Why are we eating (drinking) none meal items to supplement o



  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I have been eating the pure protein bars. They are easy, keep me full, and yummy to me. With me personally, if I don't eat higher protein items, I become ravenous and cranky. TERRIBLE COMBO! Then I binge...soooo

    For my own personally sanity, they help me reach higher protein goals at work where I have limited cooking areas.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Great post!

    The only "bars" I eat are Lara Bars, which aren't energy/diet bars - they're just fruit/nut bars made without preservatives/artificial ingredients. I like them because they have very few ingredients, no preservatives, and only a few have any added sugar (the few with chocolate chips in them). Most have ingredient lists like: Dates, Almonds, Unsweetened Apples, Walnuts, Raisins, Cinnamon (That's the "Apple Pie" bar).

    I only eat these when I need a healthy, high-calorie snack on the go... most of them are 180-230 calories a bar.

    I love the Lara bars! For me, with all my allergies, they are about as close to a candy bar as I can get because they are allergy "safe". But you're right, they are just a good snack on occasion.

    As for the bars/shakes before working out- I used to think there was something to that too. But my endocrinologist spent 2 hours with me one time talking about stuff like this. I was shocked, and relieved at the same time, to learn that it actually is better (for me at least) to workout in the morning on an empty stomach. I was relieved because I hate working out with anything in my belly and I thought there was something wrong with me because everyone else was downing shakes and red bulls, and power bars.... ICK! Turns out, I'm perfectly normal. It was my friends who were crazy, lol.

    Ha Ha Ha. I like this. I totally agree with this.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I have been eating the pure protein bars. They are easy, keep me full, and yummy to me. With me personally, if I don't eat higher protein items, I become ravenous and cranky. TERRIBLE COMBO! Then I binge...soooo

    For my own personally sanity, they help me reach higher protein goals at work where I have limited cooking areas.

    This will work when their is a protein deficiency and if you want to live with sure. I just think bring a box lunch that I put together serves my purpose well. I am a vegetarian and I normally get well within my protein quota for the day by just eating. I am sure I will have to add something down the road when my runs get longer but that is only for replacing what is lost for an after run snack but if I want something at work it will be something I can say hey I can see myself still eating this 50 years down the road.

    This is not bashing you for your choice by the way. This is giving a perspective that you may not agree with which is fine. It is just another view to keep us all thinking.

    Your diary, however, is not clouded by a shake for breakfast, a bar for a snack, another shake and bar for luch, and yogurt for dinner like I have seen. That is insane and fuel for an unfortunate rebound of weight gain.
  • Absolutely not true, I started on the Slim Fast diet 3 months ago - and sometimes where I just really don't want to drink it, I will get something that is equal in calories. I have lost 61 lbs .. so obviously it's not that bad. If you want to do it right, there is a way you can.
  • :) WELL said and you will NOTICE my diary isn't a diet
    its reality for a lifestyle...
    GREAt post:flowerforyou:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Absolutely not true, I started on the Slim Fast diet 3 months ago - and sometimes where I just really don't want to drink it, I will get something that is equal in calories. I have lost 61 lbs .. so obviously it's not that bad. If you want to do it right, there is a way you can.

    I think it's great that you've done so well on this. I dont' think anyone is saying that you *can't* lose weight and keep it off using these kind of products (at least that's not how I interpreted it), but I think most of us are saying that, in the long run, it is more helpful to developing a long-term healthy lifestyle to lose weight by eating "real" food - fresh fruits/veggies, lean meats, beans, etc. At some point you'll reach your goal weight and you'll have to learn to maintain without using these type of products, assuming you're not planning on using them forever. We think its better to eat now what you plan to eat forever.

    Personally I would never eat (drink) slim-fast or other similar products...I can get all my calories/nutrients from much more delicious and fun to eat foods. Those products have too many preservatives/stuff that I don't want in my body if I can avoid it... Here's the ingredient list for the creamy milk chocolate shake: (Sorry it's in all caps - that's how the slimfast website had it)


    I know a lot of the funky names in there are vitamins, but not all of them are.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm glad you posted. I noticed this trend recently- for people both currently losing weight and those on here maintaining weight. I couldn't believe what I saw! Shakes?

