Is it possible to work 2 jobs and be healthy??



  • 07JKGirl
    07JKGirl Posts: 45
    I did not read all the other replies so I hope I'm not duplicating anything. With your busy schedule, my best advice is to use your one day off as a food prep day for the following week. Also, you may look into a different gym if you really want to be able to get some gym time in. Use your lunch breaks to fit in some exercise time too. Something is better than nothing! I too have 2 jobs and am a member at a gym that has limited hours so I have trouble fitting in the exercise as well. Some weeks, I only get there once or twice, but again, something is better than nothing. Good luck
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    I never have time to cook, and I hate leftovers, to me they taste disgusting. So I usually end up with something that I can grab fast , like a frozen dinner. Which are horrible for you because of all the salt.

    Im really not trying to make up excuses, but it feels like all I do is work, and Im so tired at the end of the day that I would rather sleep then try to push myself thru a workout and only half-*kitten* it.
    Frozen dinners amount to someone else's leftovers - prepared food that just needs heating. If you would cook on your day off, you could make your own frozen dinners. I am having pulled pork today that was in the freezer from the crock pot. I often have chili - also usually frozen from a large batch. What I have quoted above IS just an excuse. With an hour's effort on your day off, you could prepare at least one week's worth of entrees. You can do it if you really want to.
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    Definitely make use of your morning - I do a 20 min DVD workout before breakfast. Even when I had two small children to get ready for a childminder I didn't spend more than 1 1/2 hours getting three of us ready (including packed lunches for all three). Stay on the bus for fewer stops - either get on later or get off earlier, walk around your buildings on your breaks, or up and down some stairs.

    Did you know that many sandwiches freeze very well? I used to make up whole loaves of tuna mayo, chicken mayo etc. and just take a small box of salad to add in at lucnhtime. You can take the sandwich right out of the freezer and, unless its really hot, you won't need an ice pack even. Cook big pasta bakes/lasagnes, huge pots of soup etc and freeze in portions. Get a slow cooker (they're honestly not expensive), put it on in the morning and when you get home dinner is ready - make enough for several servings and freeze what you're not eating. Then in a very short time you'll have a freezer full of yummy home-cooked meals, and you can control serving size, calories, fat etc. While your washing is going round you could read a recipe book and/or make your grocery list so when you hit the store you already know what you want and won't be tempted by naughty things

    I'm not saying its easy, its just about the planning. Time invested on your day off will give you those precious minutes on owrking days.:happy:
    And this^ - very good advice.
  • IamBlackMamba
    IamBlackMamba Posts: 229
    So here is my dilema. I work 2 jobs, putting in an average of at least 60 hours a week. I get up at 6am and sometimes I dont get home untill after 10pm . I usually only have 1 day off out of every 14. So my Question is, is it possible to eat healthy on a limited budget with next to zero time to prepare the food?? and when am I suppose to work out? The most common reply that I get to this question is " make the time". How??! I am far to exausted to workout in the mornings and usually in too much of a rush to anyways...and I really do not want to lose an hour of sleep in the mornings. My gym closes at 9, and I do not get off of work untill that time, I can workout at home, but then I am wide awake and even more exausted the next day because I couldnt fall asleep untill 2am. Its a vicious cycle. My one day off, is the only day that I have to do laundry and pick up some groceries, and run any arrands that I cant do during the week. How is it possible to "Make" or "find" the time to workout?

    Is there anyone in the same situation as me? What do you do?
    And trust me if I could afford to keep a roof over my head I would get rid of the second job. But I cant so that's not an option.

    60 hours b/w 2 jobs? Try one job 60+ hours. I'm up at 5 and don't stop till 10pm, if you want it you do it.
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    Yes I work two jobs and go to college. It is possible, you have to stop waiting for the right time and just do it. Get up earlier go to bed a little later whatever it takes to just get it in even if it is 20 minutes you just gotta do it. A one hour workout is only 4% of your day you just gotta do it :) even if it is only 20 minutes a few times a week it is infinitely better than nothing. Eat clean and really go for it during those 20 minutes, those are the moments that bring on change.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    i work 84 hours a week and workout an hour and ten minutes 6 days a, yep. no excuses
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I do it;-) It is a choice to work in your time,what is important.;-) Mark it as an appointment for yourself;-) For me it helps keep me going. Good luck;-)
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I did it as a single mom when I worked 90hrs a wk and literally didn't sleep on Sundays. It needs to be the ultimate priority.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Everything in here is amazing advice that I might even start using! There is always time to be healthy and squeeze in exercise even at the office. I hope you are able to use some of these great suggestions, it will help with your energy levels once you are eating better and you start to shed some of those lbs. :) Good luck!
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Do you have a slow cooker? Throw some boneless skinless chicken breasts in there, take 5 minutes to cube it or shred them, and you've got that to throw into easy meals(salad, stir fry) and to munch on just the chicken for an easy high protein snack.

