Question for the ladies. TMI

How do you get through exercising when having cramps?

2 days now I've been so inactive (but did throw in a few walks) but I'm just like ugggghhhh

Im tired, I'm btchy, Im irritable, I'm sore.

Seems with every baby I had, one more AF symptom appeared, and before having kids I had no symptoms at all.


  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    pop a Tylenol, wait for it to kick in and go at it. I try not to over do myself though because I have gotten sick after working out while on tom.
  • CatShelton
    CatShelton Posts: 147 Member
    I just have to power through it. I get really bad cramps but running seems to help them for me. I just try to motivate myself by thinking about how much better I feel after its over. Hope you feel better soon.
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    pop a Tylenol, wait for it to kick in and go at it. I try not to over do myself though because I have gotten sick after working out while on tom.

    Pills don't do squat for me unless its a perc.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    There are literally 100's of threads in reference to TOM on here where you can find a lot of terrific advice. Just go to the boards and do a search for TOM or Periods or what not and I'm sure you will find a helpful suggestion in there somewheres. :)
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
  • Galloping4God
    Galloping4God Posts: 46 Member
    I just have to power through it. I get really bad cramps but running seems to help them for me. I just try to motivate myself by thinking about how much better I feel after its over. Hope you feel better soon.

    Same for me. There have been times when I am doubled over while walking because I am cramping SO BAD, but by the end, I usually feel better.

    Also- great news- I've had bad cramps every month since I was 10 with my periods. Now that I've gotten my weight under control and exercise every day, I barely have cramps!! I started today (normally I'd be in pain with my knees pulled up to my chest) I took a 5 mile walk with my friend and didn't even know I started!! And pills don't do dittily for me, either. So I understand!! I hope you feel better and it'll be better next time!
  • BrendaaSue
    BrendaaSue Posts: 2
    I usually take like 3 Pamprin, drink tons and tons and tons of water, and then go to yoga. I love yoga because it's a satisfying workout, but still pretty mellow. Not to mention, being able to center myself eases the crazy-*****-mode & also helps me stay motivated/focused. :)
  • nayeliholmes
    nayeliholmes Posts: 12 Member
    I don't if they are bad cramps, but mine are sometimes so bad that I barely move and am almost in tears... probably from endo.

    Anyway I try to do exercises that don't aggravate them. Some exercises can even help alleviate cramps. Maybe do some weight lifting, walking around, stretches, etc.
  • vaquera19
    vaquera19 Posts: 14 Member
    This is why I've been on hormone-based birth control since I was 17 and have a Mirena IUD now. My cramps used to completely take me out of commission, and I've even had to have a family member come pick me up from the gym because I couldn't get out of the fetal position to drive. Oftentimes, birth control with hormones in it will lesson your symptoms. I went for the Mirena when I got married because I wanted something I didn't have to worry about every day, but it's been the best by far for preventing cramps (of course, it's also the most expensive up front as well). I do get a small cramp every now and then around "that time", but other than that, I more or less don't have to deal with it.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    OTC pain meds don't work for me either. I use a heating pad sometimes to take the edge off first. But really, you have to go deep down inside yourself and just die. Then go workout. Ugh! I try to stick with yoga and strength training on my really bad days.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    This is why I've been on hormone-based birth control since I was 17 and have a Mirena IUD now. My cramps used to completely take me out of commission, and I've even had to have a family member come pick me up from the gym because I couldn't get out of the fetal position to drive. Oftentimes, birth control with hormones in it will lesson your symptoms. I went for the Mirena when I got married because I wanted something I didn't have to worry about every day, but it's been the best by far for preventing cramps (of course, it's also the most expensive up front as well). I do get a small cramp every now and then around "that time", but other than that, I more or less don't have to deal with it.
    I'm in a similar situation, but when I switched to the Mirena, my cramps that I had before the pill came back. They were to the point where I was missing work and curled up in a ball on my bed crying and screaming into a pillow. I talked to my doctor, and she put me on Hydrocodone for the pain. It helps some, but not too much. I may have to talk to her about upping my dosage, but the problem is that it knocks me out. Kinda defeats the purpose because then I still can't work. :ohwell:
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I take something called ketoralac. I'm on a paragard, and if I do ANY exercise when it's that time of the month, I throw up. fantastic right? my gyno said to use naproxen (totally useless), so my family doctor prescribed me these. I can take up to four a day, but one in the AM keeps me going for a day. :)
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Oh. This is not the kind of TMI I like.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I take something called ketoralac. I'm on a paragard, and if I do ANY exercise when it's that time of the month, I throw up. fantastic right? my gyno said to use naproxen (totally useless), so my family doctor prescribed me these. I can take up to four a day, but one in the AM keeps me going for a day. :)

    also, I really hate to preach, but please get checked for clotting disorders with hormonal birth control. I got a DVT that almost killed me. :(
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    I dont think I need to worry about birth control anymore, I'm done having babies.

    Ill just get off my butt and do it! No pain no gain! Errrr no loss...
  • michellechawner
    I have been doubled over in pain with cramps... and I at least walk.

    Pop IBU 800mg and I do ok. Some months are worse than others. Considering the only working out I do is yoga and walking (due to medical reasons I can't lift any heavy weights and do vigorous activity, I know, it really sucks. I'm trying to build up to it though, with my dr's permission.)

    Pill or no pill, I still have horrible cramps, that's why I'm on the pill so I can plan which days I will have it so I know it's coming. Usually only 2 days I'm really lethargic. The other days are manageable. At least walk, if you do nothing else. Then you'll feel you accomplished something at least :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,026 Member
    Midol, compression garment, tylenol.
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    I have been doubled over in pain with cramps... and I at least walk.

    Pop IBU 800mg and I do ok. Some months are worse than others. Considering the only working out I do is yoga and walking (due to medical reasons I can't lift any heavy weights and do vigorous activity, I know, it really sucks. I'm trying to build up to it though, with my dr's permission.)

    Pill or no pill, I still have horrible cramps, that's why I'm on the pill so I can plan which days I will have it so I know it's coming. Usually only 2 days I'm really lethargic. The other days are manageable. At least walk, if you do nothing else. Then you'll feel you accomplished something at least :)

    Putting the baby in the Quinny freestyle (big heavy stroller) and going for a long walk right now ;)
  • janelle1993
    janelle1993 Posts: 128
    After starting, you should feel some pain subside every few minutes, since exercise actually reduces cramps. Whenever I'm feeling really crampy I like to power walk because that helps me. But popping some midol 15 minutes should really help if it's really bad.