    For me, this is about lifestyle change, not just a "diet". I don't want to drink a shake for lunch for the rest of my life, so I don't plan to do it while I am losing weight. I do endulge in Clif bars, mostly because they are organic, have enough sweetness to keep me away from "real" candy bars, and I use them only more for that than a meal replacement (can't and refuse to do any bars/shakes/food that contain any artificial sugars, including splenda).

    I'm glad to see there are others who feel the same way! Plus WHOLE foods- fruits, veggies, grains, meats, etc, are so much better for you than random chemicals!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Absolutely not true, I started on the Slim Fast diet 3 months ago - and sometimes where I just really don't want to drink it, I will get something that is equal in calories. I have lost 61 lbs .. so obviously it's not that bad. If you want to do it right, there is a way you can.

    Whats not true? We are talking about getting healthy. Just because you lose weight, doesn't mean its healthy.

    I am a survivor of an eating disorder. I lost weight by starving myself and vomiting and using laxitives. It worked..... so obviously its not bad. :noway: Shoot, Metabalife worked for tons of people in the short run.... So obviously it wasn't bad.

    Eventually you will have to start eating real food. Slim Fast is not meant to be used for extended periods without doctor supervision. All we are saying, is that by eating those low calories now by means of real food, you will have an easier transition later when you start maintaining. There is no proof that meal replacement shakes and bars work in the long run. There is actually eveidence to quite the opposite. And slim fast conains HFCS, which is direcly linked to obesity and addiction. Why does a diet shake contain HFCS in the first place? Thats is exactly what they remove from soda to make it diet. I'm just sayin'....

    If its working for you, great. Awesome for you. I hope you prove me wrong five years from now. But we are talking about a healthy lifestyle, not diets.
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Your body needs so much more than what those bars and shakes have to offer. The only bar I eat is a granola bar for a snack. Ok ok... and a chocolate bar when Aunt Flo comes for a visit. There, I said it!:tongue:

  • Allieballie
    Allieballie Posts: 102
    Very good post :) I'm all for real food. I picked up a package of veggie burgers, and looked through the ingredients, and was shocked at the fillers and sodium. It immediately made me want to go home and make some of my own. I made a dozen, froze eleven of 'em and saved myself a ton of money and funky ingredients that my body isn't designed to process.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Very good post :) I'm all for real food. I picked up a package of veggie burgers, and looked through the ingredients, and was shocked at the fillers and sodium. It immediately made me want to go home and make some of my own. I made a dozen, froze eleven of 'em and saved myself a ton of money and funky ingredients that my body isn't designed to process.

    Can you share your recipe for veggie burgers (maybe in the recipe section of the site with a link posted here)? I've never seen a receipt for these or tried to make my own, but I'd be very interested!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I have noticed this trend around here also.

    Definitely agree with what has been said. Stick to healthier choices and control your portions, do a bit of exercise and you will lose weight at a healthy rate. And depending on type of exercise, macronutrient split hopefully the majority of weight lost is fat not muscle.

    I have a protein/dextrose shake post workout for a high GI meal to get carbs/protein to muscles quickly but that's it at the moment.

    I used to have pure protein bars. Just because they were so damn tasty. Great dessert treat :P
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Very good post :) I'm all for real food. I picked up a package of veggie burgers, and looked through the ingredients, and was shocked at the fillers and sodium. It immediately made me want to go home and make some of my own. I made a dozen, froze eleven of 'em and saved myself a ton of money and funky ingredients that my body isn't designed to process.

