Mini goal: fast food free - just this week!

Just thought I'd post this and see if I gained any followers or joiners along the way. I realized recently that my good diet of months ago has been falling to the wayside - in the name of convenience!

Today (MOnday) I committed to a week, just a week, of going fast food free. I KNOW i can do that. It will take a bit of conscious thought, but it's so do-able.

Here's my idea. If I go the ENTIRE week without hitting a drive through or ordering out, I'll give myself a token. After 5 tokens, I'll go to my favorite taco place (it's healthy-ish) and enjoy every bite of whatever meal I get.

Til then.... it's preplanned meals only: fruits, veggies, nuts, blah blah blah.

Anyone with me? Only 6 more days to go!


  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Good luck, and remember, you can do ANYTHING for a week. Once you have done it this week, tell yourself the same thing next Monday :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thank you! This is exactly what I was thinking. :) So far it's Thursday and I have resisted the drive through and stayed true to my intentions. (Not without effort, but I didn't expect it to be automatic - after all, this is a habit I'm breaking).

    Replacing all those last minute subway sandwiches and taco bell fresco tacos with fresh fruit (apples, nectarines), veggies (carrots, salad) and other good stuff (bagel thins, peanut butter, oatmeal).

    Darn, actual NUTRIENTS are amazing! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    It's another Monday - here's how I did last week: PRETTY DARN GOOD! On Friday I was in a pinch - (failed to bring snacks with me) - and called a friend to talk me off the fast food ledge. She was no help. She suggested Subway - and as it was, I was right across the street. I bought a sandwich. But that was the only eating out all week.

    It was such a good goal for last week - I'm going to aim for it again.
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    I knwo how you feel! I work 1.5 hours from home, and drive by SO many fast food places on my way. I also work crazy hours, so sometimes I am not able to have a home cooked meal for dinner. I have been fast food free for a few weeks (I don't count Subway...they're for dinner tonight, being my 9pm work night).

    It IS just a habit we have to break "oh, I'm a little hungry, super size #1 please!". We can do it, one day at a time :)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Good Job!

    Fast food just isn't worth it. Sometimes if I'm in a real pinch I'll just go to the grocery store and get an apple or some grapes to tide me over/ fix my sweet tooth.

    Once you break the habit, it's easy to stay out. I'd say I visit fast food places on average less than once a month, but in my past I may have gone more than once a day.

    For me, once I think about all the sickness (not just my own personal body) that is involved in the fast food industry, it's pretty easy to avoid.

    All their vegetables are trucked in from faraway places; the garbage accumulation is seriously disgusting, the low-wages paid to all the laborers so that *i* can have a 99c sandwich; the cows, the domination of a potato industry ... the list goes on and on.

    You're better off not participating for all of those reasons and more!
  • 4myheartnsoul
    Believe me you can live without fast food. My family & I eat out once or twice a month. Just plan ahead, hit the grocery store if in a bind or many gas stations have fruit at the deli now and healthy snacks snuggled among the candy bars. Try it for a week and I think you will find you can go two. Just plan out meals and grocery trips and your time to prepare meals. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Wow - thanks to each of you for your support. I absolutely appreciate it.

    You're right, it IS do-able to stay away from it. I have before.... but then slowly started adding in "treat" meals and eventually, I was back to being a regular. It was disappointing. I think I know better this time.

    I'm thinking Subway doesn't count either. It's "quick serve", right? :wink: And there are many reasonable options.

    Today, I was out and about and hunger struck. So I headed to.... THE GROCERY STORE! Then I came home and saw your replies suggesting that very thing. Awesome. I'm feeling good about this. Feelin' good.....!!!