Hello, I'm Carmen and I'm addicted to...



  • 4laurabell
    4laurabell Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Laura and I'm addicted to foods high in starches and sugars. I am about to "pick up my 60 day chip" in about 5 days ;)
  • TMarieB30
    TMarieB30 Posts: 24
    Hi Carmen, I'm Tawni. Nice to meet you. I'm addicted to food in general. My main focus is portion control and not eating any fast or processed foods. Pizza is probably my worst. Good luck on this journey.
  • 1FlyyBird
    1FlyyBird Posts: 1

    I too love chips and PASTA is my to die for weakness!!! HELP! :sad:
  • IamRachaelLea
    IamRachaelLea Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Carmen,
    I was in the same situation as you. Totally addicted to carbs. So much so that I'd trade everything else to have bread. I found the only way for me to stop, was to stop cold turkey. I don't have anything white. I started with bread (my weakness) and after a while, i don't miss it. I mean, don't get me wrong, every now and then I crave a bagel or a english muffin, but generally stay away from it. The other thing is, when I do partake in eating carbs, my body just wants to eat more.. I say cut it out for a week and see how it goes.
  • agooddaytodiesoft
    I'm addicted to soda/energy drinks, and fastfood combined with alcohol and sometimes weed..
  • barbwelch98
    Hi, Carmen, my name is Barb. I too am addicted to wrong carbs...I struggle every day and when I found this app I was excited. This app is really easy to use and I am determined to make this work. Being able to see what carbs/sugar I have left after each meal helps me decide what to eat. Remember to allow yourself to have one sweet per day and then you won't binge or crave the sugar so much. Another thing I do is use measuring cups for portion control.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    why dont you just focus on moderation and food choices, instead of cutting things out entirely? i love carbs, i eat whatever i want, just in moderation... must fit into my daily calorie goals. i dont know, to each their own, whatever works for you, but too much restriction doesnt seem good.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Am I late for the Eaters Anonymous meeting?

    Hi. I'm an alien and I'm addicted to food. Pretty much all of it. I can't live without it, literally. Mostly my issue has been portion control. For a while I was on the IIFIYM plan (If It Fits In Yo' Mouf!), but that's not so good of a weight loss method. Every day has been a challenge. I have found that the more you work out the less you want to feel bad while doing it, so the diet tends to improve. So, go work out.
  • uneik3
    uneik3 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Carmen, I'm Alex. For me, it's sweets. So much that I decided to give up sweets for the month of May. Just cold turkey because apparently I struggle with moderation. Almost 1/3 of the way through and I haven't killed anyone yet, so that's gotta be good, right?
  • GreenChile3
    GreenChile3 Posts: 65
    i was addicted to dairy until the end of March when i stopped using all of it. Now i dont know why i ever needed it or wanted it
  • PezAzul
    PezAzul Posts: 42
    HI everyone!! I didn't realize this thread was still active! Nice to meet you all!

    I've felt really good the past few days cutting out a lot of the junk I used to eat and focusing on better choices! And surprise SURPRISE I haven't been nearly as hungry as I usually am. That is really amazing to me. I used to feel like I was going to die if I didn't stuff myself with junk and fries and soda. I haven't had soda in several days and this is amazing to be as I was drinking 2-3 a day. I haven't even craved soda. Or a bite fast food, except for a small frosty when I wanted a little treat.

    Now, this isn't my first diet but this is my first time where I have tracked carbs and made an effort to cut back on them. And, for me, it has made HUGE differences in how I feel and my cravings have DRASTICALLY reduced. I know I'm still new at this and I am definitely guarded, but for the first time I feel hopeful. For me to be able to drive past McDonalds and not even get a twitch to drive through is shocking. For me not to beg my husband to bring home a large fountain Mountain Dew is even more shocking. I haven't even been tempted to binge since I started. That's HUGE.

    Is it the lack of carbs and processed junk that's making me feel more satiated? I absolutely think so. Time will tell.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    Just adding another, yet similar to others addiction to this growing thread.. chocolate... booze is a calorie killer also