tips on how to not snack when bored

Anybody have any tips as to how to not snack when bored? I am finding that I am snacking a bit too much lately. Thanks in advance!


  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Me too! I'm told that we tend to snack when tired, so I've concentrated on just going to bed when it gets to be too much. Another thing you might try is saving some of your calories for that time of day when it's most difficult for you and indulging in something healthy, i.e., nuts, a piece of chicken, yogurt, etc. Another idea would be to find something that grabs your attention and takes your mind off food like gardening, cleaning out that closet you've been meaning to get to, etc. Good luck - I'm watching this thread for other ideas, too.
  • snakecharmer04
    Hi :)
    What works for me is drinking a ton of water. I know everyone says that but if you think about's very helpful. Water fills up your stomach making you feel full. Another thing is drinking a full bottle or 8 ounce cup about 20 minutes before every meal. You will eat less because you will have a stomach full of water. The dehydration mechanism in our body is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

    If you are stuck somewhere and can't go take a walk or go somewhere...try calling a friend. If you're stuck at your desk chug the water and try to find things to do to busy your mind. It's like a bad breakup....ignore the heck out of it!!
  • gferland
    gferland Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem mainly because I don't work so I have plenty of time on my hands. When I am bored I create with my hobbies; rubber stamping, scrapbooking, sewing, or going for a walk. I use to clean areas that needed cleaning but that caused anxiety so I stopped. Reading is another good activity to engaged into, I read with my kindle. I also take a walk when bored. And it helpes to visit friends. Hope these ideas help you. Take care! :smile:
    Gay Ferland
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with both suggestions. I'd like to add another GUM! Sometimes it just curves the need to chew. Works for me...
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • WaterRun2
    WaterRun2 Posts: 39 Member
    I find that brushing my teeth helps keep me from snacking, who wants to eat something with such nice fresh breath, I do this at night to keep me from snacking. :) People also say drink a nice big glass of water because usually that is all your body really wants.

    The top one I do is exercise because both aerobic exercise and weight training change your body's hormone levels in a way that temporarily suppresses appetite, but aerobic exercise is more effective because it affects two of hormones instead of just one.

    Also just keep yourself busy and only put foods in your house that are good to snack, keep that junk food out of the house then no worries on eating bad.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Keep your hands busy. Find something like crochet, knitting, pottery, painting - SOMETHING you can do with your hands to help occupy your mind.

    Also, keep a bottle of water in your hand and exercise the arm often.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    drink some water and go exercise or go walking when u are bored