help i think i am doing something wrong

Any insights please. I weigh in at 101kg. I work in a office job doin sedantary work. I exercise for 2 - 3 hours a week doing karate. My BMI is 29.9% using the ipad app i want to lose 2lbs a week to get down to 90kg and BMI of around 20%. The app told me to lose 2lb a week i should be taking in 1950 calories a day. Which seems very low. However I regularly eat this or less than this each day. Yet my weight only fluctuates 1-2kg in any given week. The weight just does not seem to shift significantly. Any ideas? Am I in starvation mode for everything I eat?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    1) Are you weighing your food?
    2) Try calculating your TDEE and BMR:
    Once calculated, try eating somewhere between the two numbers for 4 to 6 weeks.
    3) Are you taking measurements?
    4) How long have you been eating at this level of calories?
    5) Do you eat your exercise calories back?
  • capedcrusadernz
    No not weighing my food exactly is that important?

    not taking measurements as have no pincher thing

    eating at this level for 8 weeks now

    No i exercise which will lose me 1000 calories in one karate session but i do not therefore eat more.
  • capedcrusadernz
    My TDEE on that link you gave me is 2941
  • capedcrusadernz
    I filled out a link someone else on here gave me and it gave the following results.

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 2131

    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2931

    Daily calories based on goal 2344

    So is this saying to achieve the weight loss I want I should be taking in 2344 calories a day?
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Go for an hourish walk every day and up your calories to around 2200, weigh out all your food so you know your daily intake (a lot of people under calculate how much they actually eat, myself I thought I was on 2000 calories when in reality I was on around 2600) I would not eat less than 2000 calories at the weight you say you are and don't watch the scales so much, 1-2kg is 2-4 pounds which is a lot to lose, anything more than 2lb at your weight would be unhealthy to lose. Take it slow and steady and you will see solid results without as much loose skin and health problems.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    No not weighing my food exactly is that important? Only if you want an accurate account of what you eat

    not taking measurements as have no pincher thing - it's called a measuring tape - no fancy pincher thing needed. I got mine for about a $1 or so at Target near the sewing stuff. I'm sure lots of other places have them too.