clean eating?

What exactly is "clean eating"?


  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    This may not be the correct answer but from reading the forums I THINK this may be right lol! It is everything fresh, everything on the outta isles of the market, fresh veggies and fruit. Nothing on the inside isles like boxed food and such..I may be wrong and if I am sorry but I think that I may have the right idea or in the right direction lol
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    What exactly is "clean eating"?

    It's funny that you mention the past few days I've been doing research on this very topic (because I want to "eat clean") and it seems that everywhere I look there's a different definition of what "clean eating" actually is, and some of them conflict with each other. There doesn't seem to be any universal consensus as to what "clean eating" actually means.

    The more I researched it, the more the tenants of "clean eating" started to look like an unsustainable fad diet.

    That said, I've resolved to "eat clean" by way of ditching fried foods & microwaveable meals, eating a lot more fruit and veggies, lean protein, and making room for the occasional treat.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Washing food with soap and water!

    There is no exact definition and it will very from person to person. Think of it more along the lines as processed foods versus whole nutritionally dense foods.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    It really depends on who you ask! I think ultimately most people would agree that clean eating means sourcing food that has undergone little or no processing, and contains no chemicals (artificial sweeteners, colors, preservatives, pesticides, herbacides, hormones, antibiotics).

    There are a lot of people that believe eating clean means vegetarian, or vegan. To some that is true! But I like meat and dairy. I just buy from a local organic source! HTH!
  • andreajaeger89
    I'm doing clean eating. It is sustainable and can be made into a lifestyle. That being said, it can be hard to follow because it takes a lot of time and effort to cook and plan all your meals for the day! Like everyone is saying there is no clear definition, but mainly you aren't allowed to eat any processed foods, foods with additives/preservatives, foods with added sugar or added salt. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and A LOT of them, only lean protein (turkey, chicken, fish, angus burger, top round sirloin, cottage cheese, greek yogurt), complex carbs (quinoa, brown rice, wheat pasta, sweet potato) and try not to drink any of your calories. No soda and no alcohol. I eat six meals per day. I work full time and I am exercising. This generally means that when I get home from work and the gym I hop in the shower cook dinner and eat around 7:30 then after I prepare/cook the four meals I will be eating at work then next day which can take me until 9 or 10 at night depending on my schedule. It is tough to do, but it is worth it to me. With clean eating, weight lifting, and zumba and I'm noticing a huge change in the way I look and feel. Its definitely not for everyone. The motto we use is "Eat things made FROM plants, not IN plants"