What have you done today that made you feel healthy?



  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Day two of my lifting schedule and did legs. OUCH! But I did it. And ate grapes for a snack instead of something worse.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    Steel cut oats for breakfast, fresh strawberries for snack, 1/2 hour walk, then cabbage quinoa soup for lunch. Next up: orange for afternoon snack.
  • I woke up at 4:45 to hit the gym before work. I do this 3 week days out of the work week and I also go (though a little later) no both weekend mornings... Waking up at 4:45 to kill it at the gym is NOT fun or easy, but it is always worth it :)

    Amen to that! It sucks getting up so stinkin' early but for me personally it makes my day go so much smoother. I'm ready and on time for appointments and work. I don't have to fight for machines and weights that early AND I get to torture my mother with early weight training :) It's really nothing but beneficial, been doing it for two weeks four times a week and lovin it.

    Keep on keepin' on peeps!
  • zarascaife
    zarascaife Posts: 1
    Today... I got up, and (whilst my bath was running) I did a 100 squats, 50 leg raises, and 20 push ups. Then at lunch I went for a 35 minute jog... and to top it off I've stuck to eating fruits and veggies for the day :) Looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow!
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    Did 80 squats and 20 push ups right when I got up this morning and had my daily weekday breakfast, 40grams of oatmeal with Chia seeds..and some truvia......Trying to psych myself up for spin tonight too....trying lol
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I took a shower. Was quite pleasant, increased my mental health considerably.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 686 Member
    Cut my yard for over two hrs with a push mower, plus I turned down a subway chocolate chip cookie that was offered to me. That was hard to do lol
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    Everything! Up at 4:30 to hit the gym before work like everyday, had an awesome workout, got in my 45g of morning protein (thanks to breakfast greek yogurt and post workout protein shake) and am contiuing my usual healthy day! Trying to get my sodium under control - damn you boars head turkey! But hey, it's barely over :)
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    Went for an early morning mojo jog surrounded by Spring!
  • frantim528
    frantim528 Posts: 48 Member
    Rode my bike (bicycle) into work today.
  • bgtoepfer
    bgtoepfer Posts: 23
    I planned and packed healthy lunch and snacks for my work day! Yay me!
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    6 am Crossfit class.
  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    brought a healthy lunch! so much better than i've been for months now! and planning my day so i can get in a workout after work.
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    6 am Crossfit class and I am on Day 9 of my whole30 paleo challenge.
    Life is good.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Ate a hershey's milk chocolate bar. Hey! 3 grams of protein!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I drank the MFP kool aid.
  • mel3491
    mel3491 Posts: 31
    Great topic starter! We are experiencing a warmer than usual spring so a girlfriend and I walked the neighborhood from our kids' school so we could catch up, enjoy the still cool air, and get our work out out of the way early!
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    I walked outside for an hour this morning!
  • traceyleighgirl
    traceyleighgirl Posts: 43 Member
    I biked 40 minutes along the Mississippi! :) I'm lucky to live right on the river :) Sooo beautiful and relaxing!
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    Worked out, ate healthy, drank a lot of water. Just like every day ....