How to not kill your calories after being good all day

So I have a bad tendency to be so hungry when I get home from work that I start picking while I'm making dinner. I did good yesterday, but then started eating some crackers, some croutons, and some olives that we were adding to our meal. I also started to fish through the cupboards and had a damn devil dog (yes bought some before Hostess went out of business) because thats when I developed a taste for em.

Mind you, I ate that after dinner, even though I knew I wasn't "allowed" anymore calories, but had the stupid mentality well you went over anyway, you already ruined it, this isn't gonna make a difference.

Ugh, now I sit today with guilt. Anybody have days like this? :(


  • PixieAdele
    PixieAdele Posts: 102 Member
    That happened to me yesterday, ended up going to the pub and having pie and mash (that wasn't even that good).. I went over by about 400-500cals. I felt so guilty that I ended up doing jumping jacks and running on the spot for over an hour while watching a film until 10.45pm. According to mfp I ended the day under my cal goal but because it was a pub lunch i didn't actually know how many cals were in the pie and mash. But i did feel less guilty after all that jumping about!

    Other times I would try and get my net cal intake right for the week overall, so if I'd gone over and left it yesterday i'd cut down 100cals for the next 5days to bring me back into line, maybe you could try that?

    And try not to feel so bad, we are all allowed a treat day now and again!
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    One trick that's been helping me recently is if I go over, even several hundred calories, I am still below my TDEE, so while I am "over", I am still at a deficit which means I would still be losing weight at a slower rate. For me, that nips the "oh well I already blew it" mentality before it gets out of hand.

    The other thing I do in that case is make sure I leave 300 calories the next day for some after dinner snacking (a snack pack of almonds/cashews/dark chocolate at 260 calories is my never fail), just in case. I can usually do one day's worth of light dinner/no snack, but it takes too much out of me to do that day after day.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    If I happen to go over for the day....or I know I will, I will usually MAKE myself do something, like go on a 20 minute 1 mile walk (moderate pace), or hit my elliptical for 20 quick minutes or something. I try to hold myself somewhat "accountable" for my indulgences. Now I don't go crazy with that, but if I don't make some sort of "effort" on my part, then I tend to feel a bit ashamed of myself.
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    But if you don't log it, then you don't go over! Simple!

    Seriously though, if you use the spreadhsheet from in place of road map thing on here, it lets you see how you are doing over a week and a month, in the bigger scheme of things if this still points the right way you are doing okay.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I bring a healthy snack to work ..... and save it for the drive home.

    I'm terrible at 5:30 ..... if I'm at home, I have lots of crap to chose from ....if I eat (my snack) in the car ..... I'm satisfied (more or less).
  • clowie09
    clowie09 Posts: 1
    Hi all,

    The only way I found to fight this is to only arrive home at 7. So diner time! I give myself 15min to order the house and then i can start cooking!
  • erica1649
    erica1649 Posts: 16
    Thanks guys. Good to hear I'm not the only one who does this. I apprecite the tips. I did start dancing around in my office cleaning up last night to music, but was really nothing excessive and worth logging haha.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I don't get out of work until 7 pm ....... then a 45-minute drive .....sometimes will stop off at the gym first. Either before I leave work, or perhaps in the car, I'll eat some combination of apple, almonds and/or cheesestick & drink 8 ounces of plain water. That keeps my energy up for a session at the gym ...... or the devil at bay while I make dinner, cuz my hubby's usually too busy playing FarmVille to start dinner :grumble:

    Best of luck :drinker:
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    I agree with the earlier posters who suggested an afternoon snack -- I feel a HUGE difference (in terms of evening self-control) on the days when I have an afternoon snack versus the days when I don't. HUGE. Best of luck to you!
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    you have MFP on your phone? Make sure you log everything immediately after it goes in your mouth. That way you can see how quickly its stacking up. Also, if seeing your calories "go red" in the negative (calories left) and think that its all ruined, consider what your TDEE is.

    I'm guessing that your TDEE is close to or over 2000 calories. So say your calorie limit on your diary is 1600, and your picking brings your calorie level up to like 1750. You're still 250 below your TDEE, so you're going to lose weight.

    If you keep eating because you've already "ruined" it, you're likely to exceed your TDEE and actually ruin it by eating more than you've burned.

