Hey Sugarshop! You there?

Just trying to find my friend.....



  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Just trying to find my friend.....

  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    umm yes! Helloooo. I got to work and things got crazy no time to play on the internet. Lol!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    I ran (well jog and walked) this morning. Yay!:tongue:
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    It's Mizberg. Sugarshop is a great name for my site not so much for a weight loss site. LOL!
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    I am so jealous that you already exercised! I thought I was going to do it this afternoon, but my job got crazy too. And now my parents and Harlan are comming for dinner. weird......
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    that's funny! It felt really good to run. Even though I only did it for 20 minutes. Small steps. But I wore my heart rate monitor and I burned 222 calories. That's the nice thing about the monitor. You get a more accurate calorie count than if you enter in generically. Fitness pall would have only had me at 145 calories.
  • teetsel4
    teetsel4 Posts: 288 Member
    Ya, I need to get one of those some day. Firs,t trail running shoes are on list!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    I want some too steve has some and loves them