Tell me off! Please!



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You are a naughty, dirty girl and you need to be punished for not losing weight and for listening to some of the people in this thread. Time for your spanking.

    Wait, did you mean a different kind of telling off?

    You should be following a roughly 40/30/30 macro spread. Ultimately calories are king though, so if you are eating too many carbs/fats you would still lose weight. Sodium just contributes to water weight.

    What do you mean with 40/30/30 spread?

    Calories from 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member

    Also, you have a comeback for everyone that's offered help so consider kicking your own butt ;)

    I thought they were actually a further explanation of her situation and she seems open to the suggestions.

    Since everyone else commented on the food I looked at your exercise diary. I do not know what kind of shape you are currently in, but unless it is pretty bad walking at a slow pace doesn't cut it for a serious workout. There is that a few short bursts of circuit training, 1 day when you swam some laps, and light housekeeping.

    I do not mean this in a mean way, but am seriously asking: are you breaking a sweat? getting up a good sweat? sore at all the day after? If not, and if there is not a medical reason holding you back, you need to get serious on the exercise end. Try underestimating your calorie burn from exercise or not eating back all your exercise calories to allow for margin of error on both food calories and calories burned.

    Thanks for understanding! I was worried people thought I was being a pain by 'talking back' but like I mentioned before I think people that post here deserve an explanation. And I like discussions more then just a one off comment.

    I have some back problems (slipped disc in my spine) which is sore 24/7. This prevents me from doing a lot more then what I am doing. How ever I do not logg all excersise, and I never log my strenght training as it doesnt affect my calories on here so I dont see the point, and I have no way of measuring how much I burn. I have heard people mention a heart rate monitor and I am looking into getting one of those. Overal I underestimate the intensity level of what I do, I log everything as low intensity because I know MFP can be inaccurate.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    You are a naughty, dirty girl and you need to be punished for not losing weight and for listening to some of the people in this thread. Time for your spanking.

    Wait, did you mean a different kind of telling off?

    You should be following a roughly 40/30/30 macro spread. Ultimately calories are king though, so if you are eating too many carbs/fats you would still lose weight. Sodium just contributes to water weight.

    What do you mean with 40/30/30 spread?

    Calories from 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein.

    Interestting, I'm way off there haha. Will definitly work on this! Thanks!
  • s243smith
    s243smith Posts: 5
    I don't think that some of the food is calculated correctly. Ham and cheese both have fat sodium but some of the time you don't have any recorded.
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would suggest
    - less takeaway
    - less bread/rice etc
    - no juice/wine
    - more fruit and veg
    - more protein
    - less cheese (though it pains me to say it, I love cheese!)

    Instead of 1 or 2 ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, could you have an open sandwich (one piece of bread) with more toppings eg tomato, avocado, baby spinach etc? Use multigrain bread instead of white? Can you make up a container of chopped up fruit/veg and nuts to snack on during the day? And eggs are great too, for protein etc.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I don't think that some of the food is calculated correctly. Ham and cheese both have fat sodium but some of the time you don't have any recorded.

    True, this is because I just use whatever is in the database that resembles what I have had. I often log things on my phone so I did not see that what I log has not included these stats, I will watch out for this next time! Thanks for noticing!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would suggest
    - less takeaway
    - less bread/rice etc
    - no juice/wine
    - more fruit and veg
    - more protein
    - less cheese (though it pains me to say it, I love cheese!)

    Instead of 1 or 2 ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, could you have an open sandwich (one piece of bread) with more toppings eg tomato, avocado, baby spinach etc? Use multigrain bread instead of white? Can you make up a container of chopped up fruit/veg and nuts to snack on during the day? And eggs are great too, for protein etc.

    No wine? I drink wine often.

    There is no reason to cut ANYTHING out, just different portions as your macros require.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would suggest
    - less takeaway
    - less bread/rice etc
    - no juice/wine
    - more fruit and veg
    - more protein
    - less cheese (though it pains me to say it, I love cheese!)

    Instead of 1 or 2 ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, could you have an open sandwich (one piece of bread) with more toppings eg tomato, avocado, baby spinach etc? Use multigrain bread instead of white? Can you make up a container of chopped up fruit/veg and nuts to snack on during the day? And eggs are great too, for protein etc.

    Definitly agree with you here.
    Problem is the food that is available at work is not that varied. I know I could bring in food from home, but the pay is terrible and the one benefit is having free lunch. How ever I do often try and have a salad wrap instead of the ham and cheese toasty, it just depends on what is available (has to do with wastage calculations on the job) And yes I have noticed I was drinking a bit to much wine lately so I have tried to stop that.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Looking at your diary, I would suggest
    - less takeaway
    - less bread/rice etc
    - no juice/wine
    - more fruit and veg
    - more protein
    - less cheese (though it pains me to say it, I love cheese!)

