Couch to 5K starting July 11 Who wants to do it with me



  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    OK. Finished week number 2. It got easier by the last day. One step at a time. It will certainly be amazing when I finish this and I am able to run for a long distance. Looking forward to that day, even if it takes me a little longer. I want to be able to go for a morning run and eventually join my son who is a great runner and keep up with him.
    Thanks for the challenge, I love it.
    Everyone, enjoy your next weeks challenge

    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    CRUISINLOSER Posts: 22 Member
    Well, I am the master of one million excuses not to exercise but today I finally did it!! I completed W1D1, may not seem like much to others but I cant believe I finally started!:bigsmile:
  • ephes614
    ephes614 Posts: 11 Member
    Here is the Week 3 Plan
    Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

    * Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
    * Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
    * Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
    * Walk 400 yards (or three minutes)

    Got to tell you i started it today.. a day behind but i wasnt as dead as i thought i would be until the last 30 seconds or so of the run... then i was like please let this be over.....

    keep up the good work everyone... i hope everyone is enjoying the program.....
  • I'm gonna do week 2 again.. I only did it twice last week and don't feel ready to move on yet :/
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    so far, so good. I did w3 r2 today and it was fine, definately getting harder, but I'm not dead yet. I still look ahead at the weeks to come and wonder how I'm ever going to manage, and I almost piked out of the whole thing this week because I misread the plan and thought I was going to have to run for longer than I thought I could manage. Im still here though, half excited, half dreading the commencement of week 4.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I did week 3 day 1 today and made it through the first interval and the second, then by the third, I could only make it to two minutes instead of three. I walked for four minutes (so I wouldn't be off on timing) and then tried running again and didn't make it more than probably 30 seconds. I think I'm going to repeat week 2. :\ Sadly...but I just don't think my body's ready for week 3 yet. Also, I'm going to have to start eating something light before because I think my body just isn't used to running so much at one time and my energy is zapped by the third or fourth interval.
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Made it through week number 3. Not as hard as I thought it would be. I brought some music with me today which I enjoyed while running. Looking forward to week number 4.
    Good luck everyone for next week. Keep running.

    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I'm actually disappointed!!
    I was going so well, all set to start week four last Saturday, but I've gotten sick and haven't been able to run at all so I'm behind, plus will probably have to redo week three since I've had a week off. I was doing so well and this is the sort of hiccup where I typically go 'well I'll just give myself one more day off' then one more and one more...
    i really really need people to pressure me to get back to it. if people could message me asking if I've started back, it would really be helpful!! (but not for a few more days, I'm still legitimately sick)
    thanks in advance for the support
  • week 4 day 1 done, was a little hard
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    For those of you looking for upbeat music to run to, I highly recommend Robert Ullrey's podcasts, great tunes, and he gives cues as to when to change pace as well!

    Finished week 3 day 1 yesterday, and I loved it! I feel like it's getting easier, and I even kept running a little longer after each interval! (But I run really slow!!)

    Have any of you signed up for a 5k?? I have one on October 3rd! I hope I can run it all!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    For those of you looking for upbeat music to run to, I highly recommend Robert Ullrey's podcasts, great tunes, and he gives cues as to when to change pace as well!

    Finished week 3 day 1 yesterday, and I loved it! I feel like it's getting easier, and I even kept running a little longer after each interval! (But I run really slow!!)

    Have any of you signed up for a 5k?? I have one on October 3rd! I hope I can run it all!

    I used to tell others that someone can probably walk beside me while I jog, that's how slow I go. *LOL*

    I've also got a 5K on October 3rd! I signed up last year but ended up walking it, so this year, my goal is to run the whole thing as well!!! Good luck on your run! :) You can do it!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    For those of you looking for upbeat music to run to, I highly recommend Robert Ullrey's podcasts, great tunes, and he gives cues as to when to change pace as well!

    Finished week 3 day 1 yesterday, and I loved it! I feel like it's getting easier, and I even kept running a little longer after each interval! (But I run really slow!!)

    Have any of you signed up for a 5k?? I have one on October 3rd! I hope I can run it all!

    I used to tell others that someone can probably walk beside me while I jog, that's how slow I go. *LOL*

    I've also got a 5K on October 3rd! I signed up last year but ended up walking it, so this year, my goal is to run the whole thing as well!!! Good luck on your run! :) You can do it!

