Half a mile to half marathon in 4 months?

I signed up to a half marathon on the 19th September. I can currently run contiously for half a mile. I don't think I will be ready by the 15th. I want to run the whole thing.

I have got a few practice runs booked on the way. On the 23rd June I am doing a 7 mile run.

Does anyone think this is possible?


  • calaz84
    calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
    I did a half with right around 4 to 4 and half months of training. Do you have any running groups around you to join that will help.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Just curious to what made you want to do a half marathon when you can only run a half mile now? I can run about 6 miles now and a half marathon intimidates me. Good luck to you! Just think it's a very big goal to pick without steps in between.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You are definitely going to have to be strict on your training and hope that you don't get injured or sick so that you do not get any set-backs. Personally I would think it's a better idea to take a year to train up to a 1/2 marathon and at least another 6 months to get to doing a full marathon just so that your body has good rest time and build time to get there.

    Best of luck!
  • taffies
    taffies Posts: 17 Member
    You have to decide what your goal for the half marathon is! Is it to run continuously or to finish? I ran a half marathon in March and my goal was to FINISH! I was able to run MOST of the race with a few walk breaks in between, I found this to be common based on those running the half with me. I used a training application to get ready called 13.1 for PINK.

    The biggest lesson that I learned for running a half is to set your own personal goal and run YOUR race!
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    You can do it - you need a structured training plan. For me, I used a Tues/Thurs/Sat approach.

    Tuesday/Thursday: Start w half a mile for 2 weeks, 1 mile for 2 weeks, 2 mile for 2 weeks.... up to 5mile runs...

    Saturdays: long run days. Start with 1 mile then add a mile each week (it is FINE if you have to walk some of the distance, just do a run/walk combo to get the miles in). Try to get a 10miler in 2 weeks before race day.

  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Just curious to what made you want to do a half marathon when you can only run a half mile now? I can run about 6 miles now and a half marathon intimidates me. Good luck to you! Just think it's a very big goal to pick without steps in between.

    I'm not sure. Bravery? or stupidity? probably the latter...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I personally think this is a bad idea. Generally people train for a 5K first...and even that can take 2-3 months depending. 1/2 mile to 1/2 marathon in 4 months is just a recipe for over training and injury.
  • calaz84
    calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
    You can do it - you need a structured training plan. For me, I used a Tues/Thurs/Sat approach.

    Tuesday/Thursday: Start w half a mile for 2 weeks, 1 mile for 2 weeks, 2 mile for 2 weeks.... up to 5mile runs...

    Saturdays: long run days. Start with 1 mile then add a mile each week (it is FINE if you have to walk some of the distance, just do a run/walk combo to get the miles in). Try to get a 10miler in 2 weeks before race day.


    This is what I did when I did mine but we had a group of us running helped a lot
  • Boz1625
    Boz1625 Posts: 12 Member
    That's 21 weeks to train, which is more than doable. There are many beginner half-marathon programs out there.

    I used the Hal Higdon beginner half-marathon program after I completed the Couch to 5K program. I had never run before this.

    I started running on December 14 and ran the Half in April. I ran a 5K and a 10K race to prepare for the half. Be smart and only run on the prescribed days and get some cross training like bicycling and walking and you can definitely do it. Pay attention to your body.

    Good luck, and most importantly, have fun. It's a wonderful journey.
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Don't listen to those who want to place their own intimidation on you! Yes, you can! It will be a ton of work, but you can do it. I suggest you check out Jeff Galloway's Run/walk method (p.s. I don't get a single cent from him and you can get the basics of his plan on his website for free). I did this for my first half after not running for years! You will probably want to find out what the time limit on the race is, so you have a goal, and I highly recommend focusing on just going the distance rather than time. Run/walk is a great way to get your mileage up quickly. On long days, I often run 5min walk 1min, if you're not there yet, you can run 1 walk 1 or whatever you need to do. This is a great goal!

    Edit: Seriously? I can't believe how intimidated some of you are by running longer distances! I ran my first long race in high school (full marathon, that was a looooong time ago!) and my XC coach actually tried to talk me out of it! Boy am I glad I didn't listen to her, especially since she ran one a few months later and was about 40 min slower than me! As long as you get on a good training plan and are willing to do the work, you CAN do this!
    And congrats to all those who have! (Did you notice all the people who've actually done one have told you to go for it?)
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Thanks for the advise :)

    I am looking at a few training plans.Probably need to find a running group.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Every half training program I've found starts with 3 mile runs. It's possible you could do this, but you are going to have to be very structured with your runs and careful not to overtrain and hurt yourself. I ran my first 5k 2 weeks ago, and I'm not doing a half until mid-October.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Will you be able to finish? Yes. Will you be able to run the whole thing? That's very questionable. Like someone else said, most training plans start at 3 miles.

    Google Hal Hidgon and Jeff Galloway. Most people recommend their training plans for novices.

    Also to note, you'll need more than a "few" practice runs. Most plans call for running anywhere between 6 and 12 miles once a week.
  • caoceanlover
    caoceanlover Posts: 46 Member
    There is a Couch to Half Marathon app for iphone and android. It is similar to Couch to 5K in that it gives you the run walk approach until you can run the whole thing. A training group is also one of the best things you can join to get there. You can do it, you have 21 weeks.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Will you be able to finish? Yes. Will you be able to run the whole thing? That's very questionable. Like someone else said, most training plans start at 3 miles.

    Google Hal Hidgon and Jeff Galloway. Most people recommend their training plans for novices.

    Also to note, you'll need more than a "few" practice runs. Most plans call for running anywhere between 6 and 12 miles once a week.

    by a "few" I mean't other runs that I have entered.
    Thanks :)
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Will you be able to finish? Yes. Will you be able to run the whole thing? That's very questionable. Like someone else said, most training plans start at 3 miles.

    Google Hal Hidgon and Jeff Galloway. Most people recommend their training plans for novices.

    Also to note, you'll need more than a "few" practice runs. Most plans call for running anywhere between 6 and 12 miles once a week.

    by a "few" I mean't other runs that I have entered.
    Thanks :)
    That makes better sense. I just ran my 8th half marathon last weekend. It's very rewarding. Good luck to you.
  • BeccaAnderton
    I did my first half marathon in September last year and I started training in April. I was fit, but I could barely run for 90 seconds without feeling like I was going to die. I had injuries, and a few weeks off, I still ran the whole thing (very slowly; 12 minute miles), but I did it. It is doable, just be strict with your training, don't run when you've injured yourself (like I did), eat right, pace yourself, look for support and you'll be absolutely fine :) Even if you have to walk some a completed half marathon is an achievement in itself! Good luck! :)
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    I am probably going to follow
    C25K to get me to 3 miles and then Hal Hidgon (although I will only have 10 weeks to go) with the aim of finishing, not running the whole thing :P
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    It took me 6 months to train for my half marathon. I would give yourself a little more time so you don't have to worry about being ready in such a short time crunch.
  • marcvandenberg
    marcvandenberg Posts: 190 Member
    if you do a firm walk it's 4 hours.

    So anything faster is the goal.

    Yes it will hurt.
    Yes U feel great.
    Yes U can do it.

    So please ad some pics the day after...