New me

Shmits_ Posts: 5 Member
So I just had to delete my previous MFP profile because ... well... it doesn't apply anymore. My user name was WannaBSkinnyBride but I am no longer going to be a bride. My boyfriend of 4 years, fiance of of 1 year, left me 3 days after my birthday, a month before our 4 year anniversay and about 1 and half years before our wedding (for which I already have a wedding dress) to be with another woman he had known for only a few weeks. She moved into the house we BOTH lived in 2 weeks later. Needless to say, I packed up my things and left. I am currently staying with friends until I can move into my apartment.

As you can see, everything has changed.

What's also changed, funnily enough since I met my ex, is that I put on 78 pounds in the 4 years we were together. When I met him I weighed 135 pounds (I'm 5' 3"). In October 2010 I weight 208 pounds. I'm down to 190 - which is definitely a victory - but I need to work harder to get where I need to be and I'm letting this terrible time in my life be the catalyst.

I truly feel as though I am starting over. The biggest part of my life is now gone. I'm moving into an apartment of my very own for the first time - I've always had a roommate or lived with someone. Everything feels new, different, and kind of scary. I'm almost 30 years old and everything has changed. And I've decided that life is too short to a) dwell on my ex and b) be overweight and unhappy.

I've already signed up for 2 5ks that will take place in August. I have a concrete workout schedule (which right now will just contain walking until I get over these crazy shin splints of mine). And once I move in about two weeks I'm going to start a ketogenic diet - which I'm really excited about. Low-carb seems to work for me.

So here I am...starting completely over. And I'm DETERMINED to be happy and healthy.


  • ControlQueen
    I understand where you are coming from. I'm newly single girl myself after almost 20 years together and 15 years of marriage. Just remember that your life if better now and it's time to become a better version of yourself (my new mantra). We are all here to help you reach your goals. just take each day as it comes.
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    Hey starting over- I am shocked and saddened for you, but hopeful to see that you are finding strength in rebuilding yourself.
  • hj47
    hj47 Posts: 9
    Wishing you so much luck in rebuilding your life - reading your post, it sounds like you are moving forward in a really positive way. Here's to the next chapter of your life being the best yet! xx
  • holyforge
    holyforge Posts: 7 Member
    I'm sorry you had to go through all that, but it does get better. My fiancee and I were married to other people for many years. We each divorced our spouses years ago and thought we'd never marry again, but here we are...engaged and happy.

    This is a great opportunity for you to start over and live your life the way YOU want. The next guy will be very fortunate to have you as you will be a better you.

    Best Wishes...
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I am so sorry that you had to experience that. Sometimes life can be so cruel. I call these learning experiences. So, continue to build yourself up and do what you can to make yourself happy. I believe in you. :flowerforyou:
  • faithfulmomof3
    Keep your chin up! It wasn't meant to be and there are other plans for your life! You don't need a man for you to feel complete, you need one who will encourage you and love you regardless. He wasn't the one for you, but there is another out there and when you are ready, you will find the one who deserves you!
  • SolamenteYo
    SolamenteYo Posts: 10
    Sorry about what happened to you, but CHEERS to the journey you are currently embarking in remaking yourself. I'm sure you'll do fine and surprise yourself along the way.
  • jodie3134
    jodie3134 Posts: 60 Member
    Sorry to read your story... but I'm a big believer of everything happens for a reason. You may not see why now, but some day it will be clear and you will be much better off :) Good for you for focusing on you!
  • Laultimacocacola
    You can do it! When I started dating my bf, I was 119 (2009), almost 4 years later I had gained 25 lbs. I can imagine that what you are going through must be very difficult but focus on yourself! and start training for your 5k! :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add me if you need support
  • mailuci
    mailuci Posts: 27 Member
    I feel for u . it will take time but u will recover and at the same time look fabulous. U can do it girl
  • Shmits_
    Shmits_ Posts: 5 Member
    I love that... a better version of myself :)