Carb Curfew

Just got a book from a friend called Carb Curfew by Joanna Hall and wondered if any of you are implementing the programme or have had success with it?


  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I googled it and it sounds sensible enough, though I'd question whether most people could manage 5pm as that would mean no carbs at all with dinner and given that the only time of day I have time to get to the gym is right after work, I feel like I need high quality carbs after I work out.... I tend to follow (vaguely) low GI/GL and so for the most part the only carbs I ever eat are not white/refined and I haven't had any problem with the issues she's trying to eliminate with her programme like bloating and lack of energy....
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Thanks for getting back to me Annie, greatly appreciated. So far in the book it does look like she has carb free dinners so I could see how that would be a struggle for those who can't work out morning or earlier.

    Thanks again :D