    Also, while working out for 30 minutes at a time would be better, getting 3 -10 minute workouts in throughout the day would be better than nothing and easier to work in. If you're on Pinterest, there's tons of short workout on there for busy people.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I work two jobs and make it work. It takes me about 30-45min at the store to grab the supplies and only about 1hr to cook / prepare lunches, Dinners, and snacks, put them in containers and clean up. I cook lots of different stir frys which you can make lots of and not create too much of a mess. I eat the same thing for 3-4 days straight but its not too bad. Now if you are wanting to make something different everyday then that will require more time. I have a blog on my page that gives an example of my prepared meals. I list what my eating looks like for one day but I prepare enough when I cook for 4 days. IT is so nice to just grab a container out of the fridge, pop it in the nuker and then eat minutes later.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Do some HIIT, no more than 10 mins a day will be enough for you right now....surely you can find 10 mins?
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Hey I also work two jobs. Mine is a bit different I work M-F 7-4 and then Sunday and Thursday nights graveyard. So I end up with about the same about as you do. So, what I tend to do if the weather permits is walk during my afternoon break and or at lunch. Then I eat at my desk after I get back. I try to get in some extra time in in the evenings or on the weekend and walk more. You have to find time which isn't always the easiest. Start with making it just 10-15 minutes all you can do will benifit you. Good luck
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm in school full time, work full time and have a 6 year old. Some days I get up at 6am and don't get home until 4-5am the next day.

    My sleep schedule is crazy, my food schedule is crazy and my gym schedule is crazy.

    Sometimes (lately) around finals/midterms, I don't make it to the gym as much as I would like (if at all). It's mostly because I'm stressed and don't feel like I have the time (rather than not actually having time). I still lose weight. It doesn't take as long to cook food as you might think and taking leftovers is sometimes the best option. If you don't like leftovers and aren't willing to occasionally eat things that aren't amazing culinary creations, that will cause you problems. Sometimes, I have an apple/orange at school, one meal in between school and work (usually something easy to re-heat) and a protein bar during work and then cook food when I get home 4am.

    There's a saying that losing weight is 70% eating habits and 30% exercise. With as much walking as you get in, you are probably getting in decent exercise each day things like heavy lifting and other exercise takes maybe 3 hours each week. On your day off, you could run errands with a bag of gym clothes and make it a point to stop at the gym, then you only have to find five other days where you could sneak in a half hour to an hour of gym time. However, there are plenty of people who get plenty of exercise and do body weight resistance exercises who are in perfectly good shape and never set foot in the gym. Add in 20 minutes of exercise in the morning before you start getting ready. I think you would be surprised at how easy it is.

    If you want to, you will find a way. If you don't want to, you will find a million reasons not to.
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Of course it's possible to work 2 jobs and be healthy! Loads of people do it all the time.
    I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it sounds like you're making excuses. If you're dedicated, you will find the time to workout.
    Your first job is a desk job and there are tons of things you can do while sitting at a desk.

    A few other ides to get a bit of exercise in:
    squats/calf raises while getting ready in the a.m
    take the stairs
    use a washroom on another floor
    walk to deliver messages to co-workers rather than call or email

    Another site that might help:
    Think outside the box and you'll be able to get in all kinds of exercise.
  • jeshhh
    jeshhh Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with what others have said. I leave the house at 7AM, get to work by 8:15, eat lunch at my desk, leave work at 5:45, get home at 7, and then am ready to pass out by 10:30–11. It leaves me about 3–4 hours to do everything: work out, have dinner, spend time with my family and pets, do housework and chores, etc. I'm on Week 4 of Couch to 5K, so I go for 30–40 minute runs 3x a week, and I do yoga or strength training another 2–3x a week for 20–60 minutes.

    I usually work out after work, but when I have plans I do make myself get up at 5 and go for a run. I'm a chronic snooze-hitter, so I set up multiple safeguards: 2–3 iPhone alarms playing rock music, or I have an early-rising family member call or text and keep me accountable.

    For everything else, I cope by having a regimented schedule and to-do list. I choose my outfit, pack my lunch, and sometimes even shower the night before. I drink Shakeology, so breakfast is a quick blend or shaker cup away. I eat a lot of salads with Perdue Short Cuts chicken so I can just toss it together, or leftovers from weekend crock pot meals (resign yourself to eating leftovers... seriously, it'll make your life a million times easier), or random rabbit-food combinations (veggies and hummus with almonds, goat cheese and crackers and fruit, etc.).

    I'm still working on organizing my household chores (I maintain a 12-room home with three staircases all on my own), but I try to do at least one thing every day, whether it's vacuuming, mopping, dusting, a load of laundry, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the stovetop, or doing dishes. My ultimate goal here is to have a weekly schedule with specific tasks every day, but I'm not quite there yet.

    It's hard. Super hard. I'm tired a lot. I don't have a lot of time for going out or working on personal goals (like writing my book), but it'll all work out eventually. The point is: there are only 24 hours in a day. Make healthy eating and exercise both priorities and make sure you fit them in, even if you have to make sacrifices elsewhere. And, of course, don't hold yourself to ridiculously high standards--if you need a rest day, take one! But make sure you're putting in 5–6 days of 30+ minutes of exercise before you do.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I am in a similar situation, except that I work an average of 80-100 hours a week and have two kids. This was my issue for the longest time - I didn't know how to go about it. What I started doing was getting up early to exercise - yes, at first you will be flipping exhausted, but then, as the days go by, you will look forward to that time and you will feel mentally awake, even though your body may be physically tired/sore.

    If you have a lunch break, put on your sneakers and go for a run (I used to work near the water and there were lots of runners there), or head to the gym. I sometimes even close my office door and do some push ups/squats a few times a day.

    Try fiting it and doing it every day for a week and then you will see that you will feel much better and will have a lot more energy than before.

    As for food - Slow cooker will become your best friend. On the weekend, when you do your shopping, put a bunch of items in zip lock bags (potatos, onions, chicken or roast beef, etc. Then, thrown the contents of each zip lock bag into the slow cooker in the morning, and by the time you come home, you have a freshly made (delicious) dinner, as well as left overs for the next day for lunch.

    Good Luck!!