    Make sense?
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    That happened to me last night! I think I just didn't eat enough throughout the day and then when I ate a bit too much last night, I also figured, wth...I already "blew it" for today. I did workout so the damage wasn't TOO bad...but it's how I felt out of control which I HATE! So I actually upped my calories to 2000 AGAIN and am eating just below TDEE for my goal weight of 155. I'm tall so eating 2000cal/day and working out 3x/wk will keep me either maintaining or losing very slowly. But at this rate I'm not getting anywhere doing the same thing. I really need to stay satiated and no feel hungry in order for me to not lose control with my eating. I just think about how I'd be at goal YEARS ago if I didn't keep jumping from one extreme to the other. Slow and steady, but unfortunately I want what I want WHEN I want it. :ohwell: :grumble:
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    I ate everything I wanted all weekend with no excercise and also crappy yesterday. Down 1.5 lbs today. Now I need to figure out how that happened! LOL!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It has helped me to think in terms of a weekly calorie allowance so if I go over one day, I have to restrict the next (or exercise off the excess) so it's not like-oh well, the day is ruined, might as well eat everything.
    I started on a "star challenge" with another group, but you can do it for yourself. Just figure out your weekly calories and then if you stay at goal, gold star; if under, platinum star, but you also get stars for being within 500 cals of goal and so on.
    Another way to stay on goal is to figure out maintenance calories, so you can at least tell yourself that even if you didn't stay on track, you didn't exceed maintenance so it's like a "hold" day and you need that every once in awhile, you can stay at a deficit forever without wanting to binge (well, I can't...)
    good luck!
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    Before dinner is usually the only time I get hungry, but because for me, it's generally a small window, I find I can just willpower it through until I serve dinner.

    My big issue is that I'm greedy in the evening- it's the time of day when I really want to eat! The only thing that works for me is to budget calories for it and embrace it.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    If you can control when you have lunch at work, I would try pushing back my lunch to later in the day and having a mid day snack (fruits, veggies, yogurt, just something light) and make sure I have enough water. I used to take my lunches at noon but I gradually pushed them back and now I take them closer to two or three and have some veggies and lots of water around noon if I feel hungry. Even if you can't change when you have lunch, bring some healthier snacks that you can have before you head home so you aren't super hungry when you get home.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    I plan my dinners ahead...Well all meals really .....I make a menu then shop for that menu for the week....then I prep that days meals ahead of in my dinner for tonight is all ready to go into the pan .....that way I can get it done quickly and with not munching the whole time I am preparing because I am hungry..........

    If I do go over and I do.....I try to let it's done I can not fix it but I can try to prevent it from happening again
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    I sometimes do the picking thing while cooking- best thing I can suggest is keep a bag of baby carrots next to you while you're preparing, and reach for some of those instead of the crackers or croutons, etc. which will be in your meal anyway! Or don't let yourself eat those things during your meal as you've already eaten what you should have eaten in your meal! Little mind games with yourself, but maybe you'll think twice before picking while you cook...

    As for the sweet after dinner... well, I just try not to keep any of that stuff in my house, period. But if you have a family, I know that's harder.... Maybe stick them in the freezer, so you'll have to plan out that cheat and it won't be so easy to just grab one on a whim!

    But don't beat yourself up about it, we all have our "weaker" moments :wink:
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I still have days like this on a regular basis. Even when I'm good and I know I have a ton of cals left for the day, I still have guilt. or I have something that I KNOW is going to blow my weigh in out the window (ie: high sodium, like Chinese). Then I'm sitting here looking at the weight I have lost compared to the weight I COULD have lost and it's Guilt City. Ugh!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Set aside some calories for a snack about a half hour before you go home. A handful of nuts, some beef jerky, a non fat yogurt. Something that will put some food in your tummy before you start preparing dinner and keep you from "grazing" in the process.

    As for feeling guilty. Pardon the language, but I like to react to occasional bad eating days like my dog does to her life issues. Just kick some grass over that *kitten* and move on. Drink a glass of water and say "today's a new day". "I'm not controlled by what I did yesterday and it doesn't impact what I can do today".
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Plan for it. I try to leave 300 calories for after-dinner snacking. Typically it's a protein shake since I'm having a hard time hitting 200g, but it also helps to keep me full.