Workout/Fitness Friends?

Hiiii all you fitness lovers!

I'm Christina. I'm new to this, and working on a new me. I just thought I'd introduce myself and hopefully get a few friends who can help motivate me (and vice versa) through my workouts and eating habits.

I hope everyone is starting the New Year off great :)


  • lizzy00125
    Happy New Year! So, what's the goal for 2012?
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    Sounds good. :D Feel free to add me. I'm starting a new this year also. Last year was horrid. xP The holidays destroyed me.
  • lena3434
    Hey, I'm new to this site too, started yesterday. It'll be great to have a fitness friend :)
  • gabbygirl84
    welcome to myfitnesspal... I have been a member for a year.. BUT of course.. have had my weight yoyo. and I seem to be back to where I started.. stupid holiday time haha.. any ways.. you can add me if you like.. My weight loss goal for this year is to lose 40lbs if more would be great.. but we shall see.. any ways.. welcome.. and good luck on your wight loss
  • karabatak
    hey, welcome! feel free to add me :) my goal this year is to lose 15-20 pounds. i (re)started working out/eating right in october, and have lost about 20 pounds so far. anyone can feel free to add me!
  • Danni1988

    My name is Danni!!! I just started today & my goal is to loose about 8kg!!!
    I would love to hear about any tips or tricks you have to help me achieve my goals!!!
    I love meeting new people aswell so feel free to add me!!!

  • Prozack1964
    welcome here hope you have a great day
  • jimmynorton24
    welcome, i am new aswell, best of luck reaching your fitness goals this year:happy:
  • change4good91
    Hello! :) I'm new as well. Welcome to MFP!! and best of luck! You can do it! :)
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    Would love to help u through your journey.. Add me if you like.. :)
  • chargermama0501
    Great outlook! You seem motivated! Keep it up!
  • Todd08
    Todd08 Posts: 80 Member
    Support always helps, Add me if you like. I have taken a few steps backwards and as well am looking for support from others.
  • natbraz33
    natbraz33 Posts: 2
    Hey I'm Nat,
    Would love to get some more people in my life with similar goals. Happy to help support others on their journey and have some support in return. Every little bit counts!