I don't seem to be getting anywhere

Hi My name is KAREN
I started on myfitness app properly about 6 weeks ago. Followed advised and been counting my calories. Been averaging under 1200 as planned. All my life I have been 7st 4lb but last year gave up smoking and at 45 think I may be at that age. Well over past year I have gone from my usual skinny self to 10st 4lb. I move by 2lb or so each way but not dropping in size. Will keep up with it and see what happens. I work 6-7 hours a day, 4 active work hours and 2-3 driving, can't seem to find the energy to exercise too.


  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u need to tell us how much u weigh so we can see how many calories u are supposed to eat
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    under 1200 is the problem u are in starvation mode
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I would imagine you are not consuming enough calories and that's the route of your issues.

    Averaging under 1200 calories is far too little. Your activity level should be set at lightly active at least and your weekly weight loss goal should be set at no more than 1lb per week.

    Eating too little not only takes away your energy but also increases muscle loss along the way.

    Up your calories. Eat good foods. Limit or remove processed foods and fill up on lean meats, fruits and vegetables. Get some exercise in as much as you can.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    u need to tell us how much u weigh so we can see how many calories u are supposed to eat

    She did, she posted 10st 4lb. One stone equals 14 pounds, thus she weighs 144 pounds.
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    Hi am am 10st 4lb at the moment
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    I try eating good foods, not easy as all my life I've eaten what I like but giving up smoking and age and changed my metabolism dramatically. Was uk size 8 now verging size 14. I eat a lot of chicken, salad, chicken, mash and veg. Cabonara. But do like a treat of apple pie 1-2 times a week, surely I haven't got to give up everything. Finding it difficult too at I work from 4pm to 11pm so don't want to go to work on full stomach so having meal when I get home but then go to bed hmm not good I know
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Open up your food diary so others can see and advise, processed foods are not useful in the main, so fresh veg instead, what does mfp say about you calorie goal? Under 1200 is not the best idea, OK now & then if not hungry but not all the time

    I know what you mean by giving up smoking, that was where my weight problems started 40 years ago, you are not alone
    Ignore the "starvation mode" myth

    Do not worry about exercise for weight loss, it is 90% food calories, the exercise just helps tone up muscles and stamina. Many on here never exercise due to health or just too busy a life
    My exercise is walking, but just to shops, not over moors & dales. Perhaps you could fit this in?
  • jeremiah12smom
    jeremiah12smom Posts: 2 Member
    Karen.. under 1200 calories sure sounds like the problem. May I suggest you read Dr. Colberts I Can Do This Diet. It is not a diet at all but a guide regarding food and how its processed and how it works for or against us. You need energy from your food and you need to eat at certain times and in certain quantities to stay energized and for your metabolism to keep working as it should.
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    How do I open up my food diary?
  • Nicolette04
    Nicolette04 Posts: 82 Member
    How do I open up my food diary?
    To open your food diary go into settings and set to public.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    1200 seems low no matter how much you weigh.

    Have you considered doing moderate to intense exercise in the morning, before work? That's how the busy people squeeze it in. :)

    The easiest way to make your new diet sustainable is to add more high volume, low calorie foods ( like fruit, vegetables) and to eat a good amount of protein at every meal. Also eat more often if you feel like it.
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    Done. I have to go and get ready for work tonight but please feel free to advise or shout at me. I will be back on when I get home tonight and read your tips. Many thanks x
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have just had a look at your food diary, and I suspect you already know what the problem may be, not the wisest of choices going to the chippy for instance

    You may wish to consider reducing your carb intake, like spuds [& chips] plus Weetabix for instance

    Add me to your friends list if you wish, I am in UK, Hampshire, so my food diary has food you will recognise
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    I didn't think going to the chippy twice in 6 weeks was bad?? I don't even like it much just was hungry during my shift lol. Is weetabix bad for you too?
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I agree with most that you're probably eating too few calories. Not only can too little cause emotional irritability and fatigue (which is what happened to me when I tried 1200) but as crazy as it seems, too big of a deficit can hinder/slow weight loss as much as too little of one. This is a good post with resources for calculating your calorie goal: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013.

    Make sure you're drinking plenty of water if you're not already doing so. Also, use several means to track your progress. The scale can be a devil sometimes as a large meal, a sodium heavy day, time of month, etc. can impact the reading. I take measurements and take into account how I'm feeling and how well my clothes are fitting. A great example of how devilish the scale can be, I "gained" 2.4 lbs one week but the jeans I wore the week before that were a tad tight fit perfectly that day.

    Good luck!
  • LibbyLose30
    Really try just eating higher energy foods along with fruits and vegetables as well as eating around 1500. You are not in "starvation mode" at 1200 I eat about that amount a day with exercise and I am feel fine but that is what works for me considering that I am 5'5 and 18. 1200 will only give you enough energy to do your daily activity not including exercise you will get much further with your loss if you eat a 300 to 500 more calories but exercise boosting metabolism rather than just eating the minimum. Another thing that could motivate you to exercise or make you feel better about yourself that I find helpful is to change my exercise settings to no workouts a week and then add as I go through the week. I find that when I do put in a certain amount of exercise and don't get in that amount for a certain week I feel badly like I am not doing enough rather than feeling good I did exercise if I don't put in a certain amount. Lastly, work your way up don't start doing straight workouts make it fun go shopping, take a walk with friends, and then work up to running for 45 minutes or doing laps in the pool. Above all don't overdue yourself that will discourage and give you a negative attitude towards workouts. I hope this helps you I am always around to offer more support of weird tips I acquire.
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    I cycle in the summer when we get days off and go for occasional walks but cannot do floor exercises as I have back trouble. I cannot drink water, I don't like it. I have changed to half spoon sugar in my tea. Only seem to get cycling or a walk in the day when hubby and I are off as I don't know anyone else in the area. I walk about 3 hours a day in work. I am really looking for diet ideas to start with. I like vegetables but don't like fruit much
  • LibbyLose30
    Try rumba or swimming they burn tons of calories also I like this site for Ideas only some of the diets are insane so I don't recommend them http://www.diet-weight-lose.com/celebrity/hollywood-diet.php also a site called Sampateek it is like my fitness pal I made my account just because it gives you meal plans unlike my fitness pal so I like to try out some of them to see what I like.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I didn't think going to the chippy twice in 6 weeks was bad?? I don't even like it much just was hungry during my shift lol. Is weetabix bad for you too?

    Perhaps I was a bit quick off the mark, never spotted chippy was only twice in 6 weeks, seemed a regular visit, my apologies

    Weetabix, nothing wrong with it at all, but for the calories & carbs other options, like porridge in microwave may be a good , and lower cal, alternative. I used to stir chopped fruit, such as an apple, with low fat yoghurt & teaspoon of dried mixed fruit into it

    Veg is good, fruit can be high in sugars so no big deal in not eating it if you do not like it much

    Seems we have something in common with back pain as well
  • TheTinkerbelluk
    Ok thinking new tactic is called for.
    My BMR is 1355
    My TDEE is 1864

    I read I should decrease by 500 calories a day to aim for 1lb a week

    This leaves me with 1364 calories a day

    So next shop will buy tons of veg
    Planning on stews, meat/veg dinners and chicken salad, will also try more fish.
    Any other meat advised?

    Will eat cereal for breakfast, small meal for dinner then another or snack when I get home

    Once I mastered that will try adding some exercise
    Lets see if I can put my ideas into action eh

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions