The Fast Metabolism Diet



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    another gem from the web site it says "you should eat every three to four hours..." why? meal timing and metabolism have no correlation...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Options glad i posted this for input...ii thought this was a supportive site.....pfft

    so people trying to save you money is not supportive?
  • DcanDoll
    DcanDoll Posts: 1
    less processed foods, more home cooked meals, healthy snacks in between, less cheat days....and work out work out work out.......
  • vickimciveredwards
    vickimciveredwards Posts: 27 Member
    if spending 24.95 helps me with meal planning, food suggestions and recipes, I think its worth it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I don't diet. I do lifestyle changes...
    Once you return to a normal way of eating your weight normally goes back up.

    This! I eat what I like, just smaller portions. I make better choices and still fit in treats. Worked well for me.
    Win! :drinker:
    this is a lifestyle dairy, no refined sugars, no alcohol, no caffine. Its too help your metabolism work properly...Ive now lost a total of 5 pounds in 7 days. The word DIET in this book stands for: DID I EAT TODAY. The aurthor is Haylie Pomroy for anyone who is interested.
    So you're never going to eat dairy, refined sugar, alcohol or caffeine ever again? :huh: And a few posts after this you said it's only for 28 days, so not really a lifestyle change. :tongue:

    I've been eating between my BMR and TDEE for over a year. I have many days that I was over calorie goal - through the holidays and my bday week(s) (long celebration!) - did not gain at all, and I'm pretty sure it's because my metabolism is truckin' right along due to eating well for the past year (as in the proper amount of calories, and balanced nutrition with room for treats) - not restricting things, not cutting out foods I love - and reasonable exercise. This I CAN do for life, eating well and losing the fat, keeping the muscle.

    Temporary changes get you temporary results.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Now I can get all the sarcasm if you all read the book and did research on it. Wait no I can't get the sarcasm, because support should never come with sarcasm.

    I am trying it only because I have noticed that my weight gain lately has been different than before, which means my Hoshimotos Thyroiditis might be going into full gear. I want to work on it. I've done the counting and eating less and expending more, and it worked great, until I got so burnt out of counting, and ended up gaining 24 pounds back. When I say burnt out I mean burnt out.

    This is something just to help me.

    By the way in the book she talks about how calories aren't all the same for everyone. Pretty interesting, I thought.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if spending 24.95 helps me with meal planning, food suggestions and recipes, I think its worth it.

    MFP does that for free...but hey it's your money, spend it as how you see best...

    I am just wary of anyone or thing that claims it will "speed up metabolism" ....

    You want to lose less, work out more...simple...
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    if spending 24.95 helps me with meal planning, food suggestions and recipes, I think its worth it.

    MFP does that for free...but hey it's your money, spend it as how you see best...

    I am just wary of anyone or thing that claims it will "speed up metabolism" ....

    You want to lose less, work out more...simple...

    It would be sooo cool if it were that simple. Maybe if you read it, it might see things a tad differently.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if spending 24.95 helps me with meal planning, food suggestions and recipes, I think its worth it.

    MFP does that for free...but hey it's your money, spend it as how you see best...

    I am just wary of anyone or thing that claims it will "speed up metabolism" ....

    You want to lose less, work out more...simple...

    It would be sooo cool if it were that simple. Maybe if you read it, it might see things a tad differently.

    I have lived it. Compound lifts + eating in deficit have taken me from 210 pounds and 20+% body fat to 170 and 12% body fat..

    why would I spend 24.95 on something that has zero use to me..?

    I don't see what is so hard about eating less and exercising more...
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member

    It would be sooo cool if it were that simple. Maybe if you read it, it might see things a tad differently.

    But it is that simple.. MFP is free and full of great advice and help.
  • Jackie_XOXOXO
    Jackie_XOXOXO Posts: 93 Member
    I have not tried this, but did in fact try somethijg very similar. Yes you will loose weight in the first 2-3 weeks and then thats it..Bad part is that as you can see its only for 28 days. Its a reason she only made it for 28 days. I actually gained all the weight plus some when I stopped. So I have decided to just watch what I eat. I am more cautious as to the things I eat. I have a cheat day here and there, but as a previous person said, plannd. So that I dont feel guilty. I do exercise now daily!

    If you are already doing it, just becareful when you end the 28 days. I think that just doing a "lifestyle change" of avoiding too much sugar and too many carbs will certainly help you out more. It will be a lifetime of better eating versus 28 days.

    I do see your point where meal planning is easier. Honestly I have gotten rrecepies from MFP users and that has certainly helped as well. I just printed a new receipe a user posted and I will be trying that tomorrow. Good luck in your weight loss journey :-)
  • missjennifer1966
    missjennifer1966 Posts: 143 Member
    its also only for 28 days...after that,, common sense!

    If it's only for 28 days, it's a diet. Not a lifestyle change.

