Hungry Most Of The Day :-( HELP

So iv been healthy eating for almost two weeks now along with exercise... But for the past few days it feels as tho im constantly hubgry! I try to eat 3 filling meals & snack healthily in between. i try not to eat carbs as a snack as i find they just make me want for more carbage! So im trying the little & often approach but its just not working... my bf is a personal trainer an he sed its ny motabolism speeding up but i dont know... any ideas or advice or what to eat/do to stop this would b gratefully apprexciated

Happy Saturday All


  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I cant see your diary

    I've sent a friend request and see if I can help you

    try drinking more water Ideally 8+glasses

    try having more vegs with snacks and meals

    I find if I have a light veg soup that fills me up

    protein with all meals and snack

    protein with 30mins of finishing exercising

    feel free to message me

    anyone can add me
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How many cals do you net per day?
  • colettedeann
    if u have had a big increase in exercise - then a good quality carb will fill u for longer - i eat a lot of carbs when i plan a longer run - just continue to make sure calories out > than calories in
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    just had a quick look,

    are you drinking water coz your not recording any that i can see

    personally I think you are eating too many processed foods, try having more home made streamed fresh veg, and meals you make from scratch. and if you hungry eat your cals

    stay away from food like sugar and biscuit that are high in cals

    if you need something sweet try, banana lightly cooked with 10gm of dark choc chips at 103 cals

    good luck stay strong, if you need more help message me

    any one can add me
  • GeorgieT23
    GeorgieT23 Posts: 68
    I only drink water thru the day just ALWAYS forget to log it lol so id say about 1.5-2litres...

    My calorie goal came up as 1650 per day (im 20stone) and i dont peraobally think i eat alot of processed foods... the sweet treats are so that i dont go and eat 3bars of chocolate insted. amd i do try apples/ bananas first...

    In terms of exercise i go to the gym about 3-4times a week and on my "days off" im now incorporating long walks with my daughter in the pram....

    maybe i just need to be more creative with my meals & snacks then???
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    Three things, are you eating at least some of your exercise calories back.. if not then you could simply be existing on too big a deficit..

    Secondly, I find that after a few days with a high deficit (higher than my planned daily 450 - 500) I get really hungry..

    Thirdly, I find that after I kick my exercise up another notch my metabolism does seem to increase and I get really hungry for a few days.. sometimes I allow myself to go over calories for a day or so.. my body calms down, and everything is back to normal again..

    Anyway, those are some things that affect me..
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    Try to find foods that will give you as much bulk as poss but are low calorie. You can have more veggies than you can eat for the same cal cost as 200g boiled potatoes for example. Anything that will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

    Some people will also try to spread out their food, as in, breakfast snack, lunch, snack, dinner so it's never too long before you eat again.

    Also if this has only been happening a couple of days it might be worth monitoring to see how long the hunger pangs last etc.

    I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I am always extra hungry in the week leading up to my 'time of the month' so I have to be extra careful not to let myself be bad. I've not found anything that completely relieves this and do tend to struggle a little bit but it does go away after a few days.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    You should be eating back your exercise calories. For a 20 stone woman you should be eating around 2000 if you are doing an hour's exercise a day. I am 11 stone and eat 1700 a day and lose 1 lb a week. EAT MORE! But eat good and healthy. Potatoes are good, they get a bad press. It is sugar and fat that puts the weight on. Processed food has a lot of these hidden away. Lean protein like chicken, LOTS of veg and some carbs will see you full at 2000.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    At 20 stone and exercising you are probably not eating enough. I can't see your diary but I hope you haven't cut carbs out. Good quality complex carbs with meals such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, wholegrain breads will keep you fuller for longer. Iclude plenty of veggies and snack on fruits, nuts and seeds. Drink plenty of water. Have a filling breakfast .... I find when I am exercising I need protein, fat and carbs in the morning... something like poached eggs, wholemeal toast and a slice or two of bacon or smoked salmon? Oatmeal/porridge is good as well. Don't think you have to starve to lose weight you don't and if you are hungry, really hungry it's your body's way of telling you it needs more than you're giving it.
  • GeorgieT23
    GeorgieT23 Posts: 68
    thanks for all the advice everyone... MFP recommends i eat 1650 calories per day,,, i have not weighed myself but during the week i will i dont want to become obsessed about it.!
    I do eat carbs, if im eating pasta its wholewheat... potatoes i have jacket potatoes and sometimes potatoes with my dinner... i usually start the day with weetabix... and i have cous cous instead of rice or i have brown rice... ill just deal with it... i do snack on fruit and veg and made sure i have either a salad with my dinner or lots of yummy veg!
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I started at 18 stone, and doing approx 1 hour walking a day, i lost quickly and easily on 2000 calories per day.

    You can't stay constantly hungry because you won't be able to stick to it. Up your calories. You might lose weight slightly slower (though I expect you will still lose quite rapidly), but it will be much easier to do , maybe even enjoyable ;)

    Mfp lets you set calories too low (to lose 2+ lbs per week) plus remember its based on you eating at least some of your exercise calories back.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's tough when you start. Honestly I had a protein shake with fat free milk once a day and a big bowl of greek yogurt with strawberries as afternoon snack. It's the only things I could find that really filled me up. Eat protein for snacks (even now I have protein bars, greek yogurt or cheese most of the time), eat a lot of veggies and meat. It will get better. It took me almost 2 months to be able to ditch the shake but I still have a protein bar most days (the quest ones... tons of fiber too).

    I still have a couple days a month when I'm starving but it's usually fine now.