The worst time of the night for me.. what to do?

Hello, So I have the worst sleeping habits ever. Before I started changing my diet and limiting my calories I would stuff my face in order to sleep. I would have huge heavy meals around the clock and well.. that's why I got so big. but my problem is this. I have been eating less now for 2 weeks I did lose some weight but I am so afraid I will go back to old ways cause im sleeping weird hours. I can only really sleep during the day like I will sleep from 10 pm to 2am and then be up from 2am to 8am and then sleep till 3pm and im not working right now so that's why its also messed up but I cant seem to sleep unless my tummy is full.
I woke up at 2am and I have been starving since so I grabbed a piece of ham to hold me over till breakfast cause I don't want to sabatoge anything and I have no fruit or veggies in the house at the moment.


  • BrandiPants
    BrandiPants Posts: 41 Member
    Try drinking a bunch of water. It will give you that full feeling and flush your system out so its like two birds with one stone!
  • J_baby90
    J_baby90 Posts: 4
    hey, i have snacking problems too. When i workout at night it keeps me awake longer and I just want to eat eat eat!!! Ususally I'll take a melatonin pill , its a natural sleep aid really cheap to get at any Vitamin store or GNC. it's non addictive or habit forming so you wont get hooked on it. It really helps me sleep. && as much as I love naps I avoid them so I can sleep my 8 hours at night so I'm not eating!
  • Purpleglowingsmurf
    Purpleglowingsmurf Posts: 12 Member
    I have a MAJOR problem with eating at night! even if im not really hungry i cant help even keeps me up all night until i break down and eat something! i cant stand it anymore.... i think im going to look into the melatonin thing!!! somethings gotta give! it just i just have a bit of a hard time because bedtime is about 12 and i get up about 7 to 8 so im afraid ill over sleep! today i actually am starting to stop myself from night eating! i even asked my hunny to help me lol maybe if he tells me no ill hoping lol
  • JadeButterfly
    My biggest problem is TV time. When I'm parked on the couch watching the boob tube I want to munch. My suggestion is to get up and do something every time you think about eating. Not up and down all night long, but sometimes if I distract myself, I lose the desire to snack. OR you could do situps every time you crave. LOL just a thought!

    Insomnia sux. You may consider talking to your doc about it. You may be depressed. Meds can help, but they are short term. I have the same problem. When my husband gets up at 3:30am for work, I pretty much don't sleep after that. It's just not my normal sleep time.

    Good luck and keep us posted .
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I work at night (on-call from home) and I have the hardest time after everyone goes to bed. I have found that exercise earlier in the day helps (maybe it's motivation?) and having some kind of protein (skim milk with SF syrup seems to help or lowfat cottage cheese).

    Even though you aren't working, you should try to get on some kind of regular schedule (or so I hear). Having regular sleep habits (which I don't) is supposed to help with weight loss.

    Hope things improve for you!!!