    Instead of 1 or 2 ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, could you have an open sandwich (one piece of bread) with more toppings eg tomato, avocado, baby spinach etc? Use multigrain bread instead of white? Can you make up a container of chopped up fruit/veg and nuts to snack on during the day? And eggs are great too, for protein etc.

    No wine? I drink wine often.

    There is no reason to cut ANYTHING out, just different portions as your macros require.

    She was right though, I was drinking way to much! I just had a bad period I guess haha. Portion control is something that I'm pretty good at during the day, until dinner comes along, need to work on that!
  • mompom1114
    mompom1114 Posts: 10
    I say focus on the sodium for right now. That is really, really high and will make you retain water like nobody's business. Up the fresh fruit/veggies and see how that help. Take baby steps until you find what works for you. And honestly, log, log, log and log correctly. The scanner is a great option but try your best to look through the lists and find something close.

    Most importantly, don't give up. You'll get it.
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? What kind of cardio/strength, how often, how long and how intense?

    Also, not saying NEVER have wine... I don't really drink, so I see it as a waste of calories, but that's just me :)
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I say focus on the sodium for right now. That is really, really high and will make you retain water like nobody's business. Up the fresh fruit/veggies and see how that help. Take baby steps until you find what works for you. And honestly, log, log, log and log correctly. The scanner is a great option but try your best to look through the lists and find something close.

    Most importantly, don't give up. You'll get it.

    Thanks :)

    I do indeed love the scanner option!
    I just calculated what my dinner for tonight would be and I used the scanner, I was shocked at the amount of sodium that is in the sauce that I use, next time I will have to make a different sauce with less sodium in it!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    What kind of exercise are you doing? What kind of cardio/strength, how often, how long and how intense?

    Also, not saying NEVER have wine... I don't really drink, so I see it as a waste of calories, but that's just me :)

    I am currently doing the Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred programme :)
    This is a all over work out of 20 minutes a day (I do this 5 days a week). And I try to add extra sit ups and weight lifting when I have the energy for it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am out. Best of luck. :)
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member

    Also, you have a comeback for everyone that's offered help so consider kicking your own butt ;)

    I agree with the others about your sodium, carbs, sugar and processed foods. And lastly, this^^^

    ^^^ this
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Oy, it's hard to find the energy when you're working as well, especially as (I'm guessing) in a standing up all day job.
    Can you chuck in a few minutes of stretching every day, maybe during your break or in quiet periods? Will help your body feel a bit less stressed. And maybe a walk here and there - a continuous walk rather than wait-style stop and start - will ease up your back a little.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Oy, it's hard to find the energy when you're working as well, especially as (I'm guessing) in a standing up all day job.
    Can you chuck in a few minutes of stretching every day, maybe during your break or in quiet periods? Will help your body feel a bit less stressed. And maybe a walk here and there - a continuous walk rather than wait-style stop and start - will ease up your back a little.

    Will give that a try for sure, thanks :)
  • jjkarnitz
    jjkarnitz Posts: 55
    First of all, I want to commend you for opening your diary for all to see. I feel it is a very personal thing to share your record of foods and I don't know that I could do it!

    Since you want opinions, let me be of service. I agree with the people who say you have a lot of processed food on your list. But also, I noticed what looks like a lot of carbs and sugar on your list.

    Did you know that when you set goals on MFP it defaults to a 55% carb, 30% fat, 15% protein ratio? That breakdown doesn't work for me. If I eat that much in carbs/sugar I am hungry all the time. But if I stick to a 40/30/30 ratio (as has been suggested) I seem to crave much less food and feel fuller longer. Some days I am under on my calories, if I eat enough protein and stay AWAY from the sugar and carbs.

    A while back, someone wrote that you should always overestimate your food calories and underestimate your exercise calories. Good advice! Which brings me to another point. MFP has, in my experience, been WAY OFF on estimating calories burned for exercise. I don't burn nearly the calories it says I do. I got a heart rate monitor and it's been the most terrific investment. Now I KNOW what I am burning. Good luck!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I don't know your weight/height/activity level...but I wouldn't lose at the amount of calories that you eat, especially if I went by the calorie burns on mfp or cardio machines, they are always too high for me.

    If you are going to have a small deficit, it is extra important to make sure everything you log is accurate, I'd get a food scale and a heart rate monitor (I use both already). You might be eating more or burning less than you think.

    Also like others have said, watch the sodium! it'll kill you with water weight!

    When things aren't working for you, don't keep doing them! I know it's easier said than done, as I've plateaued for months myself!

    From my experience, when I really want it, 100%, I do it. When I'm not making progress, it's usually because I'm making excuses for myself and not really giving it my full effort. And the only person that's able to change that is me. That might not be the case for you, but I know it usually is for me!

    Good luck btw!
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
    Other than limiting the sodium, fat, and sugar....another thing is drinking "fruit juice". Fruit juice has a large amt of sugar and carbs with literally no fiber to counderact the carb intake. Instead of reaching for a glass of juice, reach for the fruit itself. This way you get some sugar and carbs but not nearly as much and you get the fiber to boot...