from work and usually my 6-year old daughter will join in for a bit.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Just fit it in somewhere.... Get up early or work out late.... Good luck!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    I would recommend setting time aside if it it's for an hour in the day. Whether it's getting up a little earlier in the day, lunch break or evening. What I do is I schedule my workouts on the calendar, because once it's written down you tend to fit it in. Schedule it just like a dentist appointment, hair appointment, etc and just do it. Once you get in this type of routine after a couple of weeks it becomes a lifestyle, and it's something you don't want to miss. Hope this helps and good luck.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'm up at 4:30, and I get in about 45 minutes. There's also a little workout room at the gym where my girls take gymnastics where you can still see them, so I get in an extra ellipticalm workout once a week. You could also squeeze in something at lunch or take nice ling walks with your child on the weekends. My daughters also like "dance party" when we put on music and dance around like fools. You can actually get in a decent workout. You can also use your toddler as a weight for leg lifts, squats, lunges, curls, etc.
  • bigmickeylover
    bigmickeylover Posts: 11 Member
    For me it's still a work in progress as well. I try to get to the gym 2-3 times a week and I work out a schedule with my husband so that he is home with the kids. I often have good intentions other days to do something at home but by the time I work all day, pick up kids, finally get my 7y.o. to finish his homework, and finish playing referee between him and his 3y.o. sister I'm often too worn out.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm a single working mom of a 3 yearold. Mostly I go for short runs (3-4 miles) on my lunch break 3 days during the week, there is a shower at work. I do kettlebells twice a week, usually after the little one is in bed, after 9. For my long runs on the weekend, I've been begging family for 2 hours. Pushing the jogger for 10-13 miles is agony, but I've done it.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    I get up at 445 and go to the gym while everyone else is sleeping. It starts my day off right and I feel better throughout the day because i did get my exercise in.
  • Janet4Art
    Janet4Art Posts: 7
    Oh oh, I love this question. I am a mother of four. (They're all grown now.) I really couldn't get out of the house to go to a gym regularly. What I did was use my little ones as the gym equipment. hahahah Really though, we'd make a game out of it. I'd lie on the floor on my back and a little one would lay against my lower legs. I'd bend my knees then do lower leg lifts with the toddler on my lower legs. I could do that from a chair too. I'd have the ones a bit bigger facing away from me and holding on tight as I did lower leg lifts, otherwise their faces wind up in your lap. Better to have them facing away. It's more fun for them too, because they see the room and the ceiling.

    Then lying on my back, I'd raise them up and down with my arms. Then on some days when I only had two, I'd put them in a two kid stroller and we'd walk miles. I had snacks and drinks for them and we'd stop and look at things sometimes. That would take a part of the day and we would all come home laughing.

    As you can imagine, I was pretty strong back then!

    I'm sure there are more ways to include your kids in your workout. Just keep it safe. And keep in mind this will be a bonding time. And it will teach them the fun part of working out too. As long as you keep it safe, this seems like a win win situation for both you and your child. Janet
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I usually walk after dinner and one or both of my kids will come with me. My son, who is 15, is often my best encouragement. If he sees that I'm getting tired, he'll walk backwards and talk to me, or he'll tell me I'm doing a good job and only have a little more to go. If there is a night when my kids are at their dad's for dinner, that's when I switch up the exercise and usually do some aerobic dancing. On weekends, I'm usually up before everyone else so it's walking on Saturday and toning on Sunday and the rest of the day is chores/errands/whatever I need to do. I've been dieting for four weeks now, although I just joined MFP a few days ago. I'm trying to find exercise I can stick with, so for now, it's trial and error. Like the other posts said, just squeeze it in wherever you can, even if it's a lap around the office or taking the stairs whenever you can. Good luck!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I only work a normal 40 hour week and I still have trouble. The only solution for me is to get my *kitten* up in the morning and go before work. It sucks getting out of bed that early but once I'm up and at the gym it's great, I love it. I love to get it done and over with for the day. I haven't had a gym membership in probably 5 months now... I just moved to a new city and there is a gym about 2 miles from my house so I am super excited to get a membership there!! I can go in the morning and then come back home to get my son and take him to school before work.
  • mamaNJ30
    mamaNJ30 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you ladies - very inspiring and some great ideas for how to make it work!
  • BethW01
    BethW01 Posts: 20 Member
    I get up at 4.30 am to workout. It's rough some days but I love how I have energy all day long after doing my early workout. Really gets my day going in the right direction. The most important thing is find a time that works for you and stick with it. No excuses. Those excuses get easy and they don't help you. I hear people all the time say I couldn't get up early and work out but yes they can. Just gotta figure out what is more important to you. Any rate, find the time that is best for you. Good luck!!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I work 2-10pm four days a week, on those days we get up (a 5 and 2yo) and we eat breakfast, then I go downstairs to the living room, where all the kids toys and books are, as well as my workout stuff, weights, elliptical or videos. I typically can do about an hour of whatever, while the kids play down there or in their rooms, till they start getting restless, then I give them a snack and turn on the tv in my bedroom and I can usually finish up, another 30 or so min. Then I shower while they still watch tv. Then, tv off and we play, have lunch, and I go to work, same things on my days off, I just don't go to work later. I sometimes feel they watch too much tv, but its all educational stuff so I don't feel bad enough to stop working out, I could never work out super early or late, just wouldn't work for me, I'd never stick to it. I also think the little ones have to be at least 18 months for them to be old enough to entertain themselves long enough for this to work. Any younger and they just cling to you and want to be held or picked up or personally entertained, etc. I bought both my girls little Barbie weights, they "work out" with me all the time, it's hilarious.
  • LLCoolBean
    LLCoolBean Posts: 40 Member
    I work, go to school then come home and workout in my kids room with a workout dvd while she plays or take her in the jogging stroller for a stroll or I go running without her when my husband can watch her