    Yep, that's me! I'm sometimes surprised that my Nike Sensor shows my speed increasing from walking at all, LOL! Very cool that we have 5k's on the same day! I'll be thinking of you as I approach the 40 min mark and am crossing the finish line!! :bigsmile:
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Alright: Week 4 was much more of a challenge for me. My youngest daughter joined me and had a hard time doing it. But I made it through. Ready for week 5.
    Good luck everyone, whatever week you are on, keep moving forward.
    I have not looked to see what is in store for next week yet.
    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Alright: Week 4 was much more of a challenge for me. My youngest daughter joined me and had a hard time doing it. But I made it through. Ready for week 5.
    Good luck everyone, whatever week you are on, keep moving forward.
    I have not looked to see what is in store for next week yet.
    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Way to go Mia! I'll be starting week one today or tomorrow! My hip/groin area seems to hurt on the right side after a run, and it lingers for a while, so I thought I might wait an extra day, though I am itching to get out there! Does anyone know what might be causing that pain?

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Guys, I'm so behind, it's ridiculous. :( I started week 2 on week 3 because week 3 was too hard the first day I did it...I thought, no problem! I'll just repeat week 2 and I should be ready for week 3. WRONG. I got back from my vacation and was WAY too tired to run. So now I SHOULD be on week 5 and I'm repeating week 2 for the second time...I still didn't get through it because I've had too much time off and my endurance is shot.

    I feel really disappointed in myself but I know it takes time and all I can do is my best from now on. I ran this morning and it was rough.
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Ok. I thought I was going to die when I read the week 5 program last week. I thought wow that looks too hard. But the week got easier. I surprised myself bigtime. Today I did the 20 minute run straight without a problem. I am still jogging fairly slowly but that is fine for now. I will work on speed later.
    Good luck everyone whatever week you are on.
    Arielle: Just start where you left off. Do not worry about where you thought you should be.Thinking possitve gives you far much more energy. Always look forward. Good luck this week.

    I am going camping this week so I will not be filling in my post until next Sun or Monday, But I am still staying with the program.
    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    OK, i've done it!! after about three weeks off (two weeks with death flu and a week of 'oh, but i'm feeling all lazy now ive had a few weeks off') i got back to it today and it wasn't too bad!! i was worried i'd have to drop back and redo from week 2 (i was just about to start week 4 when i got sick), but i did a week three run this morning and survived, so i'll try a week four one on saturday, and see how that goes!

  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Way to go Miss SusieQ.:bigsmile:
    Week number 6 done. I am keeping a somewhat slow pace still but found week 6 to be alright. I am looking forward to next week. I find I am getting stronger as the weeks go by. It seems to be getting easier for me as well, who knew.
    An added bonus is that I am finding my bladder has been getting stronger. When I started even walking a far distance I had to stop and use a bathroom, then as soon as I ran for a few seconds I had to go. Now I am not needing to stop and pee throughout my run. I am going to have to read up on this.
    Good luck to everyone whatever week you are on keep going strong.
    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've started school today which allows me to use the fitness center, basketball court, swimming pool and attend aerobic classes for free. This morning I did Couch to 5k (week 2 again) on the track around the basketball court. Let me tell you, it was GREAT! I love running outside and the fresh air, blah blah. But I live in at 8:30am, it's about 90 outside already and there aren't too many big trees shading the sidewalks. I think switching to an indoor setting is just what I needed!! I got through the full 30 minutes for the first time ever! And the last time I ran, I seriously felt like I could have kept going. I wasn't constantly looking at my watch wondering when I got to stop. I looked at my watch once and it was only to know when I HAD to stop. I definitely think I'll be on Week 3 next week. I'm excited to run around the track again. I'll be ordering my armband for my iPod early next week when I get paid so that should help with running in a circle, haha.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I changed my mind and decided to redo week 3 before I move on, just to be sure, since I get so easily discouraged. I'm going fine with it though, and I think week four will be challenging, but not impossible.

    Mia, you are now my unofficial c25k guru, since you're doing so well! I hope i can do as well as you have (even if ittakes me a little longer).

    But really, I'm already worried about the end of week five! I just don't see how I can go from a five minute jog being a challenge to surviving a twenty minute jog in two weeks!! Is it really possible?
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