To all the "mass builders" out there and or their GFs

curds Posts: 201 Member
Hey Guys,

So my boyfriend and I are both trying to live a healthier active lifestyle. My focus is obviously more on losing weight and toning up where his is more about gaining muscle mass.

He only recently (yesterday actually) started counting calories, his one of those "gifted" men who can eat a lot and barely pick up weight. So finally on my suggestion he agreed to counting calories now the app said he should eat around 3200 calories a day. More than double my amount and since I'm the cook in the relationship I usually try to make light meals. The only high calories dishes I really know how to make is puddings/cakes etc basically stuff you try to stay away from.

So to all of the guys and or their girlfriends responsible for the cooking how do you hit your targets without spending hours in the kitchen?

In case you need it his 187 cm ( I think that's 6ft1) and his 84 kgs at the moment, but his weight fluctuates between 82-84 kgs. His goal is to go up to around 90 kgs.

Ps: Just as an example he can comfortably finish a pot of food and still have room for snacks later!


  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    Hey there, you sound just like me and my bf, down to the numbers - he is also 6'1" but he is only trying to get up to 180 lbs or so (about 82 kg).

    He doesn't track his calories anymore, but he did for a month or so to get a sense of how much he should be eating every day. If you want, his diary is still open and you can take a look at some of the entries from this date forward:

    For breakfasts, he usually has smoothies with coconut milk, protein powder, bananas, berries, yogurt, etc. Around 450 calories. My lighter calorie version has just protein powder, berries, yogurt, and water for about 250 cals.

    He always has to be eating during the day too to keep his calories up - we came up with a high-calorie oatmeal dish for a morning snack - 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, banana, more frozen berries, coconut, walnuts, peanut butter, and more protein powder. We keep lots of 10% greek yogurt in the house for him too.

    Lunch is normally either eggs or canned salmon plus veggies. Lots of nuts and dried fruits as a snack.

    For dinner, we eat basically the same thing, only he gets more of it - so if I had 2 chicken drumsticks, he'd get 3 or 4. I'd also put more fats on his foods - healthy fats like EVOO or coconut oil, or just more of whatever topping - more shredded cheese for him, more sour cream, etc.

    Hope that helps!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    roast chicken. you eat one breast and he eats the rest.

    ...memories of dating a lifter here. we ate a hell of a lot of roast dinners!
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks Horseplaypen!

    I totally forgot what a calorie bomb nuts can be. He naturally has an athletic shape to him (did the whole athlete thing in H.S), when we started I assumed he would totally rock the whole fitness thing and he would be at goal weight within a month. Its been longer than a month and his progress is slow, but noticeable. Its actually rather annoying lol simply because it seems when he loses a KG I picked it up, anyway I suppose its all part of the fun of becoming runway ready! (we will be on our version of a runway in a few months)

    If I may ask did your boyfriend see "big" changes when he started tracking his calories? Or is it another case of slow and steady wins the race!

    Thanks again, I will load up on nuts this weekend.
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    roast chicken. you eat one breast and he eats the rest.

    ...memories of dating a lifter here. we ate a hell of a lot of roast dinners!

    LOL, I don't eat meat and trust me he does eat a lot of chicken! We don't have an oven well not really picture an oven the size of a toaster so I usually just make him chicken fillets/breasts. I make a whole pack of chicken usually (1 kg) and that will be about two meals for him.

    I have been trying to avoid frying stuff for him because its not usually high on the health scale (yes, I fry with evoo or coconut oil, but please correct me if I'm wrong in thinking that fry foods shouldn't be a regular on your diet)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    He can essentially eat the same things as you, but he needs to eat larger quantities and add olive oil to his food.

    And he should be snacking between meals. He can eat calorie dense foods like nuts.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I make my boyfriend lots of mac n cheese with ham in it and lots of ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches. Carbs spare protein and are less satiating than protein so it's a good way to load up on food. He doesn't exactly eat clean, lots of McD's and pints of Ben and Jerry's but I try to get some healthier stuff in there, too.
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    I make my boyfriend lots of mac n cheese with ham in it and lots of ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches. Carbs spare protein and are less satiating than protein so it's a good way to load up on food. He doesn't exactly eat clean, lots of McD's and pints of Ben and Jerry's but I try to get some healthier stuff in there, too.

    LOL silly question maybe as many will probably say you can't get muscular from eating junk food, but does your BF have a lot of muscle? In other words can you see them? Not just when he flexes?

    BF the lucky bugger has gotten free time to gym at work and have a massage afterwards (sigh) so working out for him is not a problem, but he loves the not so clean foods (fried chicken mostly and pastries from the local bakery)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If you are eating 1600ish and a typical "clean" diet then theoretically he could eat the same as you and probably an extra 50% or so. Then make up the rest of the cals with whatever he wishes. That "should" get adequate protein (as long as you are also) and fat.

    Also, at 82kg he may need more than 3200 to gain if he is a bit ecto or has an active job but it's a good start.