Good Bye Gross "Friend"

On July 20th, my husband came to my work on my lunch to bring me the car. I then used it to drop him off at work. I have an hour for lunch, and even with taking the time to take him to work, I would have had time to go home and eat something, or go back to work and eat the lunch I had packed. Instead, I swung out of the Walgreens parking lot (where the hubby works) and right into the drive thru lane of the Burger King next door.:sick:

I'm sure I canme up with a million reasons why this decision was okay. Every time I have tried to lose weight, including this one, I have kept all of the junk food in my diet, but just modified the portions and frequency. I told myself that if I wanted to keep this as a lifestyle, I couldn't deprive myself of the things I enjoyed. While that statement is in fact true, and I will always love and eat pizza and potato chips and ice cream :love: (in moderation of course) I was also eating fast food. And get this--I don't even like it!! Sure, the first bite or two might be okay, but I finish feeling sluggish, greasy, and gross. And if I am in the mood for a burger and fries, why I am ruining that craving by eating at McDonalds??? That is NOT a good burger. And the oil they use in the fries makes me queasy.

While still not high on the healthy meter, I could hold off on a craving long enough to make a phenomanal (sp?) burger at home, and even bake up some fries if I wanted. Basically, as I ate my whopper jr. and shook my head at what Burger King calls a "small" fries and soda, I decided that this was the last time. I would no longer spend my money and ruin my health at a drive thru fast food restaurant. I HAVE decided to allow myself Subway as I truely love it and it is far and away much better than any drive thru (what I eat there anyway).

I told my husband and he had a bit of panic in his eyes,:noway: but I said it was his choice if he wanted to join me in this. I also told him I would keep some dried fruit or granola bars on hand for those times when we really might be in a situation that we need to stop and eat.

It is only July 26th, so 6 days of no fast food is nothing to brag about, but I am ready to do my best with this and am ready to enjoy the benefits!!


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Good for you! I am sure your body will thank you.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Good luck on your goal! I had a similar thing happen. My husband loves fast food, sugar, junk food, all the stuff I am avoiding. I had one small chocolate chip cookie while we were camping- not a big deal at all. But afterward I was like, "Wow, that was kinda gross, why did I waste my calories on that?" So I am just going to go back to avoiding that stuff and stick with my occasional Skinny Cow ice cream for my chocolate fix :)
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    You can do it!! Good job so far!!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Goodluck on your journey to quit junk food...if it's really what you want, then you will stick to it and be successfull....Keep up the good work......
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I did the same thing 2 days before you! We had to stop late night on our 2 hour drive home. We went thru BK drive thru, got our Whopper meals (mine was a Jr.), and cruised on out of there. Lucky for us the fries were GROSS, so we were only down the burger. I was happy I could say "no" to the fries. We find we're just not into fast food these days. It's a great feeling to have, honestly!
  • taijade
    taijade Posts: 38
    Good going - I love moments like that because they help redefine your goals and directions.

    Keep it up!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    6 days is HUGE! :)
  • Mandee_N
    Mandee_N Posts: 5
    That is awesome!! Keep up the great work!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I admit, I still enjoy McDonald's cheeseburgers and fries (though, thankfully I haven't had it in a long time), BUT like you I have realized that I can easily make a cheeseburger and fries at home that I will enjoy even more and, of course, be sooo much more healthier.

    Well, I wish you all the best on staying away from the fast food drive thru. You can do it!
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I have "toned down" fast food considerably. Instead of 2-3 times/week and getting a Whopper or Big Mac, fries AND a smaller sandwich plus a soda, I go once every 2 weeks max, and stick with a regular burger, water, and MAYBE a small fry. If I 'crave' it, this usually kicks the craving and doesn't kill my daily calories.

    I still feel like crap when eating it, but at least when I do it's a third the calories it used to be.

    My biggest problem was always portion control, but I also feel a lot better limiting fast food.
  • nancyggg
    nancyggg Posts: 96 Member
    I totally understane. I am a junk food junkie too. But the longer you go on this journey the easier it is. So, keep it up. Plus go into this and pull up the foods you love and look at the stats. Most of them will be more than you ever thought or at least they were for me.

    SO Great Job~ you will be feeling much better and it will be easier to lose.
  • kristykritter
    Good for you! My family no longer eats fast food except for Subway. Not only is it gross, but if you only knew where they got their beef and chicken from, you wouldn't WANT to eat it. My weakness is pizza. I could eat pizza every day of my life and not get sick of it!!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Don't let your husband sidetrack you! As you start making smarter decisions about what goes into your body, your energy levels will increase and you'll feel and look great. If he continues to eat crap, he will feel sluggish, crabby and may even be jealous of your success. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - so it's up to him to make choices that will be beneficial to him.
    I told my husband the same last week - he mentioned that he had a luncheon with a colleague and customer and he was going to the usual pub. I suggested he try something other on the menu than his usual deep fried crap with dark beer.
    He came home, bloated, lazy, and farting on the La-Z-Boy, I remarked that he didn't make the *right* choice. He justified his decision with "Well, we shared the plate instead of ordering 1 each!"
    He said he wanted to get on the treadmill this weekend, but he was too tired.

    Maybe when he gets tired of being tired, he will start making those changes.