The Fast Metabolism Diet



  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    this is a lifestyle dairy, no refined sugars, no alcohol, no caffine. Its too help your metabolism work properly...Ive now lost a total of 5 pounds in 7 days. The word DIET in this book stands for: DID I EAT TODAY. The aurthor is Haylie Pomroy for anyone who is interested.
    I am doing the Ketosis plan for my thyroid which is very similar but you lower carbs to go into the glucose expelling state and up your fats (good fats) so your body burns the healthy fat for energy. So far lost a couple pounds and feel really good no fatigue or other syptoms of my hypothyroidism.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    if spending 24.95 helps me with meal planning, food suggestions and recipes, I think its worth it.

    MFP does that for free...but hey it's your money, spend it as how you see best...

    I am just wary of anyone or thing that claims it will "speed up metabolism" ....

    You want to lose less, work out more...simple...

    It would be sooo cool if it were that simple. Maybe if you read it, it might see things a tad differently.

    I have lived it. Compound lifts + eating in deficit have taken me from 210 pounds and 20+% body fat to 170 and 12% body fat..

    why would I spend 24.95 on something that has zero use to me..?

    I don't see what is so hard about eating less and exercising more...

    To be fair, when you don't have a metabolic disorder, what you have said works. Unfortunately with a metabolic disorder it is a much more complicated process.
  • gbm1982
    gbm1982 Posts: 23 Member
    l havnt tried it but - regardless of what people say above if this is something that works for you then thats good! everyone has to trial these things. Sometimes its good to do something totally different for a quick weight-loss effect anyways good luck - take the postive forget the negative!
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    i didnt post this to argue with anyone...but the author is a nutrishionist so....

    What's a nutrishionist? I think you meant nutritionist. Either way you spell it you've just made the "Argument to Authority"; someone you feel is an authority about something made a statement that you've given credibility to based on their credentials rather than an understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms and processes for it. Appeals to authority are a logical fallacy and the road to nowhere since many "authorities" will often contradict each other about what's actually true. A clear understanding of how something works relieves you of needing a "smart" or "important" person to appeal to.

    She actually goes into the biological mechanisms and processes for it.

    Here is a little thing on her. Though it doesn't mention her start in Animal Sciences. She is a Science nerd and huge researcher too.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I read through this whole thread, and what I got from it is: You are looking to find different ideas that will help you tweak and make changes that unique and work for you (and really, the money part is irrelevant!) I agree with the comment that if you're looking for an idea of scheduling, it works. If you're looking for new recipes, it works. If you're looking to find that magic bullet that will make you suddenly healthy, skinny, and happy - - well, I don't think that's anywhere (sadly!)

    BUT my opinion is that you can officially ignore the guy who keeps chiming in saying that it's simply calories in vs calories out. He has never had a hormone surge and has no idea what differences women go through trying to become healthy.

    My two cents - - give it a whirl. It doesn't seem any worse than any of the other methods out there. Keep in mind why you're on this journey - is it just to be "skinny" (short term at best) or is it to be "healthy" (long term - this lifestyle change of which they speak).

    What are you wiling to do to attain that final goal? I'm looking forward to hearing what your final outcome is with this tweak. :bigsmile:

    so calories somehow distinguish between a male and a female? Explain to me how a calorie "knows" if eat is being consumed by a male or a female?

    look, if you eat too much you gain weight, eat less you lose weight...problem solved..24.99 saved...
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Ndj, have you even read this book? Have you even read her take on calories in vs. calories out? There is discrepancy about that theory. Maybe you should do some research on it.

    Not everyone's body reacts the same to everything. Yours did and I am happy for you. Not everyone is that lucky. Now that I am going to be 45, my body is doing some funky things. I grew up thin and fit and then had years of weight struggle after having children. I also have a Thyroid that one day will give out on me, I am just doing the best I can to counter act that.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Caffeine? How does the book explain that as bad for you?
    Any diet excluding my coffee is total BS. :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ndj, have you even read this book? Have you even read her take on calories in vs. calories out? There is discrepancy about that theory. Maybe you should do some research on it.

    Not everyone's body reacts the same to everything. Yours did and I am happy for you. Not everyone is that lucky. Now that I am going to be 45, my body is doing some funky things. I grew up thin and fit and then had years of weight struggle after having children. I also have a Thyroid that one day will give out on me, I am just doing the best I can to counter act that.

    why would I read something that has zero benefit to me? I went to her website and one of the first things I saw is that "you should eat small meals frequently.." Once I saw that I stopped reading, because it has been proven that meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So if this lady is going to advocate that then that is my stopping point.

    So your telling me if you eat 500 less calories a day then you take in that you are still going to gain weight??????

    All I am saying is you, or anyone, does not need some "magic metabolism boosting diet" or whatever else someone is trying to sell you.

    Just eat in a deficit and move around and you will lose weight...unless you are somehow beyond the laws of physics and mathematics...
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Caffeine? How does the book explain that as bad for you?
    Any diet excluding my coffee is total BS. :)

    She talks about how Caffeine stresses your adrenal glands. They are important in regulating your blood sugar, keeping your cortisol levels steady. It also pushes the body past its healthy state of energy constantly stealing from your reserves. I paraphrased, but that is the gist of it.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Ndj, have you even read this book? Have you even read her take on calories in vs. calories out? There is discrepancy about that theory. Maybe you should do some research on it.

