Bringing food to work



  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I didn't even realise there were places like that.
    I'm lucky cos everyone where I work brings in their lunches, there isn't really anywhere nearby to go get food if you don't. It's a good thing really cos if there was somewhere local it would be a lot harder on the willpower. Also everyone brings in healthy stuff too, salads, fruit etc, so that's good, I don't feel like the only healthy one there.
  • a_1000_teardrops
    a_1000_teardrops Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a nurse in a correctional facility so I have 4 choices, vending machines (yuck), ordering out (limited choices and none of them healthy), food that inmates prepare (no thanks), or bringing my own prepared food. It's inconvenient for sure since I always have to bring a big bag for my two 16hr shifts and always run into the chance of getting it searched after carefully packing everything. While my co-workers eat things that I wish I could eat without gaining weight, I sit there with my microwaveable bowls and 35 calorie bread. At first I did feel sort of like an outcast, but 3 months later people are used to it. Since I only work on the weekends, they also seem to notice the weight loss and congratulate me.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    It's not about being able to afford going out, it's about what you choose to eat! Who cares what they think, bring your lunch if you want to. I've been the only one to bring lunch regularly before. It was never because of the cost and I don't think anyone thought that it was. At my current job, almost everyone brings their lunch, and considering what some of them bring, they could spend less going out!

    If you're bringing healthy food, they'll probably pick up on your reasoning pretty quickly.
  • TiaFerrera
    TiaFerrera Posts: 93
    I never saw a problem with bringing my own lunch. I never thought twice about it until this thread. I'm left wondering what on earth is wrong with bringing your own food that it would be looked down upon?
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    I just explain why.
    I have a lot of lunches arranged, and just bring my own stuff to eat.
    More for the other peolple so no problem.

    You can Always say that it is made by a personal health cook.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    My my my. I am lucky I made a comment once to my boss any my lunch getting swiped and he bought another small fridge for me. But then he goes home to his mother in law. And he. Is an avid cyclist so he is totally behind my healthy choices and all
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I work in banking, a number of people bring lunch to the office and most people eat at their desk so there is really no difference. Now, going to the gym during the day........that is frowned upon. Assuming that if you have time to work-out, shower etc, you cannot be busy.......given that I am in the office most days at 7.30 and dont leave until 6, it seems a little unfair. Sill thing is that the company gym, 1 floor below mine, is as good as any private club in the area. Such a waste
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Does anyone else work in an environment where bringing your lunch is looked down upon? In my industry (public accounting), there is a sense of "you can afford to go out to eat" and so the only people that really bring their lunch are administrative assistants that are getting paid much less than the professionals in the office. I'm just curious how widespread this is.
    Never been an issue in my office. Lots of people prefer to eat clean/healthy and bring their own. Lots don't and eat in the crapeteria... lots go out to eat... nobody seems to care what anyone else is doing.

    Faced with comments...I'd either blow it off or tell them off..
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    Just explain how you don't like to put trash in your body on a regular basis!
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Pretty much everyone in my office brings their lunch with them except for the president and the CEO, they typically go out to eat together every day.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Luckily, most people in my corporate office eat a really quick lunch at their desks and then go outside walking or running on nice days and to the gym on not so nice days to get away from their desks for a while.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I work in a pharmacy and every one of us brings their own food, except for the occasional splurge, maybe 1-2 times a month.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm a teacher and always bring my lunch in. We have a little office just used by languages and humanities with a fridge and a kettle. Most of us bring lunch in, although some use the school canteen. We only have 30 mins for lunch, and the nearest supermarket is about 5 mins drive away, so getting there and back would take a big chunk of lunch time away! I prefer to have my lunch in the fridge so I can actually sit down, eat and have a coffee before getting back to the madness of teaching French to teenagers!

    I used to work for an international bank (in the office) and I did go out for lunch because we had an hour, and I didn't want to spend it sitting at my desk. I did sometimes bring lunch in, but still go out for a break and look at the shops!
  • rachaelbmh
    rachaelbmh Posts: 54
    I used to work in an office environment and was the only one in my office that regularly brought my lunch. I'd often take my lunch out to the park across the street to get some fresh air - and help combat that stereotype that I was a total bummer for never leaving my desk. Sometimes coworkers would come along too.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I work in the corporate world where eating outis done a bit as well. I bring my lunch, eat at my desk, and like others use my lunch hour for walking or knocking off an errand or two.

    Sometimes, going out to eat is a way for those people who spend their entire day in the office to get away. While their is an "air" about their attitude that makes them seem like they have the money, I knew a lawyer who made a nice bankroll who was always broke because of the cost for her to eat out every meal. "No time to make my own meals; plus then I would never leave that office" was her reason. She would rather have been financially struck than not have a reason to get away from the office for an hour.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I'm actually a bit shocked that accountants where you work aren't more sensible about wasting money by eating out every day of the work week!
    Having worked in the finance business for the past 10 years, I completely concur. Many, MANY people go out to eat or eat in the company cafeteria, but there are loads more who bring in their lunches....and we have LOTS of SmartOnes, Lean Cuisines, and Healthy Choice lunches around the office.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Pretty much everyone in my office brings their lunch with them except for the president and the CEO, they typically go out to eat together every day.

    Sounds like something else is going on with them, ow-ow.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I work in an office where most of the Managers and Team Leaders go out most days. When they don't it is usually because they are involved in an event that may be catered. I bring my lunch every single day. Not only my lunch, but since I come in at 4am, I bring breakfast and snacks as well. I decline lucnh invites 99% of the time and I probably only eaten from any of the catered events 5 times in 5 years.

    I prefer to bring my own meals. They are healthier. They tasted better. If anyone has an issue with it, they wisely keep it to themselves. I don't care.
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Must be tough to work around a bunch of judgy McJudgers........A guy can't even make his lunch without being looked down upon? Very foreign to me, No advice.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    i'd rather look poor to them and be healthy. who cares what they think?!

    i'd judge them for their unhealthy ways then ;) at least you know whats going in your food, do they lol