Walking using Pedometer?

I was just wondering if there is anyway to log in your walking when using a pedometer that isn't a phone app? I have a basic run of the mill pedometer that clips on my waist, I just went for a 25min walk pulling 2 kids in a wagon. Total steps on the pedometer was 3232, is there anyway to convert that with an online calculator or should I just keep it logged the way I have "3.0mph, walking dog etc"



  • Stdavis53
    Stdavis53 Posts: 233 Member
    If you enjoy using a Pedometer, you should look into getting a Fitbit. It tracks your steps, but also does calories, stairs, sleep. The reason I love using it, it converts your steps into calories burned, then syncs with MFP to give you a better idea of what your really got out of the workout.

    I have a Fitbit Ultra and absolutely love it. I also just ordered the new Fitbit Flex wristband.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    That would be awesome, have to look into it, thanks!