    Not everyone's body reacts the same to everything. Yours did and I am happy for you. Not everyone is that lucky. Now that I am going to be 45, my body is doing some funky things. I grew up thin and fit and then had years of weight struggle after having children. I also have a Thyroid that one day will give out on me, I am just doing the best I can to counter act that.

    why would I read something that has zero benefit to me? I went to her website and one of the first things I saw is that "you should eat small meals frequently.." Once I saw that I stopped reading, because it has been proven that meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So if this lady is going to advocate that then that is my stopping point.

    So your telling me if you eat 500 less calories a day then you take in that you are still going to gain weight??????

    All I am saying is you, or anyone, does not need some "magic metabolism boosting diet" or whatever else someone is trying to sell you.

    Just eat in a deficit and move around and you will lose weight...unless you are somehow beyond the laws of physics and mathematics...

    Let's make a deal, why don't just agree to disagree. I can "talk" til I am blue in my face and you wouldn't hear me, and probably vice-versa.
  • mfta2204
    mfta2204 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't diet. I do lifestyle changes...
    Once you return to a normal way of eating your weight normally goes back up.

    This! I eat what I like, just smaller portions. I make better choices and still fit in treats. Worked well for me.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member glad i posted this for input...ii thought this was a supportive site.....pfft

    Support isn't people telling you what you want to hear. It's people doing what they can to help you as you try to get healthier, which is what I'm seeing.
  • melzielkie
    melzielkie Posts: 90 Member
    I don't diet. I do lifestyle changes...
    Once you return to a normal way of eating your weight normally goes back up.

  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    Ndj, have you even read this book? Have you even read her take on calories in vs. calories out? There is discrepancy about that theory. Maybe you should do some research on it.

    Not everyone's body reacts the same to everything. Yours did and I am happy for you. Not everyone is that lucky. Now that I am going to be 45, my body is doing some funky things. I grew up thin and fit and then had years of weight struggle after having children. I also have a Thyroid that one day will give out on me, I am just doing the best I can to counter act that.

    why would I read something that has zero benefit to me? I went to her website and one of the first things I saw is that "you should eat small meals frequently.." Once I saw that I stopped reading, because it has been proven that meal timing has nothing to do with metabolism. So if this lady is going to advocate that then that is my stopping point.

    So your telling me if you eat 500 less calories a day then you take in that you are still going to gain weight??????

    All I am saying is you, or anyone, does not need some "magic metabolism boosting diet" or whatever else someone is trying to sell you.

    Just eat in a deficit and move around and you will lose weight...unless you are somehow beyond the laws of physics and mathematics...

    Let's make a deal, why don't just agree to disagree. I can "talk" til I am blue in my face and you wouldn't hear me, and probably vice-versa.

    Perhaps (just perhaps), because physics wins?
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Caffeine? How does the book explain that as bad for you?
    Any diet excluding my coffee is total BS. :)

    She talks about how Caffeine stresses your adrenal glands. They are important in regulating your blood sugar, keeping your cortisol levels steady. It also pushes the body past its healthy state of energy constantly stealing from your reserves. I paraphrased, but that is the gist of it.

    Sips my coffee

    What exactly are her credentials? Is she a doctor? More specifically is she an Endocrinologist?
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I decided to log my food in to see what was actually eating, to my surprise I haven't ever gone over 1400 calories. SO NOT GOOD!!

    I decided since I asked for you all to research, I should do the same. Needless to say, I have decided to eat healthier foods (a positive I will take from this diet), but I am no longer going to restrict what kind of fruit, grain, vegetable, or meat I eat on a specific day.

    A lot of the arguments you all were posting is some I have used in the past myself.

    I need to start my lifting again, walking and eating properly. It helped before, it will again, I just need to do it in a way I won't burn out.
  • vickimciveredwards
    vickimciveredwards Posts: 27 Member
    My post specifically asked for feedback from anyone else doing this diet....not every know-it-all who hasnt even read the book. THATS what im seeing...
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I thought this site was supposed to be supportive, helpful, motivating, and educational?

    All I see is negative is the thing, what works for YOU, doesn't work for other people...... everyone is different so if someone wants to do something, there is really no need to belittle them!

    I am a beachbody coach, and I am up in weight due to medications, and im highly thinking about doing if you have anything MEAN to say, keep it to yourself!
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    FYI: I am on my third day and I am liking the results, have been dieting on and off and I know I have been eating the wrong things even though I was keeping within my 1200 - 1400 calorie.

    I am loosing weight and I am not it is working for me, phase 2 I thought would be challenging but I made it through the first day on this phase, lol and so far have lost 3lbs this week.

    As for the negative input, I dont have time for any negativity.....I focus on the positive and so true not every plan will work for everyone...ya'll need to find what works for you and share it and you may just help someone from your share but not everyone will agree so be it, we are all different :-) Have a great day ya'll.....
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    LOL no cheese? NO way!!