    May I have that recipe for veggie burgers???? Please :happy:
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I agree that this is a lifestyle change. I'm definitely making changes I can stick with. I've been cooking healthy and eating lots of fruit and vegetables. I noticed that my protein intake was low so I just bought some protein powder. I can see myself using these for a long time because it's an easy, tasty way to up my protein.
  • ira_wall
    ira_wall Posts: 10
    I agree, but I do use protein bars and mainly when I am working. Because alot to the time we are so busy answering calls that I won't get time to eat much less try to find a good meal. I used to run through a drive through and pickup a burger or sandwich so I could scarf it down while driving to the next call. When I started watching my foods and calories I realized oooppps OMG those things have so many calories. If only they made salads and stuff portable and easy to eat while driving 100 mph to the next call LOL.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I now have a new view on these questions.

    1.I have had temporary issues with money so had to stay in a budget for the first time in 10 years on groceries.
    2, I am not hungry due to an extreme amount of stress. So I choose the one thing that will stay in my stomach
    3. With no appetite, the act of cookign and preparing makes me sick to my stomach, so a protein shake is better than eating nothing.

    Up until last Wednesday, I would have listed a wonderful day of salads, chicken, salmon, fresh veggies.......

    Time, stress, money play a big role in what we are choosing to eat.

    BUT........thank you for the reminder. It may be better to eat 2 spinach leaves and 1 oz of grilled chicken than to wolf down cheez its that were $1 a box!!!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    I have an Herbalife shake when I feel like it. Because I want it and it tastes good. I mix it with juice and ice and Silk and yogurt and maybe some fresh fruit. I am getting all the nutrients I need the way I want to. I would NOT make my meals of ONLY shakes, but I will have one because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

    I am a realist, and I know that "real food" is what is going to keep me healthy, but DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE I LIKE MY OCCASIONAL SHAKE. :noway:

    I also agree with arewethereyet about money being a factor. It is damn expensive to eat right. I have been out of work for 15 months, and sometimes we have to make a choice of grocery shopping or paying the mortgage. It's just our life right now. But we all do what we have to do. (Whether others understand or not...)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have an Herbalife shake when I feel like it. Because I want it and it tastes good. I mix it with juice and ice and Silk and yogurt and maybe some fresh fruit. I am getting all the nutrients I need the way I want to. I would NOT make my meals of ONLY shakes, but I will have one because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

    I am a realist, and I know that "real food" is what is going to keep me healthy, but DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE I LIKE MY OCCASIONAL SHAKE. :noway:

    I also agree with arewethereyet about money being a factor. It is damn expensive to eat right. I have been out of work for 15 months, and sometimes we have to make a choice of grocery shopping or paying the mortgage. It's just our life right now. But we all do what we have to do. (Whether others understand or not...)

  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I have an Herbalife shake when I feel like it. Because I want it and it tastes good. I mix it with juice and ice and Silk and yogurt and maybe some fresh fruit. I am getting all the nutrients I need the way I want to. I would NOT make my meals of ONLY shakes, but I will have one because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

    I am a realist, and I know that "real food" is what is going to keep me healthy, but DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE I LIKE MY OCCASIONAL SHAKE. :noway:

    I also agree with arewethereyet about money being a factor. It is damn expensive to eat right. I have been out of work for 15 months, and sometimes we have to make a choice of grocery shopping or paying the mortgage. It's just our life right now. But we all do what we have to do. (Whether others understand or not...)

    I started to make a response like this yesterday, but I had to stop and think about what the OP said. It's not about EVER eating bars or having shakes, it's about replacing entire meals with those things. I'd like to think that most people would agree with that. I still eat bars and have shakes, but the bars will be a snack or if I have them at meal time I eat them with something else. Yesterday morning I wanted a Luna Protein bar, so I had one with some egg whites. Lately I've been drinking protein shakes, but it's always after my workout and then I have dinner.

    And it's not about "You can't EVER replace a meal." Yeah, money can be an issue or having one of those things is better than nothing. It's the people that willfully replace meals because they're doing it for a diet. That's the issue.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,996 Member
    I think a lot of people use recovery drinks, protein drinks, and protein bars to supplement their "real" food as a way to get everything in that they want, whether it's protein, fiber, pure calories, etc. I think that's an OK way to use them. I used to do that until I realized how much regular food I had to give up to have them, so I've stopped using them. Of course, I'm not one of those people who struggles to get calories in. I love my food!
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