Post Your OH CRAP, I'M FAT, Wake Up Call Pics



  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    If I've done this right...


    This is me (on the left, obv) lol with Adam Leadbeater, we met last year in a bar down the road from my house. He is the voice of Chester Cheetos, and was in Lost and True Blood.
    He took me out for drinks, and messages me on a reasonably regular basis still (particularly now I've lost more weight...)
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member

    My boyfriend took this and i thought "this dosnt even look like me omg" those pants where a 5xl now i got the same ones in 3xl and they starting to become lose. Never ever do i want to go back to this
  • crissy_percival
    crissy_percival Posts: 2,447 Member
    what ??? its a dog... and mine is 2z8pvm8.jpg
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I called it My "OH HELL NO MOMENT"

  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member

    Yep. 294.6 pounds.

    Here is what I'm shooting for, my former weight loss after photo at 180:


    I know I can get there because I have BEEN there.
  • crissy_percival
    crissy_percival Posts: 2,447 Member
    you go girl
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Cool thread!!!


    Sorry they are so big!

    Lol I was just thinking the same, hope that doesnt sound corny :)

    If you don't mind me saying, you were/are a beautiful full figured lady.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I called it My "OH HELL NO MOMENT"


    You've done so well!!!
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    I called it My "OH HELL NO MOMENT"


    LM(not so)FAO!

    Yes... I feel your pain.

  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member

    This was the first pic I saw that was taken after I had my daughter. It had been 3 months since I had given birth and it was the first pic I saw where I could not use "Well I'm pregnant" or "I JUST had a baby" as an excuse. I was horrified. This pic was on my fridge for a long time. I hated this pic so much that every time I wanted to over-eat and I saw it hanging there I could not bare to cheat.
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member

    The one on the right was at my daughters birthday party at 216 Lb. That was the picture that changed my life! The one on the left is me at 168.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member

    Here's mine (this is my first time posting a photo so I hope it works. I'm on the right. This was at a local obstacle course 5k last summer. I swore I was going to get in shape and do better this year. Well, the 5k is one month away, and in the past year I have gained 10 lbs. By the way, my baby sister is on the one on the left and she is the one who has lost a lot of weight and just recently ran her first half marathon. She is an inspiration to me!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Oh em gee, this was me......

  • AaronLegge
    AaronLegge Posts: 1 Member
    On the left was a golf trip to Arizona in 2009, closing in on 300lbs. On the right was taken in Cuba in March, down to 240. Am down another 7lbs since and running in a 10k next weekend.
  • shellbatronic
    shellbatronic Posts: 193

    Ugh ugh ugh, there's so many to choose from. I was at around 340 here.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    This was me at 195 pounds ......


    This is me at 155 pounds ......


    And still a work in progress !
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I hate the way I look in most pics I try to avoid cameras. THAT's my inspiration, alone. I want to look good in photos AND in real life!!! I figure in 10-15 lbs I will be taking more photos. :happy:
  • halflife1978
    halflife1978 Posts: 47 Member
    These were taken at my sister's wedding a year ago. I've yo-yoed a bit since then but I'm about the same weight there as I am now.

    The huge arm and giant mid section in the first picture is rough, but the double chin in the second was a killer. I love my face and don't want to lose it.


  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member

