Giving Up



  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Quotes for thoughts!

    "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn"

    Success is not a race, be patient.
    Success leads to success.
    Success is always a work in progress.
    Success doesn't come to you--you go to it.
    Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.
    Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
    Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
    Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!
    If at first you don't succeed-try, try again

    Please add me if you wish to have a truly motivated positive friend!
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I started (again) at the beginning of the year. I started by "buying" into the 1200 calorie BS that MFP sets you up on when you start. From January through March my weight would go down a few pounds, and then up a pound. Then it would go down a pound, and back up two or three pounds............there really wasn't any rhyme or reason.

    Have I wanted to quit?.....multiple times. Did I feel like deleting my account and saying "screw it"?.......often.
    Did I focus too much on a scale, instead of all the relevant numbers?.......obsessively, yes.

    I kept on reading about calculating one's TDEE (Google it if you don't know what that is). When I would punch in my numbers, it told me that I needed to consume closer to 2500 calories. I looked at it with a puzzled look, and said "Yeah right, how will I lose if I am consuming that much".

    Eventually, I decided to try it, using a spreadsheet that "heybales" posted in these very forums. After three weeks of using this spreadsheet, and eating to my TDEE, I dropped 9 pounds................HOLY ****!!! My waist size dropped almost 3 inches..........HOLY DOUBLE ****!!!

    No fasting, no "cleanses", no whack-a-do method pushed by The Biggest Loser or Dr. Oz..............just the realization that my body needs fuel in order to do what it needs to do, and the ultimate realization that the "I've tried everything" mentality might not actually be accurate.

    Keep fighting, set realistic goals, and don't let a scale be the sole barometer of your success. Invest in a tape measure (typically sold in your store's fabric section for probably less than $3). Measure your waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, etc.......and watch those numbers change.
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    You are losing 2-2/3 lbs/week! What more do you want? You are doing great. I know a lady who has spent almost 2 years losing 38 lbs and quiting is not an option for her. @ the rate you are going, you wouldn't exist in 2 years. You are doing well, give you self some time and you will get there. One pound @ a time.
    No, i'm not. I lost that in the beginning, in the early part of April, but since starting to work out and eat a LOT healthier, I have not lost one stinkin pound. Not one...
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, I hear you on this we all want to see the immediate rewards and get that gratifiation of seeing the number go down on the scale but sometimes we just have to be patient.
    Frist and foremost "Trust in the process, because it does take time, but if you feel like your doing all the right things which are
    1) drinking plenty of water 64 oz or more
    2) cutting the sugar/ eating less processed/ eating more whole foods
    3) working out 3-5 times a week ( different videos, exercises keep your body guessing " becuase if it doesnt challenge you it doesnt change you "
    4) watching portions/calories if body is not reacting cant budge the pounds dont restrict too low of calories maybe up the calories.

    Then if only then you might want to get your hormone levels checked out by a doctor, because if you can't seem to budge those pounds and your doing everything right it may be due to something more and or do you have stress it also is a major hidden factor of why you might be struggling to loose weight, Hope this helps.

    Just don't give up because quitters never win, and winners never quit.
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    If you lost 8 lbs every other month for the rest of the year, you'd be at goal by Christmas.

    Now tell me you want to give up.
    Thank you for that!! I like the way you think... :flowerforyou:
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I ran your #s given in your profile. Before adding activity/exercise calories, you should be eating 1800 calories. This is based on creating a deficit of 20% off your total daily energy expenditure (tdee). Which is how many calories your body would use if you are barely active.

    Three weeks isn't a stall. I've been stalled for a year. So I'm focusing on increasing strength, then going back to losing. Hopefully.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    if your thinking about giving up after just 3 weeks then you might as well. I mean this in a polite way despite how it sounds but..............come back when you have some dedication. It takes time and has many ups and downs along the way.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Take measurements, take measurements, take measurements! The scale is not the only factor.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I've had that problem. I solved it by being patient, and enjoying my life. I reached my goal slowly and it was worth it:)
  • chinalavy
    chinalavy Posts: 104
    I did not loose any weight for 3 weeks at one time . I decided to make changes in my life to feel better, eat clean , and stay with it no matter what as per today I loss 35.5 pounds since January . Yes, this is a slow process but worth it be patient keep on going , do not give up make this time be different from the other times if you give up you will never know how far you can go. One thing I learn this is a lifestyle change not a diet it has no ending date and no a finish line just take one day at the time measure your body sometimes the scale does not show you your progress and sometimes your progress is just eating clean and staying with it .
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    3 weeks? This is an endurance race, not a sprint.
  • valey1234
    valey1234 Posts: 29
    The most important thing you need to do is stop being so negative. You need to share a little more imformation what do you weigh now and what is your goal? somtimes you may not be taking in enough calories for the amount of exercise your doing. giving up is not the answer we are all human keep sharing and ask questions. if you want to be friends I am here good luck. valey1234.:bigsmile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    So here I am in my third week as a user on MFP. I lost weight with no problem in the beginning. I am never overindulging, I am never far over my caloric intake, and I make sure to exercise at LEAST 3 times per week. WHY am I stuck at the same weight??? I know this is why I am where I am today. I tried in the past and when I didn't see the results of my hard work, I gave up.
    Is there anyone out there with this problem now or who has been in my shoes?? What on earth did you do to jump start the weight loss again?? I am asking because I am this close to throwing in the towel... again.
    And yes... I am a female. :sad:
    Read your profile. So if you're little sister said "I don't get what's being taught to me. Since I can't learn, I'm going to give up on learning!", then what would you say? What approach would you do? And how would you encourage her to stay the course?
    Then apply to yourself.
    As for your stall, if you're doing the same old thing and expecting a different result, that's defined as insanity. While calorie deficit is needed, your metabolic rate automatically slows when deficit starts. So speed it up by exercising a little harder.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    Change it up...exercise, diet/nutrition, routine, etc. After a weight loss of a several pounds, your body's metabolism changes so changing things up keeps your body on the edge AND look at your MFP goals/plan. With the loss, your calorie intake should change if you want to maintain the same loss pace when you started. For instance, according to MFP, if I want to maintain a 1 lb/week loss, my caloric intake is more than 100 calories a day less than when I started because I weigh 30 lbs less and don't need the extra calories to function.

