Im introducing myself now???

Hi my name is Lauren, I am a mother of 3 boys still holding on to the baby weight from the first one (8years ago.) I just had my 10yr high school reunion & I have gained 100lbs since graduation.

I was raised in a very active family that exercised hard & ate big. Well that is ok if you keep up the exercising hard, but I did not. I gave that up soon after graduation, but kept the eating big part.

Today I was informed on FB about & decided to give it a shot. I have recently set goals in my life to be a better Christian putting God first in everything I do including being a wife, mother & within my job. Today I am giving my food addiction to God. He is in full control. I believe through prayer & the new support group I will meet this challenge can be conquered.

Nice to meet you all :smile:


  • shawnalmil
    shawnalmil Posts: 137
    WELCOME, im kinda new ive been a memeber for a few mnths but havent been coming like i should i need to lose 110lbs.....add if you would like.... good luck you can do it! i joined curves today! so im super excited
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP as well, but so far I feel like it's a terrific tool. But no program can beat the one you're using -- When we are weak, He is strong, and at times I can sure see how weak I am, especially in this area! What a blessing that God will walk with us through all of journeys in life--even this one. Best wishes on your weight loss and lifestyle changes. God bless!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Welcome. I have found everyone to be so great at MFP. I hope you do as well. I love that you focus spiritually! Very cool.

    What I have done with some success: I have cut sugar and sodium, not just calories. I work out everyday, some days harder than others but I always do something, even if it is walking around the block.

    The past two years have thrown a road block in my in my oldest daughter was run off the road and almost lost her life, we were told she would not live, TWICE and then when she did, we were told she would be a vegetable. That was 21 months ago and I am proud to say she completed a class at the local college in June. She was a junior in college, an honors student , prior to her accident ,so she gets frustrated because she realizes her disablilities because of her brain injury.

    Some people give up, Not my kid, she is so determined and speaks often that God must have a true purpose for her on this earth because he wasn't ready for her yet.....

    The reason I tell you this is because she is my inspiration, not just weight loss, but LIFE,

    Be kind to yourself, do your best, push yourself and be ok when you are not your best!! Just get up the next day and try again...this is what my daughter has taught me, but she's a fighter LOL

    God Bless!
  • andsassman
    Amen sister! I've gained 40 lbs since I got married and it's a daily struggle. I too have learned that I have to daily give it to God to help stay motivated. I need to remember this is the body He has given me and who am I to destroy it by living an unhealthy lifestyle! Hopefully we can both keep our eyes focused on the important prize and everything else will fall in place!
  • laurenmalone

    I am so excited & I could sit here & read all the encouragements, tips & advice all night, but I have got to hit the sack if I am going to hit the gym in the morn!!

    Thanks again for all the support....I started mfp this morning & am in love!!!
  • winningthin
    winningthin Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Lauren,

    I enjoyed reading your introduction and can certainly relate to making God a priority. Afterall, I asked Him to give me the motivation I needed to begin losing weight. For me, it needed to be a lifestyle change and not a fad diet and God did exactly that. He has given me the motivation to lose the weight and the process of so doing. I am just 12 lbs away from my weight goal, but forever changed about the way I eat. You'll do the same!
  • Kindergirl77
    Kindergirl77 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow. "Giving my addiction to God". That is exactly what I need to do! But I keep forgetting that He can help me with this struggle and that He CAN handle it- all of it!

    Great intro post! Its great to see so many Christians on here! (I am new here too!)