So, losing weight is like a secret club...

xbted Posts: 41 Member
Hey everyone,

So, we're all in this together, right? We're all trying to lose some weight and get fit on our off time, and here's a community of people who understand what each and everyone of us is going through. Heck yeah it's hard to eat a salad when everyone else is eating a Big Mac. And it sucks to eat an apple when your friends are eating a croissant. Well, I'll tell you what- I lost 100 pounds before and went in the military and did some amazing things. Afterwards I broke some bones, got some arthritis and used it as an excuse to let myself go- but NO MORE!!! I'm going to run a marathon by the time I'm 40. I'm going to do the Tough Mudder this October. And you know what- I AM YOUR FRIEND, we are in this together. Do you want a friend, then add me! Let's lose weight together! Don't ask if you can add me, JUST ADD ME, and we are going to get fit and be awesome together! Let's do this! I'm tired of lugging around an extra hundred pounds- how about you? I weigh nearly 300 pounds and ran 10 K this weekend, I am motivated and I will help my friends!

Get fit,


  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Congrats on the 10K! I want to run one this year, and a half marathon next year. I'll add you!
  • Fantastic attitude! I am sure you'll do well if you keep going with such a good outlook!
  • buzai
    buzai Posts: 12 Member
    Are you serious being nearly 300 you ran 10k , i am 185 and my body wont allow me to walk fast . I am adding you
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I am like you my friend. I turn 38 in a couple of weeks. Though as over weight as I have become, I can still do 5ks and 10ks. I did a 5k last year with no notice, and no prior training. When I decided to start my weight-loss journey about a month ago I got on the elliptical and put in 30 minutes. I did it, I was tired but did it.

    I really like your attitude, and I think we can definitely utilize our military experience to motivate each other and others. Friend request sent.

    Like the OP stated, add me as friends if you would like. I will add anyone.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I found when I lost weight that I wasn't in the regular girl club any more ..... which I miss, but sacrifices must be made. I'd rather be in the club with people who like running 10k, aspire to walking handstands (or can do them), and want to go to the gym.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
  • justkaj
    justkaj Posts: 4
    love the motivation.... my week's already off to a bad start..... gone way off my daily consumption and its only half thee in the afternoon. ;(
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    that attitude will take you wherever you want to go. AWESOME!
  • Mommylicous
    Mommylicous Posts: 121 Member
    Love the attitude :) That's some serious motivation. Sending a request!
  • jadelunar
    jadelunar Posts: 31 Member
    Oh it's totally a secret club! Thanks for introducing yourself and for the boost in motivation!

    I lost 40 lbs about 3 years ago and thanks to injuring my knee, I lost the one cardio I could stick to - running. 20 lbs slowly crept back on, but now I'm here and I'm ready to get moving again and focusing on better health.
  • Mina2599
    Mina2599 Posts: 2 Member
    I can't believe you did a 10k, last week I climed a pair of stairs and was out of breath. (It was only a floor,sad,but true.)
  • howekaren
    howekaren Posts: 159 Member
    The more friends and motivation the better. It takes a tremendous amount of support to help avoid the pitfalls sometimes. And it's awesome that you can do a 10K, regardless of what you weigh, but especially when you're carrying extra weight. I've just committed today to a C25K program, and it's going to be tough!
  • I'm working on Couch to 10k now, hoping to be able to run a 10k by the end of the summer!
  • rachaelbmh
    rachaelbmh Posts: 54
    I love your attitude, Ted! We are all in this together - working to the same thing - to have a body and life we can be proud of!
  • xbted
    xbted Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your replies and your adds! I hope I can share some motivation to everyone and we can all help each other out with our goals! I'm going for the total lifestyle change myself, so I'm in it for the long run. I miss my McDonalds so much sometimes, especially today, but in the end when I'm wearing some pants that fit, it'll be worth it!

    Anyway, if anyone needs some extra encouragement or just wants to chat, feel free to message. Just be warned, I'm in Europe.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Love your attitude. I am going to lose 50 pounds (half way there). I'm tired of being the chubby girl. I wanna be the girl that stops an entire room just by walking in. Bring it!
  • With you all the way buddy :)
    And I agree - the more the merrier - we are on this together ! Xxx
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Secret handshake! Let's do this!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I've heard about Tough Mudder! It's mental! Have you got a group formed for it? I've heard you need a team.
    It's hardcore though, not just physically but you have to have a screw slightly loose. Have you see the electric one? F**k that! My friend is doing one in a months time, not sure what one it is, but she is mildly terrified. Haha good on you though, hope it goes well for you. Post a vid! :)
  • staceybradleywells
    staceybradleywells Posts: 331 Member
    I'm on board the secret club train woo hoo! Can't wait to catch some of your motivation, and watch your success.