    I was plateau for the first three months of the year, part of my own doing and part was it just not coming off even though I put some more focus and effort to it. After four months of gaining and losing the same three pounds, I went on vacation in April, gained the three back, came back and lost it and kept going another 4+ so far, 7.5 lbs. in five weeks. I'll admitted I am not doing weights like I was before due to some injuries but I'm focusing on drinking more water, exercise, and eating more protein and less sugar.

    The days where I take a leap from the wagon to enjoy a significant sweet or unhealthy treat or meal, I try to exercise afterwards and/or more that day. I DO NOT beat myself up, I try and plan for it and ENJOY it!!!

    STAY FAITHFUL. There can be any number of issues or a combo of issues that play into our journey. Remember, slow and steady wins the race and by doing it that way, you AND your body can turn the lifestyle choices in good habits that won't go away like we have or seen SO MANY others do.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Your diary is locked so I couldn't see it but I'm wondering if you are eating enough.. If you are eating at 1200 calories, try upping that by 300 or 400 calories (give it 6 weeks) and see where you are then.

    If you are exercising and being more active than you were when you started, you are going to need more food because as you lose fat, your body has fewer energy stores to burn and you have to add that back by eating more Just eat healthier choices.

    make sure you drinking enough water and getting 8 hours of sleep a night. Your body will retain water and bloat during your period too so don't let that week distress you. It's just water weight and it will come off.

    I would also suggest that you take weekly pictures of yourself. The camera will show progress that you can't see by looking at yourself every day.

    Take weekly or bi-weekly measurements too. It's very possible to be losing inches without your weight changing. Mine hasn't changed in about 4 months but I've dropped 3 pant sizes.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't journal my food at the moment but I'm always around for encouragement!
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    You are right on track. Keep going!!
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I started (again) at the beginning of the year. I started by "buying" into the 1200 calorie BS that MFP sets you up on when you start. From January through March my weight would go down a few pounds, and then up a pound. Then it would go down a pound, and back up two or three pounds............there really wasn't any rhyme or reason.

    Have I wanted to quit?.....multiple times. Did I feel like deleting my account and saying "screw it"?.......often.
    Did I focus too much on a scale, instead of all the relevant numbers?.......obsessively, yes.

    I kept on reading about calculating one's TDEE (Google it if you don't know what that is). When I would punch in my numbers, it told me that I needed to consume closer to 2500 calories. I looked at it with a puzzled look, and said "Yeah right, how will I lose if I am consuming that much".

    Eventually, I decided to try it, using a spreadsheet that "heybales" posted in these very forums. After three weeks of using this spreadsheet, and eating to my TDEE, I dropped 9 pounds................HOLY ****!!! My waist size dropped almost 3 inches..........HOLY DOUBLE ****!!!

    No fasting, no "cleanses", no whack-a-do method pushed by The Biggest Loser or Dr. Oz..............just the realization that my body needs fuel in order to do what it needs to do, and the ultimate realization that the "I've tried everything" mentality might not actually be accurate.

    Keep fighting, set realistic goals, and don't let a scale be the sole barometer of your success. Invest in a tape measure (typically sold in your store's fabric section for probably less than $3). Measure your waist, hips, chest, thighs, calves, etc.......and watch those numbers change.

    ^^^^THIS THIS THIS^^^^ I was following what MFP had told me to eat, 1200 calories. Nearly killed someone. Heybales' spreadsheet is very intricate, and is very good. Eat what you want to eat, within reason, lift weights, measure, and watch the weight drop. It's actually as easy as that. Patience is a virtue, and I think too many people think losing weight fast is the way to go. You will find it soon enough later if you rush!
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    love posts like this just quit ... if ur not serious you will give up sooner or later just go back to before and get bigger and bigger until like me u break down and realise that you now have a person to loose rather than that 14lb back when you first tried dieting but gave up because it didnt come of as fast as you like.. ive been here two years and i still have some way to go ill always eat better now watch my weight and log my calories because i dont want to gain it back it took me 4 years to get serious on dieting. if you want over night results go get surgery
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    First of all, losing 8 lb in three weeks is impressive. Second, are you weighing your food on a food scale? If not, chances are you're eating more than you think.

    ^^ This

    I found my portion sizes were way larger than what I was logging. Once I started weighing and measuring my food I found the weight loss to be steadier.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    It happens. I lost 20 pounds in January, Feb & March. Then I went from March 13 to April 14 without losing a pound. Two things happened at that point.

    First, Spring arrived and instead of doing 30 minutes on the treadmill, I started walking outside. I take a 15 minute break in the morning and walk around my building's parking lot, I walk on a nature trail for 30 minutes at lunch and take another 15 minute break in the afternoon and walk around the building again. I'm also more active on the weekends and during the week with miscellaneous outdoor stuff.

    Second, for one 3 day weekend, I increased my calories from 2000 a day to whatever I wanted to eat. I wanted something to "shock my system".

    In the past 3 weeks, I've lost an additional 6 pounds.

    Stick it out for another couple weeks, then try and change things up.