Too funny!!



  • wendywasj
    wendywasj Posts: 16
    I can't stop laughing! That is just tooo funny! I guess that's what he gets for thinking he's all that! LOL!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • radeper
    radeper Posts: 1
    Wow!!! I have worked at a gym before but I have to admit, that is the funniest, most ewww gym story I have ever heard!!! Thanks for the laugh :bigsmile:
  • adamsojh
    adamsojh Posts: 11
    WOW! Ive seen some serious losers in the gym, including my time in the Marines(you can only imagine the stupid things that happen) but that is the top story ever. EVER! It's sad that every gym has atleast a few regulars that are that way. It makes the normal guys there look bad.
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    That is hilarious and one of those memories that you should get erased from the memory bank by hypnotherapy lol
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    :noway: Good lord!!! :laugh: :laugh:
    This is the #1 reason I don't go to a gym!
    I wanted to vomit at hairy nips, but the mention of berries, as I'm eating 2 hard boiled eggs...:sick: Thanks gymrat, you ruined my perfect breakie!:tongue:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Good Lord!! That is freakin hilarious!

    I'm truly sorry you had to endure that

    ~snickering as i go back to my food diary~ No eggs for me tomorrow
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Too funny!!! Thanks for sharing LOL
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    You are hurting me.. I am in tears... :laugh: :sad:
  • trice
    trice Posts: 43 Member
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