What do I actually do at the gym???

Hi there, I'm sure this has been covered in a variety of ways but I'm hoping someone can pop on and give me some specific advice?? I've just joined a "pure" gym, which opens in two weeks. I have joined a gym about 6 times before and have always left after a few months for several reasons which I have finally pinned down...

1, I am very self conscious and don't feel like I belong there
2, I find indoor cardio excruciatingly boring (I do road running which I like)
3, I don't know how to get in to a routine

So the first one I think I have nailed as I have lost a lot of fat and don't feel like the novice fat girl anymore. I've got some proper gym clothes and could probably pass as someone who uses the gym just on sight. (unless they look closely ;))
The second one I will bypass completely by not doing cardio at the gym. If I try, I will fail as I will be so bored and I can get my cardio outside through running and I walk for about an hour a day too.
It's the third one I need help with?? There is going to be a good weights section, and I believe a women's only weights area so I would like to do some work there. But I am getting really nervous thinking about approaching it and having no idea what I am doing! Are there any routines online? I can only find home workout routines, nothing about the gym?

Can anyone help?


  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    I feel the same way you do mostly.. i hate wondering what people are thinking and people that watch me. I just bought weights for home and decided against getting yet another gym membership. (i know that isn't helpful to your question haha)
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    Book a one off personal trainer appointment, get them to devise a plan for you to do for 6-8 weeks and then book another to change things up for you.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    I am the same so I do a lot of kettlebell routines at home as I can have my music on etc while I do it and they take up very little space.
  • joyfulrunner22
    joyfulrunner22 Posts: 33 Member
    This is the program I have used in the gym:


    I love it and I have had some of the best results from that program. I have definition in places I did not know existed. I can also do pull ups and chin ups on my own no problem. You can print off the workout each day and take it with you so you know what you have to do.
  • jackielburt
    I used to feel the same way. I hated the gym, but I think I was just in the wrong place. I joined a gym that talks about being a "no judgement" zone. I've noticed there are mostly people just like me there, of course there are a few that are intimidating, but that's ok, us "normal people" seem to outnumber them. I've noticed that I like going to the gym more now that I'm starting to take advantage of the little "perks" they offer, like tanning and massage beds. And I go really early in the morning, which is great for me, because I'm a morning person. I usually only do about 25 minutes on the elliptical and then use some weights, mostly for my upper body. Before this, I was very sedentary, so since I started going, the weight is really coming off and that makes me want to keep it up.
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    book a trainer appointment or ask one of the staff at the gym for a coulple of pointers.....they are there to help.

    Also you should try out some of the classes at the gym, so much more fun then just going yourself and I find that I'm too embarassed to be the one that stops in a class so push myself further!
  • bartbell
    bartbell Posts: 10
    Bodybuliding.com is a great place to start, like the above post says. Tons of workout journals to go through, video clips of the actual lifts in alot of the bulletin boards so you know you are doing them correctly. Do some reading find a program that fits your time and body limits and go for it. Good luck!
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member

    I have a personal program 2 day
    I also 2 my own program and I use this site http://printableworkouts.com/

    hope this helps

    anyone can add me
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    I don't know what a 'pure' gym is, but I'm sure most gyms offer an introductory trainer session to get you started off.
    If they don't, see if you can book one.
  • mountaingirl2207
    TNROLFW is awesome for people who are intimidated. Its a no brainer. All your workouts are already planned, and it starts you off slow enough that before you know it you are totally comfortable.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Just force yourself to go. I promise, your feelings will disappear after a few sessions. You'll probably stop with the excuses as well. Nobody in the weights area was born with a dumbbell in hand. I had the exact same feelings as you when I started, and it is completely normal. But you aren't going for normal, you are trying to be one of the exceptional people who manage to be in shape.

    I don't use a gym right now, just my TRX, a jump rope, and resistance bands. That's always an option.
  • R_Bedard
    R_Bedard Posts: 91 Member
    Usually in myexperience gyms offer a 'set-up' program whenyou join. 1_2 sessions with a trainer to get you started. I like you get bored of cardio on the machines. I choose to take the classes offered. This is my sample week . . .

    Mon. Step class, weights in gym
    Tuesday. Spin class
    Wed. Cardio kickboxing - it also includes weights
    Thurs. Spin class
    Fri. Rest day
    Sat. Spin class, toning class, step class - I pick 2 of 3
    Sun. Spin class

    Spin is new to my gym - that why I take so many at the moment. However, if you gym has a pool, aquafit classes are a good option to.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    you re on the right track asking for help and wanting to plan a routine or there is always the option of a trainer to get you pointed in the right direction.

    Back in the day it was only books and magazines for research and gaining knowledge but there now there is limitless informormation at the click of a mouse and the more effort you put into research now speaks volumes about the effort you ll put in at the gym and how successful you ll be.

    Gyms are littered with people who drop out or train most days of the week and never make the visible changes they want for themselves...pointless being one of them and despite their experience in the gym its obvious they havnt researched and dont even know why they are not making the gains they will always aim for and never achieve until they do.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Book a one off personal trainer appointment, get them to devise a plan for you to do for 6-8 weeks and then book another to change things up for you.

    This is what I do every 4-6 weeks. It really works for me! Make sure you pick a bona fide trainer....ask to see credentials if necessary.
  • LauraThirty
    LauraThirty Posts: 74
    THANKS SO MUCH everyone. That is so helpful. A pure gym is without trainers or people who help you out ect. You just rock up and go I think. Although there are PTs that work at the gym independently so I think I will book one of them for my first visit and see how I get on with the printable :) I'm excited!!!
  • janeyloveslife
    janeyloveslife Posts: 34 Member
    I love my road running too, and find cardio at the gym super boring. But with Winter fast approaching in New Zealand I have joined the gym recently so I have no weather related excuses not to work out.

    What motivates me is to treat myself each week to a new album on itunes and pump that while I'm on the treadmill, cross trainer, or the bike. I like doing circuit training too as it keeps it more interesting, however it's trickier to listen to my ipod while doing this.

    Good luck! I start enjoying the gym soon.