I Just Can't Manage to Lift More (SL5X5)



  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    how many extra calories do you eat?
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    After doing a deload week you could incorporate ideas from the Texas method or the strong shall survive techniques. It would go something like this.

    Mon will be your normal 5x5 day add 1x5 deadlifts this day

    Wed will be lower intensity. For squats do 2x5 but use a weight you can do 10 reps. Drop the deads this day and add pullups or pulldowns.

    Fri higher intensity lower volume. Work you way to 3 or even 2 rep sets.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Lots of good advice here. Be sure you're getting enough protein in your diet and getting enough rest!
  • MrsBach
    MrsBach Posts: 34 Member
    how many extra calories do you eat?

    I am on 1750 calories a day and net about 1500. This amount was determined after a metabolic assessment. I don't eat anything back. I'm trying to lose a 1/2 pound each week.

    Obviously I lift heavy 3x a week. I also run 3x a week for 30-40 minutes.
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    5x5 is the max - you have to work up to it - try 5x2
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Only for bench press and only because it's the only exercise that exacerbates a problem I have with my shoulder, so I need to be careful there.

    But because I can complete 5x5 I'm unsure a deload will get me any closer to getting over this plateau.

    If you are following the program, you're supposed to de-load...I think it's 10% or something along those lines if you miss 2 or 3 times...and then go to a 3x5 to allow for more recovery...thus getting you over the plateau...more recovery = more weight you can push and pull.

    Also, at a calorie deficit you're going to plateau faster with any strength program. I pretty much hit a wall until I went to maintenance and then started seeing good gains again.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Let's make sure we're clear on two points because terms are getting mixed up. A deload is when you take very low percentages of your 1RM, between 40% and 60% for example, and do a couple sets and 3 to 5 reps at that weight. A deload is typically used when you need to give your body a little bit of a break but not a complete break from exercise. A reset is when you subtract a percentage from your current volume, startover at that weight and work your way back up. When you hit a plateau this is one way to approach getting over the plateau.

    In this case, you'll probably want to do a reset and not a deload. If you get back to those weights and you're still struggling it could be time to move to something else. If you like the SL5x5 format then try MadCow 5x5 or like somebody else mentioned, Wendler's 5/3/1.