Running tips for fatties



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Best of luck C25k is a great program :) I also love Zombies Run!! :)
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    Hey! I started C25k at 265lbs, and just busted right into it. I'm only starting week 4 this week as I repeated week 3 for two weeks. It's been going great so far and I'm LOVING it.
    Best advice for C25k is not to rush. I do mine Mon, Wed, Fri, and on the other days I go for about an hr walk with my dog. And as I said, I did week 3 for two weeks in a row just to make sure I was comfortable with it!
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    Even as you increase mileage alternate walking and running. Be patient and remember to do your best and not compare yourself to others. Be more focused on finishing than beating a set time until you lower weight and increase ability to run.
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    But, if you ever feel self-conscious about getting out there, this may help:

    Good luck!

    That rocks, and might even get me off the couch. Thanks.
  • amann_84
    amann_84 Posts: 33 Member
    I was over 400 pounds when I started. Didn't really use a training plan just started out walking a mile every day then slowly just tried to start running as far as I could till eventually I could run a 5K then started working on my speed. Good running shoes are a must go to a running shoe store and get fitted you won't regret it.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    It's doable. Here's my hubby's post about his running over 300 lbs. ( He's ran several 5ks and a 10k since)
  • malmbr
    malmbr Posts: 26
    I am in the 290's but close enough to 300 to share - the tips above are fantastic and great to follow - but here is something to remember. Everyone is different, so listen to your body. I read a lot of posts where people walk at 3.5 to 4.0. I am amazed because the fastest I can go without pain starting is 3.0 - 3.2. Yes many people probably think this is REALLY slow. I just think this is me and my body. I run at 3.8 - 4.0 what many people walk. I stink at running and even when I was in the Navy I swam my physical fitness test.

    Make sure you start out at your comfortable speed. If you are doing a light jog at 3.5 mph then so be it! Do your thing!! I read in the materials to start off slow and speed will come. This is not a race and if you are like me won't care if people look at you like your crazy.

    The other thing to remember about sneakers is as you begin to run you may have to replace them before they actually look like it. So what should last 6 months may only last 3.

    I was always at a jog past 3.5 too. I always figured it's because I have short stubby legs. Thanks for sharing!
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    DO NOT Do IT! Do you know how much Pressure running is putting on you feet, not to mention the pounding your knees, back and hip are taking with all of that weight. You will come to regret it years from now!

    Running is one of the worse, if not the worse exercise humans can do, even the fit ones...and you are going to put yourself at risk at 300 lbs. WALK, just WALK, fast or slow...JUST WALK!!!

    THIS is prolly the WORST advice i have ever seen on here! from someone with no profile or stats either...if you wanna run, RUN FATTY RUN! its great. i started at 290, couldnt walk a mile, now im at 190 and dont go for runs less than 4, try for a 10+ at least every other week

    edit: CALF SLEEVES were crucial for the first few months, otherwise i got shin splints sooooooo bad. and midfoot strike is WAY easier on the knees, look for low drop running shoes at a RUNNING SHOE store like fleet feet
  • GingerRunner
    I was not 300 lbs when I started, but I was a total non-runner. My advice would be to take it slow. When you do the running intervals, run as slow as you can. If you need to repeat days or weeks, then do so, lots of people do. If you find you need to go back to just walking for a few ore weeks, then do so. I'm not trying to put you off, but running is hard, and if you go into it too quickly you can risk injuring yourself or burning out. As you get fitter, you might find you want to run more often than is recommended, but again, take it slow. As your fitness improves, your heart and lungs will probably feel capable of doing more than your legs can cope with, so it's easy to overdo it before you're ready.

    Get decent running shoes, and get fitted for them if you can. Specialist running shops should be able to assess your gait and recommend the best type for you. Get a decent sports bra if possible.

    Try to focus on your breath from the outset. I had a lot of trouble in the first couple of weeks because I couldn't get my breathing sorted out. There are different techniques (try google), but you could try breathing in for 3 counts, and out for 3 counts, or in for 3 and out for 2.

    Not everyone stretches, but I've found stretching afterwards really helpful to ease aches and pains in my joints. Again, try google, but I found some routines on Don't stretch before you run, at least not without warming up first as you could injure yourself.

    If it doesn't work out first time you try, don't let that out you off forever. Again, not trying to discourage you! Some people have great success at 300 lbs, others find they do better waiting until they've lost some of the weight first. Don't discount walking as a great exercise for burning calories and improving your fitness. I started out with just walking, and I still walk along with my running and lifting workouts. If you're starting out from completely sedentary, it might actually help to spend a few weeks just walking. Maybe see how you get on with this week.

    If you haven't already, it might be a good idea to check with your doctor before you start. They may recommend only doing gentle exercise for a bit. It sounds like you're raring to go, but it would be awful to end up injured and out of action for months.

    Finally, I looked at your profile, and it sounds like you've go a great attitude, so you may not need this bit. But, if you ever feel self-conscious about getting out there, this may help:

    Good luck!

    This! *and* I'm proud of you. GO YOU!
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you all so much for coming in and commenting!:flowerforyou:

    I've read all the advice and have taken notes on what to look out for when I go shopping.

    Today I did a 7km walk, the 30 day shred and half hour of yoga, so I'm not starting out completely unfit, but when I'm not working out I'm fairly sedentary, and I'm certainly NOT a runner (YET!!).

    Thanks again. I'll be starting on Monday, and I'm very excited :drinker: