5 things you have cut out!



  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I haven't completely cut out anything, but I have cut way back on a few things:

    - Potato chips, because I have no control if I start
    - McDonald's for supper on Thursdays and any other night I didn't feel like cooking
    - Diet Coke every night with dinner, just an occassional treat now
    - Evening glass of wine, as I'm usually out of calories by then
    - Eating out Friday supper, Saturday lunch, Saturday supper, Sunday lunch...
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    1) soads
    3)drinking every 2 days
    5)fast food
  • mlhjjm
    mlhjjm Posts: 36 Member
    The only things I have really given up are those that I seem to have no willpower over. Most things I can eat in moderation though.

    1. potato chips
    2. debbie snacks
    3. m&ms
    4. frozen pizza
    4. eating to finish my plate instead of eating until I am full
  • xstephensx
    xstephensx Posts: 1
    1. Sweet tea
    2. Fast Food
    3. Soda
    4. Pizza
    5. Bread
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    Things I cut out:

    #1 Saying 'just one more' when it comes to food

    #2 Telling myself I can exercise tomorrow

    #3 Donuts(well not true) but the cream filled part comes out with a spoon

    #4 Eating out of boredom

    #5 Liver and onions--hated before and still do not miss them!
  • bookstitch
    bookstitch Posts: 86 Member
    Hmm..I could name 5 different kinds of chocolate haha but..

    1. chocolate
    2. cream and sugar in coffee
    3. i could do less with some carbs
    4. chocolate
    5. chocolate

    I've been beginning to realize that I have a serious chocolate problem =x
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    1)Soda but I gave that up because it is bad for you not really so I could lose weight...it was making me sick
    2)fries (but I still have them once in a while)
    3)fast food

    I have all of the above every once in a while except for Soda and Fast Food. I don't deprive myself or I will go on a binge. lol!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    1. candy
    2. cookies, cakes etc
    3. fast food
    4. soda, juices, energy drinks

    aaaand if you drink a lot, I'd suggest cutting alcohol, if not quitting it completely.
  • hfox9707
    hfox9707 Posts: 74 Member
    processed foods
  • adairbrum
    adairbrum Posts: 68
    Wow!!! I just realise there are more people who said nothing!!! Thats inspiring too, in that case please share how do you guys still lose weight after eating all u like!
    the trick is eating all you like and not all you want
    You eat half but take twice as long Chew chew chew
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    ice cream
  • adairbrum
    adairbrum Posts: 68
    Hmm..I could name 5 different kinds of chocolate haha but..

    1. chocolate
    2. cream and sugar in coffee
    3. i could do less with some carbs
    4. chocolate
    5. chocolate

    I've been beginning to realize that I have a serious chocolate problem =x
    it could be very dangerous for you and any one around to completely cut out chocolate !!!!!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    No wonder everyone is in a bad mood with all the foods they are depriving themselves of, oh well more for me.
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    I've cut out Dr. Pepper. I used to drink about 3 to 4 a day and now I only have about 1 a month. (Although I did go to the movies yesterday and kinda over did it on soda, haha)

    For me this is a lifestyle change. I want to be able to eat things I've always enjoyed in moderation. However, overall I'd prefer to fill my diet with nutritious fuel for my body instead of empty calories. Sure I could still eat lots of fast food in moderation and continue to lose weight, but that's not fuel for my body. I'm not only wanting to lose weight, I'm wanting to be healthy as well. :)
  • Prisme
    Prisme Posts: 65 Member
    For me it's 2 things:
    Cheese and nuts, especially together!
    For some reason I still cannot control myself to have a bite, or a taste, or portion control. If I buy cheese the brick will be gone that day. Hopefully one day I can control the portions.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Nothing really... I just eat less of the "bad" stuff less often.

    I did have to cut out Denny's fried cheese sandwich because my body completely rejected it after all my healthy eating. I would consider eating 1/4 of one if I had the opportunity, lol!
  • Aniski7
    Aniski7 Posts: 5 Member
    Pop and coffee. Reduced bread intake. I have also reduced my consumption of processed foods and replace those with fresh fruits and veggies where possible. Still a work in progress since I want it to be a lifestyle change for a healthier me and not a weight loss change.
  • 4laurabell
    4laurabell Posts: 5 Member
    Processed Foods
    Fast Foods
    Some Cheeses
  • Nothing!! Ive just cut way back on all the junk