    Exactly!! Sounds very unhealthy to me.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Sounds similar to the South Beach Diet.

    I think I took away some good thoughts from that book on how to eat better, eat whole foods, and get off of addictive eating: caffeine, sugar,etc.

    Just about any diet will be more healthy with these principles in mind. A person can't keep good metabolism on energy drinks and doughnuts. I see a lot of people doing that...all their college friends do it. And they wonder why they are gaining weight as they "never eat much of anything." Treat your body well and it will treat you well...metabolism included. I used to skip meals, forget to eat. I always stayed thin, but I think MFP and a diet helped me pace my food throughout the day better. While that may or may not have anything to do with metabolism, I was hungry every three hours, and I just ate a healthy snack. I have less headaches (including stress headaches and migraines). I was having more than every in the fall and winter.

    Also, with exercise, my back does not ball up. I am not in knots.

    You'll feel great with a better diet and exercise, no matter what tools you choose to use. Good luck!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Just don't understand why people cry "unsupporting", when you try to help them, when it's not what they want to hear!! :grumble: Do you want us to lie to you?? :huh:
  • esr71
    esr71 Posts: 2
    Having a structured plan to stick to for about 100% of the time for 28 days seems like it could do a lot of good. Especially with some of the fundamentals being cutting out caffeine and sugars. Just experiencing how you feel being off of these things can be a tremendous learning experience.

    Congrats on your progress, that's awesome!

    I do have issues with this approach, though, too...I agree with the one respondent's issue with 'eating multiple times per day'...that has proven to be nonsense. It's just not true that one will slow one's metabolism down by skipping meals,'s probably not metabolically healthy to go low calorie with little to no exercise over an extended period of time, however.

    Along with that, this approach sounds like it demonizes fats??? one amazon review suggests that two of the days are low carb and low fat. yikes. Well, I don't know enough about the ins and outs of this diet to fully comment.

    Does it at least recommend resistance training as part of the exercise regimen?
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    as an "in school" nutritionist, who has not graduated (yet) i consider myself an expert on nearly anything related to food(sarcasm)

    (not sarcasm)
    the diet , and anything less than 730 days is a DIET- is telling you to eat more whole foods, eat small meals more often and exercise

    i think there is a HUGE misconception about speeding your metabolism
    nothing short of just what this lady is recommending in her 25.00 book is going to do anything for you

    eat healthy- you already know that
    eat less processed foods- i assume you already know that

    the regimen of what you are "allowed" to eat on a given day doesn't change anything from that

    you said you wanted healthy meal plans and recipes.
    ok, then get the book , if thats what you want it for

    but know that part of what others said is right too, those same or VERY similar recipes are most likely available for free..

    For my 2 cents
    "metabolism" is the 2010 version of the 80's all fat is bad kick..

    but for the others downing your attempt at discourse
    or disabusing your interest in this new to you regimen

    - shame on you all-:frown:
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    No coffee....I would bomb it in no time! I am so addicted to my coffee. I have gotten it down to about 2 cups a day with very little sugar. I have tried it with honey, cinnamon and just plain but I still like my regular sugar over anything else. I haven't heard of this diet plan. I have a lot of stomach problems due to multiple stomach surgeries and my dr and I are trying to figure out a solution. Gluten free is so expensive and he told me that he has one patient who went on the Adkin's diet and her "gut" problems have gotten better but I have a hard time cutting out an entire group of anything. I know I can lose weight easier if I just cut out the junk I eat and exercise more because I have done it, but just wish I could find the solution to the stomach issues. And yes, I know that coffee is actually a "gut stimulant" and is not helping me so that is why I have tried to cut back on the amount I drink daily. Good luck on your new plan.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I'm eating way more than 800 calories. I believe that I am eating upwards of 2000 calories on this. Yes she does recommend heavy lifting. The low fat on low carb days, is actually no added fat, like the oils and such. Today I had egg whites (okay didn't like leaving out my yolk), pork loin and baby bell pepper for snack, pork loin, bell peppers, baby bellas, and onions for lunch, and just ate some nitrate free roast beef for snack. I am having chicken and spinach tonight for dinner.

    To be honest there were some things that went against the grain for me like the lower fat and the eating every three to four hours, but like I said earlier I am trying to get myself back into sync. I love lifting heavy, walking, and eating. I stopped for 6 months and did my body in. (well not the eating part) I was mentally burnt out always logging and measuring things out. I am truly not looking for a quick fix, just a kick in the butt.

    I do do the leg work. I do my best with having 6 children, five of which are boys 11, 10, 7, 5, 23 months. Obviously I don't by organic, but this will just help me for now. It will give me the guidelines I need for now. That way I can incorporate what I learn from it into daily living.
  • vickimciveredwards
    vickimciveredwards Posts: 27 Member
    I dont believe i cried about people being unsupportive....If you havent read the book, dont comment. And ya....I want to be lied too